Chapter 7 Flashcards
Why do slash-and-burn cultivators farm a plot of land for a year or two and then abandon it for several years?
The wild vegetation needs time to reestablish itself before it is burned to clear the land and fertilize the soil.
Which of the following statements about irrigation is FALSE?
Irrigation is a defining characteristic of foraging societies.
Throughout the many years that Kottak has been doing research among the nonindustrial Betsileo of Madagascar, he has witnessed the impact of globalization on their livelihood. All of the following have threatened the traditional fabric of Betsileo life EXCEPT
the increased presence of anthropologists collaborating with local leaders to preserve their ancestral lands.
Intensive agriculture
has significant environmental effects, such as deforestation, water pollution, and reduction of ecological diversity.
What is a mode of production?
a set of social relations that organizes labor necessary for generating the society’s subsistence and energy needs
How are nonindustrial economic systems embedded in society?
The economic system cannot easily be separated from other systems, such as kinship.
Who are peasants?
small-scale farmers with rent fund obligations
Despite differences arising from environmental variation, all foraging economies have shared one essential feature:
their reliance on available natural resources for their subsistence, rather than controlling the reproduction of plants and animals.
Generalized reciprocity
is the characteristic form of exchange in egalitarian societies.
This chapter’s “Focus on Globalization” section discusses economic globalization. Which of the following is an outcome of our twenty-first century global economy?
Modern-day transnational finance has shifted economic control of local life to outsiders.
Until 12,000 years ago, people everywhere were
Another name for foragers is
Which of the following was a characteristic shared by recent foraging communities?
They lived in marginal environments that were of little interest to food-producing societies.
What is a typical feature of the foraging lifestyle?
One of the few status distinctions maintained by foragers is based on
Many agriculturalists use ________ for transport, cultivation, and manure.
In the ________, horticultural systems stand at one end and agriculturalists at the other.
cultivation continuum
Which term refers to a system in which only part of a pastoral population moves seasonally with herds?
Which of the following refers to a system of resource production, distribution, and consumption?
Which of the following refers to a society’s major productive resources, such as land, labor, technology, and capital?
means (or factors) of production
Which of the following refers to the allocation of scarce means among alternative ends?
Potentially hostile exchanges among strangers defines the term
negative reciprocity.
Which term refers to the flow of goods from the local level into the center, and then back out?
Which term refers to a competitive feast that occurs on the North Pacific Coast of North America?
Which of the following is NOT characteristic of band-organized societies?
permanent villages
Agriculturalists tend to live in permanent villages that are larger and closer to other settlements than the semipermanent settlements of horticulturalists.
Which of the following is most characteristic of foragers?
high mobility and small groups with flexible affiliations
With generalized reciprocity, the individuals participating in the exchange usually do not know the other person prior to the exchange
Pastoralists may add some grain to their diet either through cultivation or trade.
A horticultural system of cultivation is characterized by
periodic cycles of cultivation and fallowing.