Chapter 7 Flashcards
Operant extinction
Responding that meets the reinforcement contingency no longer produces the reinforcer and, as a result, it falls to baseline (no reinforcer) levels.
Escape extinction
Operant extinction of negatively reinforced behavior
Responding that meets the negative reinforcement contingency no longer removes or reduces the aversive event. As a result, responding decreases to baseline (no-reinforcer) levels.
The direct relation between prior reinforcement rate and how quickly behavior undergoes extinction
Partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE)
Temporary resumption in operant responding following time away from the extinction setting
Spontaneous recovery of operant behavior
When a previously reinforced response no longer produces the reinforcer, we call this _______ _______.
Operant extinction
In Skinner’s (1938) experiment, when lever pressing no longer produced a food reinforcer, the rate of lever pressing gradually _______.
Decreased (or extinguished)
Imagine that you broke your leg and are in the hospital recovering. You are in a lot of pain. Your nurse gives you a pain-killing drug called oxycodone. It takes the pain away wonderfully. Later in the night, the pain returns and you ask the nurse for another dose. If asking for oxy is the behavior of interest, this is an example of _______ reinforcement (SR_).
Negative (SRE-)
Imagine that, after your fifth dose of oxy, it no longer works. The pain is vivid and taking a sixth dose does not help either. You stop asking for oxy. What accounts for the decrease in asking for oxy? _______
Operant extinction (or extinction)
According to the PREE, the decrease in asking for oxygen should happen _______ (slowly/quickly) because prior to extinction this behavior was reinforced at a high rate.
But that pain is really awful, so you are highly motivated to escape from the pain. This should make the decrease happen more _______ (slowly/quickly).
The rat’s behavior underwent extinction in session 1. Despite this response decrement, at the beginning of session 2, responding resumed at a fairly high rate. This temporary increase in operant responding at the beginning of session 2 is called _______ _______.
Spontaneous recovery
If you asked for oxy before the pain returned, this would be an example of _______ reinforcement (SR_).
Negative (SRA-)
Extinction burst
Temporary increase in the rate, magnitude, or duration of the previously reinforced response
Extinction-induced variability
An increase in the variety of the operant response topographies following extinction
Extinction-induced resurgence
When one operant behavior is extinguished, other (different) behaviors that were previously reinforced are emitted again
The primary effect of operant extinction is that it _______ the rate of previously reinforced behavior to its baseline (no reinforcer) level.
Operant extinction can induce negative _______, such as frustration, anger and depression.
Such an increase in emotion following extinction is called extinction-_______ emotional behavior.
You are discussing politics with your parents. You want them to vote for your favorite candidate but they are not providing the reinforcer (I.e. they are not swayed by your arguments). As they extinguish your efforts, you change your tactics and say, “If you really love me, you will vote for my candidate.” This variation in strategy is an example of extinction-induced _______.
Sometimes after extinction begins, a temporary, often emotion-filled burst of the previously reinforced response occurs. This is called extinction _______.
When Tyson wa sin high school, he used flash cards to study and got good grades. When he got to college he found that he could get good grades just by reading the book and studying his lecture notes. Then Tyson took a class in which his study method was not working. He got really bad grades on the first two exams. Tyson went back to the flash-card method of studying. This return to a previously successful study method is an example of extinction-induced _______.
The scientific method used to (1) determine if a problem behavior is an operant and (2) identify the reinforcer that maintains that operant
Functional analysis of behavior
Automatic reinforcer
A consequence that is directly produced by the response - it is not provided by someone else - and which increases the behavior above a no-reinforcer baseline.
Differential reinforcement
A procedure in which a previously reinforced behavior is placed on extinction while a second behavior is reinforced
There are two reasons to conduct a _______ analysis of behavior. First, to determine if the problem behavior is an operant behavior.
The second reason to conduct a functional analysis of behavior is to identify the _______ that maintains the problem behavior.
Scratching an itch produces automatic consequences - skin stimulation and escape from the itchy feeling. These consequences are called _______ reinforcers.
_______ reinforcement is a procedure in which one response is reinforced and the other is extinguished.
If it is impossible to prevent the reinforcer from occurring after an operant response, then it will be impossible to implement ______. Because this is an important component of differential reinforcement, if you can’t withhold the reinforcer, then you can’t implement differential reinforcement.
The difference between DRA and DRI is that in DRI you reinforce a response that is _______ with the problem behavior.
If the goal is to decrease the rate of an operant response, the _______ procedure can be very effective. If the goal is to increase the response rate, then you will want to use _______.