Chapter 7: Learning Flashcards
A relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs because of experiences
Association Learning
learning that certain events occur together
Ivan Pavlov
Russian M.D. studied the association between salivation and digestion in dogs
amount of time for NS to CS
(N) + (UCS) = (UCR)
(CS) = (CR)
(N) has nothing to do with the (UCS) or (UCR). Eventually the (N) will become the (CS) even though the (UCS) is not present.
Stimulus Generalization
response spreads from one specific stimulus to other that resembles original
gradual loss of an association over time if new response is presented w/o UCS every so often
quick relearning following extinction
Spontaneous Recovery
sudden reappearance of extinguished response by repairing the CS + UCS
distinguish different CS
Second-Order Conditioning
a phenomenon when CS acts like a UCS creating CS out of associated events
Difference of Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical- how we learn involuntary responses
Operant- How we learn voluntary responses
Operant Behavior
behavior to produce consequences
Respondent Behavior
Reaction to stimuli, automatic response
Rewarded Behavior
behavior likely to reoccur
follows a response, strengthens tendency to repeat
Primary Reinforcement
unlearned; for survival
Secondary Reinforcement
learned; represent primary reinforcer
Positive Reinforcement
Strengthen tendency to repeat response by, adding something pleasant
Negative Reinforcement
Strengthen response by following it with the removal of something unpleasant
Premack’s Principle
any act can be reinforced by a more preferred activity
Escape Conditioning
type of learning in which organism learns to make a particular response to terminate an aversive stimulus
process of weakening a response by following it with unpleasant consequences
behavior spreads form one situation to similar
Discrimination learning
reverse of generalization
when a response is no longer followed by reinforcement , response stops
process of gradual refinement of a response by successively reinforcing
reinforcing the connection
Continuous Reinforcement
reinforcing every time a response happens
Partial Fixed-Ratio
Certain # of responses before reinforcement
Partial Variable-Ratio
Varying # of responses before reinforcement
Partial Fixed-Interval
Certain time + response before reinforcement
Partial Variable-Interval
Varying time + response before reinforcement
Observational Learning
Idea of learning from behavior of others
Nonviolent/Positive response
Violent/Negative response
Vicarious Learning
learned by watching what happens to others
Cognitive Approach
emphasizes abstract mental processes and previous knowledge
Latent Learning
not obvious, under the surface until an incentive to demonstrate
Intrinsic Motivation
desire to perform for its own sake
Extrinsic Motivation
desire to perform to receive promised reward or avoid threat
Reinforcement Value
preference for certain reinforcement; Highly Individualized
Cognitive Maps
mental representation of enviroment