Chapter 7: 7.1 Basics of Genetic Engineering Flashcards
What does genetic engineering allow us to identify?
THe role of every amino acid in a protein
What is genetic engineering used to study?
Protein structure and function
Genetic manipulation
Select genes can be input (“cloned”) into plasmids either in their native form or manipulated/mutated form for genetic manipulation or protein analysis
Genes can be cloned from any ——- DNA
Can cloned genes be manipulated?
What are the 4 steps in cloning?
- Clone gene
- Insert cloned gene into plasmid
- Insert plasmid into host
- Grow host
What can the gene be cloned from?
- cDNA
- mRNA
- Genomic DNA (prokaryotes only)
What are expression vectors in cloning?
- Circular form of dsDNA
- Often are/are derived from naturally occuring bacterial DNA
The insertion of a gene of interest into plasmid results in…
Recombinant DNA
* DNA consisting of genetic material from several sources
What are the key components of plasmids?
- Origin of replication
- Selection marker
- Multiple cloning site
- Promoter
What are circularized plasmids replicated in bacteria for?
To produce more:
* Plasmid
* Protein (translated from gene insert)
Restriction enzymes
Restriction endonuclease (RE)
* Cut dsDNA at palindromic sites
What did restriction endonucleases come from?
Prokaryotic cells
What types of ends can restriction enzymes create?
- Blunt ends
- Sticky ends