Chapter 6 the company officers role : principles of leadership Flashcards
Scott Windisch
I believe the most important factor in successful leader ship at any job is
To be effective in organizations people need
(Blank) focuses on people working together in organizations
What is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and technology run a smoothly
The most important aspects of management include
Planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling, and problem-solving
(Blank) is a set of processes that creates organizations in the first place or adopts them to significantly changing circumstances
(Blank) defines what the future should look like, aligns people with that vision, and inspires them to make it happen in spite of the obstacles
What is a group of people working together to accomplish a task
An organization
Fire departments are what type of organizations
The fire department bowling league represents what type of organization
All will have a purpose, they are all made up of people, and those people will arrange them selves into some type of structure
Two or more people who come together for a common purpose
How individuals interact and influence one another
Group dynamics
(Blank) is a practice where groups tend to develop numerous dynamic practices that separate them from other individuals
Group dynamics
In a group environment, the two major factors that are considered are
The task at hand and the relationships within the group
The personal actions needed by managers to get the team members to carry out certain activities
Getting other people to do what you want done
Ones influence over others
Managing (blank) deals with Personnel administration, the administrative activities associated with staffing an organization
Human resources
Effective leader ship deals with changing the (blank) of others
Personal conduct
Who said, a leader is a person who has the ability to get other people to do what they don’t want to do, and like it
President Harry Truman
We let our leaders use their (blank) to attempt to influence our actions
Things that help make the (blank) a better place: sound organizational objectives, clear Policies and guidelines, consistent management, clear definition of duties, open lines of communication, individuals well matched with their jobs, recognition of good work
Work environment
When members can see their place in the organization, when they are given info and can contribute, And when they are appreciated they will be
Satisfied and productive
When the essential qualities of effective organization are missing, members will become what
The four major categories of employees are
Employees, supervisors, middle managers, and top managers
Because you are the first supervisory rank in the organization, and because you usually do not supervise other managers, we will call you what
First level supervisors
Today’s (blank) is also a coach foreman/Forewoman, and a supervisor
Team leader
Increasing services while holding the line on budgets means that fire departments must become more what
For many fire service organizations the greatest opportunities for further advancement in history will come at the
Company level
What are the two positions in the fire department to Which outsiders can apply
The chief and an entry - level FF
Emergency service organizations usually promote our personnel based on some combination of
Past performance, test scores, and evidence of relevant training and education
(Blank) find greater challenges in people issues, administrative duties, and responsibility for managing others
New officers
To be a good leader, you should understand (blank) behavior
Working together is all about (blank) behavior
Studying group behavior is a part of the science of (blank)
(Blank) Includes the study of groups ranging from family and small workplace groups to entire communities and ethnic groups
(Blank) Are used to represent real things
Using models of human behavior helps us understand (blank)
To truly understand people a good leader must first evaluate (blank)
By evaluating (blank), a leader can provide values, improve work ethic, and automatically lead the team to success
Human behavior
Abraham Maslow is best known for establishing the theory of a
Hierarchy of needs
Maslow suggested that human beings are motivated by (blank)
UnSatisfied needs
The four general types of needs according to Maslow are
Physiological, safety, love, and esteem
(Blank) needs :
Psychological, safety, love, and esteem
(Blank) needs are the very basic needs such as air water food sleep sex and so long
(Blank) needs have to do with establishing stability and consistency in a chaotic world
(Blank) needs such as love and belongingness are next on the list after after safety
The two types of (blank) needs are self-esteem, which results from competency or mastery of a task. Second, here is the attention and recognition that comes from others
The need for (blank) is the desire to become more and more of what one is ,to become everything that one is capable of becoming
Self - Actualization
As members needs changed, so do the (blank) that are affective in motivating them
who described two factors that affect personnel at work
Frederick Herzberg
(Blank) factors are needed to just to get people to come to work and prevent dis satisfaction
(Blank) factors include company policies administration, supervision, salary, interpersonal relations, and working conditions
Herzberg’s hygiene factors do not motivate workers; they prevent workers from having (blank) about the workplace
Bad feelings
Herzberg’s (blank) encourage workers to rise above the satisfactory level and do excellent work
(Blank) include treatment, recognition, the work itself, responsibility, and advancement
Responsibility, job with a purpose, recognition of good work, opportunity for promotion, opportunity for advancement, opportunity for personal growth, threshold of satisfaction
Good working relationship, considerate supervisors, good working condition, good pay and benefits, job security
Hygiene factors
McGregors theory X and theory Y are called
Management style
Persons with high status or (blank) like to be in charge and have influence over others
Power needs
Workers with (blank) needs like the structure of organizations and they like to get work done
Persons with high (blank) needs like to be in charge
Persons with (blank) needs like challenges
High achievement
Persons with (blank) needs like to work in groups
High affiliation
People who have (blank) needs typically take personal responsibility for their efforts, set their own goals, and take on new commanding challenges
High achievement
People with (blank) needs tens to be creative, their strongest characteristic may be their need for feedback
High achievement
The group who has (blank) needs have a desire to belong and be excepted by a group. they are on Maslow’s third layer and have a need to belong
High affiliation
The (blank) grid is a field in which the leaders concern for people in production are
On the managerial grid, the vertical access represents the leaders concern for what
On the managerial grid the horizontal axis represents the leaders concern for what?
The blank was introduced in 1964 by Dr. Robert R. Blake and Jane S. Mountain
Managerial grid
The (blank) suggests that morale and productivity are independent of one another
Managerial grid
In the lower right hand corner of the managerial grid is position (blank) . It represents a leader with a passion for production while having a relatively low concern for people
Persons having the position (blank) style of leader ship use their power to control people, telling them what to do and how it is done
Position (blank) on the managerial grid may be similar in some ways to theory X
Position (blank) of The managerial grid Sees a minimum regard for both people and production
Position (blank) of the managerial grid states that the leader provides the minimum amount of supervision needed to survive within the system
A position (blank) of the managerial grid, the leader has a strong bias for interaction with people, while having a relatively mild concern about production
Position (blank) of the managerial grid is a strong advocate of McGregor’s theory Y
In the (blank) of the managerial grid we have a leader ship style that is represented by a middle Of the road approach on both scales
At position (blank) on the managerial grid we have the supervisor who has a high regard for both the workers and production
Leadership is an exercise of (blank)
(Blank) is achieving the organizations goals through others
(Blank) is the ability to influence others in a constructive way that supports the individual and the Department
(Blank) power is bestowed upon a Person through an appointment of an official position
Like punishment power, (Blank) power comes with the badge and is used over others
like reward power, (Blank) power comes with the badge and is used over others
(Blank) power is individually earned, it is used through charisma
(Blank) power is individually earned with unique knowledge
For fire service personnel, the first type of leadership power comes with the badge of the office and it is (blank) power
With legitimate power, two types of additional power are implied they are:
Reward and punishment power
Legitimate, reward, and punishment power come with the (blank)
Terms such as (blank) power and (blank) power are often used to describe the qualities of role models and knowledgeable individuals
Identification and expert
The three factors that can help determine your own leader ship style are
The team member, the leader, and the situation
(Blank) : this style is characterized by lots of direction and mostly one way communication
With a (blank) leader ship style, the supervisor tells what Hass to be done, provides direction, and monitors the results
(Blank): here, there is some discussion in which the supervisor seeks ideas, explains the needs and decisions, and sells the idea
With a (blank) leadership style, the supervisor still gives lots of direction but maintains close presence, providing encouragement and reassurance
(Blank): the leader encourage his participation at all levels and shares responsibility for the process
In a (blank) leader ship style, the leader facilitates growth by sharing information and asking questions that will enhance the workers understanding of the situation
(Blank): the supervisor essentially turns the management of the task over to team members
Who said, “never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity”
George S Patton Jr
The (blank) with the components of heat, fuel, and oxygen was used to describe the chemical structure of fire
Fire triangle
The (blank) is made up of the components of heat, fuel, oxygen, and chemicals chain reaction
Fire tetrahedron
At the top of the leader ship tetrahedron is
Good officers will always have the (blank) to aspire as well as to inspire, and possess the (blank) to excel at everything they do
The (Blank): Desire Ability Courage Interpersonal skills
leadership tetrahedron
Utilization of a promotional process that uses a (blank), (blank), and a (blank) to measure all of the tetrahedron components is recommended
Written test, assessment exercises, peer evaluation
(Blank) is a very poor indicator of whom is the best candidate for promotion and should not be used
The fire service has had significant problems in the areas of
Diversity and harassment
Both diversity and harassment deal with (blank) attitudes toward others
The (blank) amendment to the constitution states that “no person shall be deprived of life liberty or property without due process of the law”
The (blank) amendment to the Constitution states that “no state shall deny any persons within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law”
In 1964 Congress passed the
Civil rights act
Title (blank) of the civil rights act deals with programs and activities that receive federal funding and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex
Title (blank ) of the civil rights act deals with employment and prohibits discrimination by employers on the basis of race color religion sex or national origin
The civil rights act authorized the establishment of (blank) to enforce itself
Equal employment opportunity commission EEOC
Title (blank) of the civil rights act, as the greater impact on our workplace
Equal employment opportunity is more than a legal right it is a (blank) right
The (blank) act of 1963 prohibits discrimination in compensation on the basis of sex
Equal pay
The (blank) act of 1970 to strengthen the authority of the civil rights act of 1964 and expanded the power of the EEOC
Equal employment opportunity
The civil rights act of (blank) provided that individuals may be personal liable (As well as their organizations) for discrimination in the workplace
The (blank) act of 1967 protect individuals who are 40 years of age and older
Age discrimination in employment
Title one and five of the (blank) act of 1990 prohibit employment discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in the private sector and in state and local governments
Americans with disabilities
The (blank) act of 1991 provides monetary damages in case of international employment discrimination
Civil rights
The (blank) also provides oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies
The (blank) act of 1991 made major changes in the federal laws against employment discrimination and forced by EEOC
Civil rights
The (blank) is an independent federal agency originally created by Congress in 1964 to enforce title seven of the civil rights act of 1964
The (blank) is composed of five commissioners and a general counsel appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate
The (blank) act of 1990 prohibits discrimination on the basis of disabilities, and covers employment, public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications
Americans with disabilities
To (blank) means to annoy, tease, or torment
Title (blank) of the civil rights act of 1964 cover sexual-harassment in the workplace
The two situations in which sexual-harassment generally occurs are (blank) and (blank)
Hostile work environment
Sexual favors as a condition of employment, promotion or transfer
A (blank) occurs when there are pictures, comments, and other offensive ask that inhibit a worker’s performance
Hostile work environment
A situation when one is asked for sexual favors as a condition of employment, promotion, or transfer is referred to as (blank), “this for that”
Quid pro quo
Title (blank) of the civil rights act of 1964 cover sexual-harassment in the workplace
Sexual-harassment is often about
When a person comes to you, as a supervisor, with a complaint about sexual harassment, you must take action (blank)
When encouraging the complainant Of sexual harassment you may need to ask (blank) questions
Open ended
Who has a special obligation to protect personnel from the consequences of sexual harassment
If the policy directs you to conduct an investigation, you should follow the initial interview by checking with who first
After you talk to the witnesses first, Then talk to the
When talking to a (blank), say, “I’m investigating a complaint of sexual harassment I would Like to ask you a few questions about what you may have seen or heard”
When talking to the (blank), start by saying, “I am investigating a complaint of sexual harassment by you. I would like to ask if you questions regarding your actions”
General comments regarding any (blank) issue:
Move quick, let everyone you talk to understand that you were concerned, meet in private, take notes, provide feedback, follow your organizations policies
The (blank) is charged with enforcing title seven of the civil rights act, which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and protects personnel who complain about such offenses from retaliation
Harassment violates (blank) if it involves discriminatory treatment based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age or disability or because the employee opposed job discrimination or participating in an investigation or complaint proceeding under the EEOC statutes
Federal law
A (blank) is always responsible for harassment by a supervisor that culminates in a tangible employment action
An individual qualifies as an employee’s (blank) if the individual has the authority to recommend tangible employment decisions affecting the employee or if the individual has the authority to direct the employees daily work activities
A (blank) means a significant change in employment status
Tangible employment action
An Employer’s (blank) policy should make clear the employer will not tolerate harassment based on race, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability, or harassment based on opposition to discrimination on participation in complaint proceedings
The employer should encourage employees to report harassment to management before it becomes
Severe or pervasive
Is a complaint procedure adequate if employees are instructed to report harassment through their immediate supervisors?
No, because the supervisor may be the one committing harassment or may be impartial
It is advisable for an employer to designate at least (blank) official outside an employees chain of command to take complaints of sexual harassment
What is the order in which investigations should take place for sexual-harassment
Alleged harasser
Others with relevant info
True or false, and employer should correct harassment that is clearly unwelcome and regardless of whether a complaint is filed
Does an employee who is harassed by his or her supervisor have any responsibilities?
Yes, the employee must take reasonable steps to avoid harm from the harassment
Is an employer legally responsible for it’s supervisors harassment if the employee failed to use the employers complaint procedure
No, unless the harassment resulted in a tangible employment action or unless it was reasonable for the employees not to complain to management
When is the deadline for filing in the EEOC charge
Either 180 or 300 days after the last date of alleged harassment
Seeking advice or getting information from another; as a leadership style it implies that the leader seeks ideas and allows contributions to the decision making process
Sharing work, authority, and responsibility with another; as a leader ship style, (blank) implies the most generous sharing of the officers leadership role
Blank) :Controlling a course of action; as a leader ship style, it is characterized by an authoritarian approach
what is The quality of being diverse, different, or not all alike
Federal government agency charged with a ministering laws related to non-discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, or national origin
Equal employment opportunity commission EEOC
A recognition of authority by virtue of an individual skills or knowledge
Expert power
The first supervisory rank in an organization
First level supervisors
How individuals interact and influence one another
Group dynamics
To disturb, torment, or pester
According to the needs theory of motivation, individuals with (blank) except challenges and work diligently
High achievement needs
According to the needs theory of motivation, individuals with (blank) desire to be excepted by others
High affiliation needs
Has used by Frederick herzberg , (blank) Keep people satisfied with their work environment
Hygiene factors
A recognition of authority by virtue of the other individuals character or trust
Identification power
Dynamic practices developed by groups that separate them from other individuals
Interpersonal dynamics
The personal actions of managers and supervisors to get team members to carry out certain actions
A recognition of authority derived from the government or other appointing agency
Legitimate power
A five tiered representation of human needs developed by Abraham Maslow
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Representation or example of something
Factors that are regarded as work incentive such as recognition and the opportunity to a achieve personal goals
A group of people working together to accomplish a task
The command or control over others, status
A recognized motivator to be in charge or have group affiliation
Power needs
A recognition of authority by virtue of the supervisors ability to administer punishment
Punishment power
A recognition of authority by virtue of the supervisors ability to give recognition
Reward power
As a leader ship style, the (blank) process involves open and continuous communications and they sharing in the decision making process