Chapter 11 Flashcards
Continuous reinforcement
Every instance of the response is reinforced
Intermittent reinforcement
the response is sometimes but not always reinforced
Schedule of reinforcement
precisely specifies the nature of the contingent relation between a response and its reinforcer
Ratio schedule of reinforcement
specifies the number of responses that must be made in order for the reinforcer to be delivered.
Fixed ratio (FR) schedule
The number of responses required per reinforcer is the same every time
A telemarketer is paid $10 bonus after making 5 calls that result in sales (FR ______)
FR 5
A child receives a coupon for 1 free pizza after reading her 20th book (FR _____)
FR 20
A pigeon earns grain after pecking the key 100 times (__R_____)
FR 100
The coach screams “Nice work!” only if the athlete lifts the weight 20 times. (_______)
FR 20
The link opens after it is double-clicked. (_______)
FR 2
A dog earns a treat every other time he rolls over when instructed. (_______)
FR 2
Cumulative record
A graphical display of responding as it unfolds over time
Variable (VR) schedule
Th number of responses required per reinforcer is not the same every time
On average, Geoffrey asks 4 people to go on a date before 1 of them says yes. (VR_____)
VR 4
A novice basketball player makes a basket, on average, 1 time in 9 attempts. (__R_____)
VR 9
The chance of throwing a Yahtzee is about 1 in 100. Said another way, if you throw the dice all day, you will throw an average of 100 times before getting a Yahtzee. Of course, it is unpredictable when the next Yahtzee will be thrown. (_____ _____)
VR 100
At the grocery store, each time customers make a purchase they have a 1 in 75 chance of getting a $10 off coupon. (_____ _____)
VR 75
A casino Blackjack player wins on the 1st hand. Then he wins again after 4 hands, then again after 2 hands, and finally after 5 hands. (_____ ____)
VR 3
Chuck shucks oyesters at the pub. He’s done it all his life. On average, 1 time out of 12,000, when he opens an oyester, he finds a pearl. (____ ____)
VR 12000
When the reinforcer is provided after every response, the contingency is described as ________________ (continuous or intermittent) reinforcement.
When the reinforcer is only provided after some responses, or only after a response is made after some time has passed, the contingency is described as ________________ (continuous or intermittent) reinforcement.
A _______________of reinforcement precisely specifies the nature of the contingent relation between a response and its reinforcer.
A _______________ schedule of reinforcement specifies the number of responses that must be made in order for the reinforcer to be delivered.
In a ratio schedule of reinforcement, the term “ratio” refers to the ratio of responses to ________________.
A __________-ratio schedule is operating when the number of responses required per reinforcer is the same every time.
In a __________-ratio schedule, the number of responses required per reinforcer is not the same every time.
A graph that shows responding as it unfolds over time is known as a ________________ ________________.
Cumulative record
Under a __________-ratio schedule, nonhumans animals will respond with a __________ and __________ pattern.
In this FR pattern, the “break” refers to a post-reinforcement ________________ and the “run” refers to a _______________ rate of responding.
Under a __________-ratio schedule, the usual response pattern is a high rate of responding with infrequent pausing.
As response requirements (or prices) increase, subjects prefer __________-ratio schedules over __________-ratio schedules.
When reinforcers are probabilistic, as they are when we roll the dice, play the odds, or gamble, our behavior is operating under a ________ schedule of reinforcement.
Variable ratio (VR)
All else being equal, _______-ratio schedules maintain higher peak response rates than _______-ratio schedules.
Interval schedule of reinforcement
specifies the amount of time that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer
Fixed-interval (FI) schedule
specifies a constant time interval that must elapse before a single response will produce the reinforcer
A rat earns 1 food pellet for pressing a lever after every 90 seconds elapses. (FI ____)
A manager times her employee-supervision task to occur once ever 3 hours. When she arrives on the factory floor, she praises the first safe behavior that she observes one of her employees doing. (___ ____)
FI 3hr
Every 6 hours, the video game restocks the player’s coin bank. To see if the bank has been restocked, the player must go into the game app. If the player opens the app sooner than 6 hours, the effort is wasted – the bank has not been restocked and the player cannot play. (_____ _____)
FI 6hr
The #4 bus leaves the station every 15 minutes. Janus arrives at the station and sees the #4 bus leaving without him. He sits down and reads, occasionally looking up to see if the bus is coming while he waits. (_____ _____)
FI 15m
Tammy likes to listen to the New York Times The Daily podcast, which is dropped at 5 AM every day. Although Tammy does not know what time the podcast is dropped, she knows that it happens early in the morning every day. Tammy does not check her podcast app in the afternoon or in the evening, she only checks in the morning. (____ _______)
FI 24hr
Variable-interval (VI) schedule
the amount of time that must elapse before the first response is reinforced is not the same every time
A pigeon earns grain for pecking a light after an average of 50 seconds. (VI ____)
Manuel is watching the night sky for falling stars. If he watches the sky constantly, he sees one, on average, about every 9 minutes. (___ ____)
VI 9m
The teacher tells her students that when the bell chimes, if everyone is in their seat studying quietly, the class will get a 10-minute break outside. She sets the timer for a different duration each time, but the average time to the bell’s chime is 25 minutes. (___ _______)
VI 25m
Aaliyah frequently glances at the email window on her desktop. When she sees that a new email has arrived, she switches to that window and reads it. On Monday morning, new emails arrived after 1 minute, 19 minutes, 13 minutes, and 23 minutes. (___ _______)
VI 14m
The writing student checks online to see if his professor has graded his essay yet. Nothing yet. On average, the professor takes two weeks to grade the essays and release them online; sometimes less time, sometimes more. (_____ _____)
VI 2 weeks
In a(n) _____________ schedule of reinforcement, the first response emitted after the timer elapses is reinforced.
Under a(n) ___________ schedule of reinforcement, the faster one responds, the faster the reinforcer will be obtained. However, this is not true under _________-schedules. Under the latter, all responses made before the timer elapses are wasted – they will never be reinforced.
There are two kinds of interval schedules: the _______-interval schedule and the ________-interval schedule.
Under a _________-interval schedule, the amount of time that must elapse before the first response is reinforced is not the same every time.
When nonhuman animals and preverbal humans respond on a _________-interval schedule, the response pattern is described as “scalloped.”
Under a __________-interval schedule, pausing is infrequent; instead a steady, moderate response rate is maintained.
In an interval schedule, a single _____________ produces the reinforcer after the FI or VI elapses.
The FI schedule is primarily used to study an individual’s perception of the passage of _____________.
Under a ________-_________ schedule, it is impossible to predict exactly when the next reinforcer will become available.
Suppose an FI 1-minute schedule is in place. After 10 minutes of no responding, the organism finally emits a single response. How many reinforcers will be delivered?
Suppose an FI 1-minute schedule is in place. In the first 50 seconds, the individual makes 152 responses. How many reinforcers will be delivered?
Higher response rates are maintained by variable-__________ schedules than variable-____________ schedules.
Schedule thinning
procedure for gradually reducing the rate of reinforcement, while maintaining the desired behavior
After a new skill has been acquired, it is important to transition from continuous to intermittent reinforcement. To do this, behavior analysts use a technique known as schedule _____________.
Early in training, the desired behavior was maintained with continuous reinforcement (FR 1). Then, the ratio schedule was thinned. Name one of the many possible FR values that could be used to thin the schedule.
FR 2