Chapter 1 Flashcards
The four fields of anthropology include
cultural, archaeological, biological, and linguistic anthropology.
Ethnology is
the study of sociocultural differences and similarities based on data gathered in different societies.
Biological anthropology includes the study of
human genetics.
Linguistic anthropology
studies language in its social and cultural context, across space and time.
A __________ is a framework of logically connected ideas.
Applied anthropology
encompasses any use of the knowledge and/or techniques of its four subfields to identify, assess, and solve present-day problems.
Based on his observation that contact between neighboring tribes had existed since humanity’s beginnings and covered enormous areas, Franz Boas argued that
cultures should not be treated as isolated phenomena.
Which of the following best describes biological anthropology?
the study of human biological diversity
refers to the application of anthropological data and methods to solve contemporary social problems
Applied anthropology
Which of the following statements about theories is the most accurate?
Theories provide explanations for associations.
As a field of study that is devoted to discovering, describing, understanding, appreciating, and explaining similarities and differences in time and space among humans and our ancestors, anthropology can be considered
a “humanistic science.”
Paleoecology looks at the ecosystems of the past.
The interests and methods of anthropology and sociology are now converging.
Participation and achievement in sports are intrinsically motivated and are not influenced by cultural standards of attractiveness and propriety.
The example of koro was used to describe
culturally specific syndromes.
Which of the following perspectives emphasizes how cultural forces constantly mold human biology?
biocultural perspective
A(n) __________ is a proposed explanation for an association and must be tested.
What is the process by which children learn a particular cultural tradition?
The presence of more efficient respiratory systems to extract oxygen from the air among human populations living at high altitudes is an example of
long-term physiological adaptation.
Which of the following dimensions were recognized by the American Anthropological Association when it formally acknowledged a public service role?
academic anthropology and applied anthropology
How are the four subfields of U.S. anthropology unified?
Each subfield studies human variation through time and space.
Which of the following statements takes a biocultural perspective?
A certain culture shuns athletics because a flabby body is considered attractive.
Anthropology is a science, yet it has been suggested that anthropology is among the most humanistic of all academic fields. This is because
of its fundamental respect for human diversity.
Anthropology is a uniquely holistic and comparative science.
A biological anthropologist might study the field known as primatology.
Applied anthropology encompasses any use of the knowledge and/or techniques of its four subfields to identify, assess, and solve theoretical problems.
Archaeologists study only prehistoric communities.
General anthropology refers to
anthropology as a whole, or “four-field anthropology.”
Ethnography involves the collection of data that is used to create an account of a particular community, society, or culture.
In the social sciences, explanations are usually probable rather than absolute.