Chapter 6.5 More about Internal and External Validity Flashcards
are threats to both external and internal validity. They are external factors that may influence or distort measurements.
First artifact is experimenter bias
occurs when the experimenter’s expectations or personal beliefs regarding the outcome of the study influence the findings of a study. Single and double blind studies minimize the potential for experimenter bias
Second artifact is demand characteristics and reactivity
demand characteristics refer to any of potential cues or features of a study that suggests to the participants what the purpose and hypothesis is and influence the participants to respond or behave in a certain way. Reactivity occurs when participant modify their natural behavior in response to the fact that they are participating in a research study or the knowledge that they are being measured.
Exaggerated variables
We should exaggerate and take high difference variables to define the relationships (internal validity) but while doing that we should be cautios about external validity because of the high difference we cannot generalize.
Research strategies vs internal external
decriptive, correlational and non experimental tend to examine variables in their natural real world settings so have high external validity. Full experimental tend to have high internal validity. Quasi experimental studies somewhere in between.