Chapter 6: Therapeutic Communication Flashcards
What is content?
Literal words that a person speaks
What is context?
The environment in which communication occurs and can include time and the physical, social, emotional, and cultural environments
What is Process?
Denotes all nonverbal messages that the spekaer uses to give meaning and context to the message.
Process component of communication requires listeners to
observe the behaviors and sounds that accent the words and to interpret the speakers nonverebal behaviors to assess whetehr they agree or disagree
A congruent message is conveyed when?
When content and process agree
Example of congruent message?
“I know I haven’t been myself. I need help”. While having a sad facial expression.
Exampl eof Incongruent message?
Saying “i’m here to get help” but having rigid posture and clenched fists
What is therapeutic communication?
An interpersonal interaction between the nurse and the client during which the nurse focusese on the client’s specific needs to promote an effective exchange of information
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What are PRoxemics?
Study of distance zones between people during communication. People feel more comfortable in smaller distancing when communicating with someone they know
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What are the four distance zone?
Intimate Zone 0-18 inches
Personal Zone: 18-36 in
Social Zone: 4-12 ft
Public Zone 12-25 ft
What is the intimate zone?
This space is comfortable for patients with young children, people who mutually desire personal contact, or people whispering. Invasion of this zone produces anxiety
What is the personal zone?
This distance is comfortable between family and fiends who are talking
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What is the Social Zone?
This distance is acceptable for communication in social, work, and business settings
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What is the Public Zone?
This is an acceptable distance between the speaker and an audience
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: Which culture are comfortable with talking in close proximity?
Hispanic, Mediterranean, East Indian, Asian, and Middle Eastern
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What group may not be comfortable with talking close?
European American or African American Heritage
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: What should you say when talking the blood pressure of someone?
“Mr Smith, to take your blood pressure I will wrap this aorund your arm and listen with a stethoscope. Is this acceptable for you?”
Privacy and Respecting Boundaries: Therapeutic communication interaction is most comfortable when at what distance?
3-6 ft
Touch: What did Knapp identify?
The five types of touch
Touch: What are the five types of touch?
Functional-Professional Social-Polite Friendship-Warmth Love-Intimacy Sexual-Arousal
Touch: What is Functional - Professional touch?
Used in examinations or procedures such as when the nurse touches a client to assess skin turgor or massage
Touch: What is Social-Polite Touch?
Used ing reeting, such as a handshake and the “air kisses” some people use to great acquaintances
Touch: What is Friendship-Warmth touch?
Involves a hug in greeting , an arm thrown around the shoulder of a good friend, or the backslapping some people use to greet friends and relativevs
Touch: What is Love-Intimacy touch?
Touch involves tight hugs and kisses between lovers or close relatives