Chapter 7 Vocab Flashcards
Achievement motivation
A desire to excel or outperform others.
Anorexia nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by the maintenance of unusually low body weight and a distorted body image.
Binge-eating disorder
An eating disorder characterized by eating abnormally large amounts of food at one sitting and feeling that eating is out of control, without compensatory behaviors such as induced vomiting or the use of laxatives.
Bulimia nervosa
An eating disorder characterized by bingeing, purging, and having feelings of depression, disgust, and lost control
Cannon-bard theory
A theory of emotion featuring the simultaneous and independent occurrence of physical sensations and subjective feelings during an emotional experience
Display rule
A cultural norm that specifies when, where, and how a person should express an emotion.
A state of tension and arousal triggered by cues important for survival.
Drive reduction
The state of relief and reward produced by removing the tension and arousal of the drive state.
A combination of arousal, physical sensations, and subjective feelings that occurs spontaneously in response to environmental stimuli.
Extrinsic reward
A reward from an outside source
A steady internal balance, or equilibrium
A reward that pulls an organism’s behavior in a particular direction
Intrinsic reward
A reward that arises internally
James-lang theory
A theory of emotion that proposes that physical sensations lead to subjective feelings.
A process that arouses, maintains, and guides behavior toward a goal.
Schachter-singer two-factor theory
A theory of emotion in which general arousal leads to assessment, which in turn leads to subjective feelings.
Self actualization
A state of having fulfilled your potential.
Set point
A value that is defended to maintain homeostasis.
Somatovisceral afference model of emotion (SAME)
A model of emotion in which a range of physical sensations from precise to general requires varying degrees of cognitive processing prior to subjective feelings.
Yerkes-Dodson law
A description of the relationships among task complexity, arousal, and performance.