Chapter 12 Vocab Flashcards
A Big Five personality trait characterized by trustworthiness, altruism, trust, compliance, modesty, and tender mindedness.
Big Five theory
A trait theory that identifies five main characteristics that account for most individual differences in personality
A Big Five personality trait characterized by competence, order, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline, and deliberation.
Defense mechanism
In Sigmund Freud’s personality theory, a protective behavior that reduces anxiety.
The component of Sigmund Freud’s personality theory that is the self that others see.
One of the Big Five traits characterized by warmth, gregariousness, assertiveness, activity, excitement seeking, and positive emotion; opposite of introversion
The component of Sigmund Freud’s personality theory containing primitive drives present at birth.
One of the Big Five traits characterized by coolness, reserve, passivity, inactivity, caution, and negative emotion; opposite of extroversion.
Locus of control
A cognitive expectancy featured in social–cognitive learning theories of personality about the source of individual outcomes; an external locus of control sees outcomes as resulting from luck or chance, while an internal locus of control sees outcomes as the result of individual effort
A Big Five personality trait characterized by anxiety, angry hostility, depression, self-consciousness, impulsivity, and vulnerability.
A big Five personality trait characterized by an appreciation for fantasy, feelings, actions, ideas, values, and aesthetics.
Reciprocal determinism
A social– cognitive learning theory of personality that features the mutual influence of the person and that of the situation on each other.
People’s description of their own characteristics.
A judgment of the value of the self
A cognitive organization that helps us think about the self and process self-relevant information.
Social-cognitive learning theory
A theory of personality that features cognition and learning, especially from the social environment, as important sources of individual differences in personality.
The component of Sigmund Freud’s personality theory that internalizes society’s rules for right and wrong, or the conscience.
A child’s pattern of mood, activity, or emotional responsiveness linked to later personality.
A stable personality characteristic