Chapter 6 Vocab Flashcards
A compulsive physical or psychological dependence on a substance or activity that continues in spite of negative consequences
Alpha wave
A waveform of 9 to 12 cycles per second recorded by electroencephalogram that usually indicated relaxed waking
Beta wave
A waveform of 15 to 30 cycles per second recorded by an electroencephalogram that usually indicated alert waking
Circadian rhythm
A daily biological rhythm
A state of awareness
Delta wave
A waveform of 1 to 4 cycles per second recorded by electroencephalogram that usually indicated deep non-rapid eye movement sleep
Gamma wave
A waveform of more than 30 cycles per second recorded by electroencephalogram that indicated attention to sensory input
A drug that stimulates the experience of false perceptions
A voluntary alteration of consciousness characterized by positive emotion and as sense of thought
A sleep disorder characterized by the intrusion of rapid eye movement phenomena into waking.
Non-rapid eye movement (N-REM) sleep
The components of sleep characterized by theta and delta wave activity, as recorded by electroencephalogram, and deep physical relaxation.
Psychoactive drug
Any drug with the capability of altering a person’s state of consciousness
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
The component of sleep characterized by waveforms resembling waking, as measured by electroencephalogram, accompanied by rapid motion of the eyes, muscular paralysis, and sympathetic nervous system activation.
Self awareness
The special understanding of the self as distinct from other stimuli.
Any drug that increases the activity of the nervous system.