Chapter 6 The Lymphatic & Immune Systems Flashcards
lymphatic vessels and ducts
lymph nodes
tonsill/o, adenoid/o
tonsils and adenoids
bone marrow
The fluid that removes cellular waste products, pathogens, and dead blood cells from the tissues
The capillaries, vessels, and ducts that return lymph from the tissues to the venous bloodstream.
Lymphatic vessels and ducts
Bean-shaped structures of the lymphatic system where pathogens and other harmful substances are filtered from the lymph by specialized cells of the immune system
Lymph Nodes
Lymphoid structures of the lymphatic system that protect the entry to the respiratory system.
Tonsils and Adenoids
A sac-like mass of lymphoid tissue with protective roles in both the immune and lymphatic systems.
Produces lymphocytes
Bone Marrow
Specialized leukocytes that play important roles in immune reactions.
A gland located in the upper chest with specialized roles in both the lymphatic and immune systems.
immune, protection, safe
neo-, ne/o
new, strange
tumor, neoplasm
eat, swallow
formative material of cells
flesh, connective tissue
pertaining to
poison, poisonous
What are the 3 main functions of the lymphatic system?
- Absorb fats and fat-soluble vitamins through the lacteals of the small intestine
- Remove waste products from the tissues and cooperate with the immune system in destroying invading pathogens.
- Return filtered lymph to the veins at the base of the neck.
What are villi, where are they located, and what do they contain?
Small fingerlike projections in the small intestine that contain lacteals and blood vessels.
Specialized structures of the lymphatic system that absorb fats that cannot be transported in the bloodstream. Instead they are transported via lymphatic vessels to venous circulation so they can be used throughout the body as nutrients.
Plasma from arterial blood that flows out of the arterioles and into the capillaries, and then flows into the spaces b/w the cells of the tissues. It delivers nutrients, O2, and hormones to cells and takes back waste products and protein molecules that were created within cells. 90% of this fluid returns to bloodstream.
Interstitial fluid (aka intercellular or tissue fluid)
A clear, watery fluid containing electrolytes and proteins that makes up 10% of the interstitial fluid and plays role in lymphatic and immune systems.
Differences in the lymphatic circulatory system
- Depends on pumping motion of muscles instead of heart
- Only flows in one direction- upward until it returns to the circulatory system at the base of the neck.
- Lymph is filtered by lymph nodes instead of the kidneys
- Not readily visible since it is clear.
Microscopic, sealed on one end tubes located near the surface of the body with capillary walls that are only one cell in thickness. As they close, push lymph upwards.
lymphatic capillaries
Where does lymph flow into after lymphatic capillaries?
into lymphatic vessels located deeper within tissues
How are lymphatic vessels like veins?
The have valves to prevent backflow of lymph
Lymphatic vessels eventually join together to form what?
The right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct
Collects lymph from the right side of the head and neck, the upper right quadrant of the body, and the right arm and empties into the right subclavian vein.
Right lymphatic duct
Largest lymphatic vessels of the body that collects lymph from the left side of the head and neck, the upper left quadrant of the trunk, the left arm, lower portion of trunk and legs and empties into the left subclavian vein.
thoracic duct
pertaining to
pertaining to
Location of cervical lymph nodes.
along the sides of the neck
Location of axillary lymph nodes.
in armpits
Location of inguinal lymph nodes.
the inguinal (groin) area of the lower abdomen
Where are lymphocytes formed?
in bone marrow as stem cells
any substance that the body regards as being foreign (includes viruses, bacteria, toxins, and transplanted tissues)
3 types of lymphcytes
Natural killer cells, B cells, T cells
Lymphocytes that play an important role in the killing of cancer cells and cells infected by viruses
natural killer cells (NK cells)
Specialized lymphcytes that produce specific antibodies against viruses and bacteria
B cells (aka B lymphocytes)
Develop from B cells and secrete a large volume of antibodies coded to detroy specific antigens
Plasma cells
Lymphocytes that originate in the thymus that play a role in cell-mediated immunity
T cells (aka T lymphocytes)
group of proteins released by T cells that are signals to begin immune response
Protein produced in response to mostly viruses and tumor cell antigens and activate the immune system, slow antigen multiplication, and signal other cells
Protein that plays roles in the immune system, including directing B and T cells to divide and proliferate
The masses of lymphoid tissue that form a protective ring around the back of the nose and upper throat
3 tonsils
adenoids, palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils
Tonsils located in the nasopharynx (upper part of pharynx)
adenoids (aka naspharyngeal tonsils)
Tonsils located on the left and right sides of the throat
palatine tonsils
the hard and soft palates that form the roof of the mouth
Tonsils that are located at the base of the tongue
lingual tonsils
Mass of lymphoid tissue located above the heart that secretes a hormone that stimulates the maturation of lymphocytes into T cells
thymus (gland)
Hangs from the lower portion of the cecum/large intestine and may play an important role in the immune system
the vermiform appendix (aka appendix)
to destroy
What is the hemolytic function of the spleen?
destroys worn-out erythrocytes and releases their hemoglobin for reuse
The immune system’s first line of defense
- Intact Skin (with it’s acid mantle)
- Respiratory system(nose hairs & mucous membranes; tonsils, coughing, sneezing)
- Digestive system (acids and enzymes)
- Lymphatic system (leukocytes)
Involves binding antigens to antibodies which labels an antigen so it can be recognized and destroyed by other cells of the immune system.
antigen-antibody reaction (aka immune reaction)
An acquired unresponsiveness to a specific antigen
A disease-fighting protein created by the immune system in response to the presence of a specific antigen
antibody (aka immunoglobulin)
Most abundant class of antibodies found in blood serum and lymph that are active against bacteria, fungi, viruses, and foreign particles
Immunoglobulin G (IgG)
Class of antibodies against ingested antigens found in body secretions.
Class of antibodies found in circulating body fluids first to appear in response to an initial exposure to an antigen
Class of antibodies found only on the surface of B cells for their activation
Class of antibodies produced in lungs, skin, and mucous membranes responsible for allergic reactions
Specialized leukocytes that act as part of the antigen-antibody reaction by destroying substances such as cell debris, dust, pollen, and pathogens by the process of phagocytosis
the process of destroying pathogens by surrounding and swallowing them
4 kinds of phagocytes
Monocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells
Leukocytes/phagocytes that provide immunological defenses again many infectious organisms and replenish macrophages and dendritic cells.
Type of leukocyte/phagocyte the surrounds and kills invading cells
a cell that eats
Leukocyte/phagocyte that patrols the body searching for antigens, eats it and then alerts the B & T cells to act against this specific antigen
dendritic cells
A group of proteins that normally circulate in the blood in an inactive form but when needed complement the ability of antibodies to ward of pathogens
the complement system
The state of being resistant to a specific disease
Resistance to a disease present without the administration of an antigen or exposure to a disease
natural immunity (passive immunity)
Resistance to a disease by being exposed to it or by getting vaccinated for it
Acquired immunity
Medical professional who specializes in diagnosing and treating conditions of altered immunologic reactivity, such as allergic reactions
Specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the immune system
A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating disorders of the lymphatic system
a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating malignant disorders such as tumors and cancer
(aka swollen glands) an inflammation of the lymph nodes
any disease process affecting a lymph node or nodes
a benign tumor formed by an abnormal collection of lymphatic vessels due to a congenital malformation of the lymphatic system
Torn spleen
ruptured spleen
bleeding from the spleen
enlargement of the spleen
test performed to detect damage or malformations of the lymphatic vessels
swelling of the tissues due to an abnormal accumulation of lymph fluid within the tissues
Primary lymphedema
hereditary condition of lymphatic system, usually in females, with feet/leg swelling
Secondary lymphedema
caused by damage to lymphatic vessels
Bioimpedance spectroscopy
noninvasive method of diagnosing lymphedema
Occurs when the body’s immune system reacts to a harmless allergen such as pollen, food, or animal dander as if it were a dangerous invader
allergic reaction
An overreaction by the body to a particular antigen
allergy (aka hypersensitivity)
A substance that produces an allergic reaction in an individual
Includes redness, itching and burning where the skin has come in contact with an allergen
localized allergic response (aka cellular response)
A severe response to an allergen
a systemic reaction (aka anaphalaxis)
Diagnostic test to identify common allergies
scratch test
Allergy blood test
allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Allergy medication
Any of a large group of disease characterized by a condition in which the immune system produces antibodies against its own tissues, mistaking healthy cells, tissues, or organs for antigens
autoimmune disorder/dz
Occurs when the immune response is compromised.
immunodeficiency disorder
An inherited condition in which abnormalities in the immune system cause an increased susceptibility to infection and FTT as a result of infections.
severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)
A blood-borne infection in which the virus damages or kills the T cells of the immune system, causing it to progressively fail, thus leaving the body at risk of developing many life-threatening opportunistic infections
human immunodefiency virus (HIV)
Caused by a pathogen that only produces illness when the host is debilitated
opportunistic infection
The most advanced and fatal stage of HIV
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
An opportunistic infection frequently associated with HIV that causes patches of abnormal tissue to grow under skin and in lining of mouth, nose, throat or other organs
Kaposi’s sarcoma
A blood test used to screen for the presence of HIV or Lyme antibodies
ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)
More accurate test than ELISA to test for HIV
western blot test
A disease treatment that involves either stimulating (CA) or repressing (allergies) the immune response
Immunotherapy (aka biological therapy)
Used as a post-exposure preventative measure against certain viruses, including rabies and some types of hepatitis
Synthetic immunoglobulins (aka immune serum)
Antibody tx used in the treatment of MS, Hep C, and some CA
synthetic interferon
Any of a class of antibodies produced in the laboratory by identical offspring of a clone of specific cells used to enhance the patient’s immune response to certain maglignancies.
Monoclonal antibodies
Treatment to repress or interfere w/the ability of the immune system to respond to stimulation by antigens
A substance that prevents or reduces the body’s normal immune response
A hormone-like preparation administered primarily as an anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant.
corticosteroid drug
a medication the kills or damages cells used as immunosuppressants or antineoplastics
cytotoxic drug
a microorganism that causes a disease in humans
A living organism so small it can be seen only with the aid of a microscope
Capable of producing dz
one-celled microscopic organisms
Rod-shaped, spore-forming pathogenic bacteria
A contagious dz that can be tramsmitted through infected livestock and has been used in biological warfare
A small bacterium that lives in lice, fleas, ticks, and mites that causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Long, slender, spiral shaped bacteria that have flexible walls and are capable of movement
Transmitted to humans by the bite of a tick that has had contact with a deer infected w/the spirochete Borrelia burgdoreri
Lyme disease
Bacteria that form clusters resembling grapes
clusters or bunches of grapes
spherical bacteria
a form of staphyloccus that often infects wounds, causes toxic shock syndrome or food poisening
staphylococcus aureus
Bacteria that form a chain
Occur when antibiotics fail to kill all of the bacteria they target and the surviving bacteria become restistant to this particular drug
antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria with first symptoms of small red bumps that become abscesses
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
A simple parasitic organism
Tinea pedis
athlete’s foot
A type of fungus
aka yeast infection
a plant or animal that lives on or within another living organism at the expense of that organism
Caused by a parasite that lives in certain mosquitoes and is transferred to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito
A parasite that is most commonly transmitted from pets to humans by contact with contaminated animal feces
Very small infectious agents live only by invading other cells
Rare and generally fatal disease transmitted by contact with any bodily fluids infected with this virus. Sx: high fever, vomiting, diarrhea, massive internal bleeding and organ failure
Highly contagious viral respiratory infection. Sx: fever, sore throat, muscle aches, cough, runny nose, fatigue, PNA
Influenza (flu)
Highly contagious infection that is transmitted by respiratory droplets of the rubeola virus. Sx: red, itchy rash, fever, runny nose, coughing, photophobia
An acute viral infection with sx: swelling of parotid glands, ovaries, or testicles
A viral infection with sx: low-grade fever, swollen glands, inflamed eyes, fine, pink rash
Rubella (aka German measles or three-day measles)
Acute viral infection that is transmitted to humans through the bite or saliva of an infected animal
spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito
West Nile virus
Type of herpesvirus that is present as a silent infection
Aka chickenpox
aka shingles
herpes zoster
A complication that may follow herpes zoster if nerve fibers have been damaged
postherpetic neuralgia
Caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. Sx: fever, sore throat, enlarged lymph nodes, swelling of spleen or liver
Infectious mononucleosis (aka mono)
Medications capable of inhibiting growth or killing pathogenic bacterial microorganisms
causing death
substance that causes the death of bacteria
causing control
Slows or stops the growth of bacteria
a bacteriostatic agent
An agent that destroys or inhibits growth of fungi
antifungal (or antimycotic)
Used to treat viral infections or to provide temporary immunity
an antiviral drug
An abnormal growth of body tissue
tumor or neoplasm
not life-threatening
A benign tumor made up of muscle tissue
becoming progressively worse and life-threatening
A malignant tumor derived from muscle tissue
the process through which a tumor supports its growth by creating its own blood supply
A form of treatment that disrupts the blood supply to the tumor
A class of diseases characterized by the uncontrolled division of cells and the ability of these cells to invade other tissues
To spread from one place to another
The process by which cancer is spread to a new site, and the term is also used to describe the tumor itself
A malignant tumor that occurs in epithelial tissue
A malignant tumor in its original position that has not yet disturbed or invaded the surrounding tissue
carcinoma in situ
Any one of a large group of carcinomas derived from glandular tissue
A malignant tumor that arises from connective tissues
A hard-tissue sarcoma that usually involves the upper shaft of the long bones, pelvis, or knee
A tumor of the tissues surrounding a synovial joint
synovial sarcoma
A cancer of the white blood-forming cells in the bone marrow
The process of classifying tumors by how far the disease has progressed
A general term applied to malignancies affecting lymphoid tissue
A cancer of the immune system distinguished by the presence of large, cancerous lymphcytes known a Reed-Sternberg cells
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Refers to all lymphomas other than Hodkin’s lymphoma
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Breast cancer
a carcinoma that develops from the cells of the breast and can spread to adjacent lymph nodes and other body sites
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
breast cancer at the earlies stage before the cancer has broken through the wall of the milk duct
Infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC)
breast ca that starts in the milk duct and invades the fatty breast tissue outside the duct.
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC)
Aggressive form of breast ca in which the cancer cells block the lymphatic vessels in the skin of the breast.
A radiographic examination of the breasts to detect the presence of tumors or precancerous cells
A nuclear medicine technique using gamma radiation to detect potential tumors in dense breast tissue
Molecular breast imaging (MBI)
Often used as an initial f/u test for an abnormal mammogram
Uses magnets and radio waves and iv contrast medium to get more detailed information of breast
breast MRI
A technique in which an x-ray or MRI guided needle is used to remove small samples of tissue from the breast
needle breast biopsy
pertaining to life
view of
the removal of a small piece of tissue for examination to confirm a diagnosis
surgical biopsy
A surgical procedure in which all of the lymph nodes in a major group are removed to determine or slow the spread of cancer in this area
lymph node dissection
the surgical removal of only the cancerous tissue with the surrounding margin of normal tissue
the surgical removal of the entire breast and nipple
The surgical removal of an entire breast and many of the surrounding tissues
radical mastectomy
The surgical removal of the entire breast and all of the axillary lymph nodes under the adjacent arm
modified radical mastectomy
The use of chemical agents and drugs in combinations selected to destroy malignant cells and tissues
The use of natural or synthetic substances such as drugs or vitamins to reduce the risk of developing
a medication that blocks the development, growth, or proliferation of malignant cells
Used in the treatment in some cancers with the goal of destroying only the cancerous tissues
radiation therapy
The use of radioactive materials in contact with the tissues to be treated
Radiation therapy administered at a distance from the body
Combines tomography and radiation therapy to precisely target the tumor being treated
A developing form of anticancer drug therapy that uses drugs to identify and attack CA cells w/o harming normal cells
Targeted therapy
Sometimes used after the primary cancer treatments have been completed to decrease the chance that cancer will recur.
Adjuvant therapy
Involve testing new and promising cancer treatments that have not yet received FDA approval
Clinical trials