Ch 13 the company officer’s role in incident management Flashcards
As the company officer, you should be managing the event using What type of management style
What focuses on the priorities of the incident, provides for the safety of all concerned, and seeks to reduce further loss
Good scene management
Action taken during the first (blank) minutes sets the tone for the entire alarm and has a significant impact on the overall outcome of the event
At and emergency event, who is responsible for the overall management of the incident and for the safety of everyone involved
The incident commander
The incident commander’s first priority should be what
Life safety
Property conservation should Be addressed during what and started upon arrival of fire suppression forces
Pre-incident planning efforts
Some departments have one to note the accomplishment of the three priorities: life safety; incident stabilization; and property conservation
Incident stabilization:
Life safety search , rescue
All clear
Incident stabilization:
Incident stabilization
Under control
Incident stabilization: property conservation
Loss stopped
What is the command sequence that is the basis of the application of the incident management system IMS
Size up, developing an action plan, and implementing the action plan
What are the three possible situations for the first arriving officer during a fire call
Nothing showing, smoke showing and fire showing
When you were at a crash or fire scene and are working in or near moving traffic, you are considered a highway worker and fall under whose standards
More firefighters and EMS personnel have been struck and injured or killed on what type of highways than any other type of railway system in the US
Limited access highways
What are the two major reasons for responder Deaths on limited access highways
Lacking proper advance warning to approach in traffic and attempting to cross multiple lines to get to the other side
What should you do when a call is received for an incident on a limited access highway
Request an additional apparatus, preferably a tandem axle ladder or tanker for an upstream block
And upstream block on unlimited access highway should be performed how many miles from the main activity area
Half mile
With Good size up information, you are better able to develop what
An action plan
When initiating a size up, it is helpful to answer these three questions
What have I got, where is it going, how can I stop it
Apparatus in personnel
Life safety
Water supply
Auxiliary appliances
Street conditions
Weather Exposures Area Location Time Height
The main reasons for using an incident command system and some form of checklist are for what
For fire fighter safety and To maintain in accountability of the firefighters at the emergency seen
What are among the hardest decisions you can expect to face
To conduct interior operations
When in what mode are operations conducted in an aggressive interior attack mode, taking the attack to the fire
Offensive mode
What are the three modes of operation at a fire
Offensive, defensive, and transitional
When fire conditions have advanced to the point where there is little chance of saving lives or property, or when there are insufficient resources on hand to safely mount and sustain an interior at fire attack, you must resort to white mode
Defensive mode
In what mode are operations conducted from a safe distance from Outside of the structure and me focus more on containing the fire rather than on extinguishing it
Defensive mode
During what mode are operations changing from either an offensive to a defensive mode, or from a defensive to an offensive mode
True or false, shifting from one mode to another presents its own risks And Has to be carefully managed
Effective FireGround communications become very important during what event
Shifting from one Operational mode to another
What are the three modes of command
Command, attack, or a combination of both
In Selecting what role does the first arriving officer elect to maintain control of the incident and coordinate the activities of the first arriving companies
When does IMS start
With the arrival of the first fire department company
In what role do you decide that the urgency of the situation warrants your immediate personal action and that such action will likely have a significant positive influence on the outcome of the event
Attack role
What role or option may be justified when an Immediate rescue is required and can be safely undertaken or where a quick fire attack may knock the fire down and prevent significant extension
When you select to commit to the attack mode, you communicate this over the radio to the next arriving company and essentially remain in command until
Another officer is on scene and officially assumes command
The initial report should address four questions what are they
What have I got, what am I doing, what do I need, and who is in charge
What should paint a concise but vivid oral picture of the conditions you observe, as well as a quick summary of your intentions and needs
The initial report
Size up : O S C A R
Occupancy Size Conditions Actions Resources
A good what provides incoming units with the information needed to mentally and physically prepare for the cost
Initial size up report
Many departments have a system in place that prompts a status report every how many minutes
10 to 15
After 10 or 15 minutes of interior firefighting operations, you should see significant progress, if not you should
Withdraw and shift to a defensive mode
What is an organized course of action that addresses all phases of Incident control within a specified time frame
An action plan
In an action plan, the first thing that should be addressed as
An organized course of action
And an action plan, the second thing that should be addressed should be
All phases of the emergency
The third key element in the definition of a action plan Is
Within a specified time frame
What is the overall plan that is used to gain control of an incident
What are chief Lehman’s Seven basic strategies of fire fighting
Rescue Exposures Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Ventilation Salvage
When what is well-defined, all personnel understand the tasks and hand and can focus their efforts on making it happen
The strategy
Strategy and tactics lead us to what
An action plan
What puts the planning and thinking phases into motion
The action plan
Assigning what to individual companies is an effective way to communicate what you want done
A progress report should be given when
A sudden change in conditions, change levels, have completed your assignment, or need additional resources
When should the commander assign tasks with very specific directions
When the task is critical to the overall operation, when he wants it accomplished in a way that departs from normal procedures, when critical safety considerations are paramount , or when a crew is inexperienced
Most department use This, they outline what certain companies are to do upon arrival
SOP’s Standard operating procedures
One of the most hectic moments on a fire ground occurs when some unexpected or catastrophic event occurs and
The decision is made to shift from offensive to defense of operations
The effectiveness of what often determines the outcome of the event
The initial attack
The most common fires encountered are considered what
Free burning
A free burning fire should be fought how
Buy a direct, offensive attack
What type of attack is the surest and quickest way of controlling the fire and reducing the loss
A direct attack
What means to cut off the fire from further advance, to keep it from spreading and doing any further damage
What means to extinguish all visible fire
Fire extinguishment
To be effective in fire control one must understand what
Fire behavior, building construction, and fire flow requirements
During your planning, you should consider the number of firefighters available and
How many hose lines they can put into operation
What is a critical extension of our service delivery, and serves as the liaison between the fire department and those citizens directly, or perhaps indirectly, involved in or affected by an incident
The occupant sector
Jim Crawford suggest that the fourth E in the fire prevention Triad (engineering, enforcement, and education) is
Emergency response
During the 1970s what command systems became popular
Fire scope and the Phoenix FireGround command system
Fire scope stands for what
Fire resources of Southern California organized for potential emergencies
Chief Allen Brunacini Took some of the ideas from fire scope and applied them to his department which led to
The incident command system
The focus of IMS is on managing
People and resources
True or false, as the incident grows in size or complexity, IMS Allows you to smoothly integrate with other responders and grow the management system with it
At the largest incidents you will be operating under what, it’s formally known as the national response plan
National response framework NRF
What describes how communities, tribes, states, the federal government, private sectors, and non-government partners work together to coordinate national response
National response framework NRF
The command function must be clearly established with who
The first arriving unit
While IMS Defines how the management of an incident starts and progresses during the incident, the success of the operation is usually directly related to
How well the initial command function is established and how effective the communications are handled during the event
NFPA (blank), standard on emergency services incident management system
To implement IMS You must first
Accept IMS As a workable concepts in your organization
After excepting IMS As a
workable concept, What is your next step
Plan, prepare, and train for the events that you were likely to see
True or false, IMS can be used For non-emergency events to
The structure of the IMS Can be established and expanded depending on what
The needs of an event
On March 1, 2004, the department of homeland security published
The national incident management system and (NIMS)
What system provides a consistent nationwide template to enable federal, state, tribal, and local governments, the private sector, and non-government organizations to work together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, recover from, and mitigate the effects of incidence, regardless of cost, size location, or complexity, in order to reduce the loss of lives, property, and harm to the environment
National incident management system
What incorporates incident management’s Best practices and represents a course set of doctrine, concepts, principles, terminology, and organizational process that enables effective, efficient, and collaborative incident management across all emergency management and incident response organizations and disciplines
As Initially laid out in Homeland security presidential directive, (blank), which established NIMS , Adoption and implementation of NIMS, Adoption and implementation of NIMS by state, Tribal, and local organizations are one of the conditions for receiving federal preparedness assistance
Management of domestic incidents
ICS 100
Introduction to ICS
Basic ICS
Intermediate ICS
ICS -400
Advanced ICS
FEMA IS -700
NIMS, an intro s
National response plan, an introduction
NIMS Establishes ICS, then it is further broke down into five functional areas which are
Command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance/administration
According to the national response framework, there are six essential activities for responding to an incident, they are?
Plan,Organize, train, equip, exercise, Evaluate and improve
What provides the public with timely and accurate Incident information and unified public messages
Joint information system JIS
Who’s job is it to ensure that NIMS remains in accurate and effective management tool, the NIMS MIC Will be established by the department of homeland security to assess proposed changes to NIMS,Capture, and evaluate lessons learned, and employee of the best practices.
NIMS Integration center
What will develop and facilitate national standards for NIMS Education and training, first responder communications and equipment, typing of resources, qualification and credentialing of incident management and responder personnel, and standardization I have equipment maintenance and resources
NIMS Integration center
What is the number of individuals a supervisor is responsible for
Span of control
What is the concept that each person reports to one person
Unity of command
What is a perfect example of a practical application of organizational and management theory
Who should be the incident commander until relieved by more qualified personnel
The officer in charge of the first arriving company or the first arriving individual of the emergency services organization
True or false, the qualifications required to perform as incident commander should increase with the size and complexity of the incident
What should defined the circumstances under which an officer at a higher level should respond to an incident and whether the transfer of command to a more qualified officer is mandatory or discretionary
Standard operating procedures
What should be conducted in the following circumstances:
Civilian fatality
Fire fighter injury or fatality hazardous materials incident that results in an exposure
Any multi casualty event
Any fire fighting operation with unusual situationAny event in which the info obtained would benefit others
A formal post incident analysis
T or F, In its simplest form the post incident analysis should review the basic functions that were performed had an emergency (I.e.Command, water supply, fire attack, rescue, education, patient packaging, demobilization
Originally, the emergency management function was known as what
Civil defense
The main objective of who was protection of the civilian population in the event of Enemy attack
Civil defense
What refers to any governments responsibilities and capability for managing all types of emergencies and disasters by coordinating the actions how many organizations and agencies
Comprehensive emergency management
Comprehensive emergency management includes the four phases of disaster activity which are
Preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery
What is the measures taken in preparation of a disaster or emergency and essential for affective response
According to the national response framework, there are six essential activities for responding to an incident they are:
Plan, organize, train, equipped, exercise, evaluate and improve
What term is related to the activities that are taking during and immediately following a disaster
What term refers to activities that actually eliminate Or reduce the chance of occurrence or the effects of a disaster
What is the activity or phase that involves restoring all systems to normal
What type of recovery involves returning vital life support systems to minimum operating standards
Short term
What type of recovery may take years and may involve complete redevelopment of the area affected by the disaster
What act was enacted to support state and local governments and their citizens when disasters overwhelm them
Robert T Stafford disaster relief and emergency assistance act
Robert T Stafford disaster relief an emergency assistance act was amended to what
The Stafford act
What two types of assistance does the Stafford act authorize
Individual assistance and public assistance
Since 1986, who has require the use of an incident command system to manage the response in coordination of responders at hazardous materials incidence
What are the two things in regards to communications that make the IMS work
The use of plain language and common terminology
IMS has what type of organization That means you only need to apply the parts of the system that are needed
True or false, IMS is a performance oriented system rather than a rank orient system meaning the function is more important than the rank of the person filling the position
The staff positions for the IC Are what
Information, safety, liaison
The two subsections under the operation section are
Branches divisions groups
Air operations branch
The subsections under branches divisions and groups are
Strike teams, task force, single resources
The air operations branch is divided into
Air support group and air tactical group
Resource unit Situation unit Demobilization unit Documentation unit And technical specialist Are all under what
Planning section
What two branches are under the logistics section
Service and support branches
The service branch is broken up into
Communications, medical, And food unit
The support branch is broken into
Supply unit, facility unit, In ground support unit
What four units are under finance and administration section
Time, procurement, compensation/ claims, and cost units
What are the four sections under the IC in the incident command system
Operations, planning, logistics, And finance/administration sections
What are the 6 Cs of communication
Consciousness, clarity, confidence, control, capability, and confirmation
What is the one position of the IMS That must be staffed at every alarm
The incident commander
Initially, who is responsible for determining the strategy, selecting tactics, setting the action plan in motion, and developing the IMS organization
The IC
The first general staff position in IMS that should be delegated is what
The operation section
Who is responsible for supervising, managing, and assigning tactical resources associated with the primary mission
The operations section chief
What terms are tactical level management groups that command individual companies, task force, or strike teams
Divisions in groups
What term indicates a geographical assignment
What term indicates a functional assignment
What is a combination of mixed resources with a common communications and a single unit leader
Task force
What is a set number of like resources that operate with common communications and a single unit leader
Strike team
What is used when the number of divisions are groups exceeds the span of control
Who is responsible for collecting, evaluating, and disseminating appropriate information
The planning section
True or false, the planning section should be staffed with the senior officer who has considerable command experience
Planning to be expanded to include what four units
Resource, situation, documentation, and demobilization unit
Who is responsible for obtaining the resources needed at the event
The logistics section
What to branches can logistics be developed into
Service and support branch
If warranted, the service branch can be expanded into
Communications, medical, and food units
The support branch can be expanded to include who
Supply, facilities, and ground units
Who is responsible for accounting for the costs Associated with the event
The finance section
And hazardous materials incidents or long term operations, especially where multiple agencies are involved, what section becomes extremely important
The finance section
What is one of the most important positions in the IMS Organization
Incident safety officer
Who is responsible for monitoring working conditions and recommending appropriate action
True or false, most organizations have policies that allow the ISO to take direct action when warranted to protect firefighters from immediate danger
Who is responsible for the development and release of timely information regarding the event and for serving as a point of contact for the media
The public information officer
True or false, anyone can service the PIO
Which officer works to liaison with other agencies
Liaison officer
The basic function of this sector is to treat the uninjured survivors of the event
Occupant service sector
Who works with the representative of the other agencies and forwards any pertinent information to the IC
The liaison officer
The concept of what is that well-known phrase that says that you should do what another reasonable person would do with the same circumstances, training, and resources
“Standard of care”
Fire departments have generally been shielded from liability under a concept known as what
Government immunity
Government immunity comes from an old concept called
Sovereign immunity
What is an organized course of action that address is all phases of incident control within a specified period of time
Action plan
What is a situation in which the first arriving Officer Elects to take immediate action in to pass come in to another officer
Attack role
What are significant points in the emergency event usually marking the accomplishment of one of the three incident priorities: life safety, incident stabilization, or property conservation
What is the level of supervision between divisions in groups and operations that is Used when the number of divisions or groups exceeds acceptable span of control
What is a situation in which the first arriving officer takes command until relieved by senior officer
Command role
This unit prepares the communication Plan, distributes and maintains it
What is an activity required to prevent fire from extending to in uninvolved area or another structure
In this mode, actions are intended To control a fire by limiting it spread to a defined area
Defensive mode
This unit ensures resources are released from the incident in an orderly, safe, and cost effective manner
Demobilization unit
This unit maintains in archives all incident related documentation
Documentation unit
This is a tactical level management group that commands individual companies, task force for strike teams; a geographical assignment versus a functional assignment
What is Any situation to which a fire department or other emergency response organization response to deliver emergency services
Emergency incident
What are factors like whether that impact on fire fighting operations
Environmental factors
This unit set up, maintains facilities, and provides facility security
Facilities unit
This is the section of the incident management System that is responsible for facilitating the procurement of resources and for tracking the cost associated with such a procurement
Finance section
What are the activities associated with putting out all visible fires
Fire extinguishment
This unit supplies food and Potable water and operates food services unit
Food unit
This unit arranges for transportation of personnel, supplies, food, and equipment
Ground unit
This is a tactical level management group that commands individual companies, task force, or strike teams; a functional assignment versus a geographical assignment
What is a tool for dealing with emergencies of all kinds
The incident command system
Who is the person in overall command of an incident
The incident commander
What is an organized system of rolls, responsibilities, and standard operating procedures used to manage an emergency operation
Incident management system
Who, as a part of the IMS, Is the person responsible for monitoring and assessing safety hazards and ensuring personal safety
The incident safety officer
Who , as a part of the IMS, is the person who acts as the contact between the IC And the news media, responsible for gathering and releasing incident information
Public information officer
What is a vivid but brief description of the unseen conditions relevant to the emergency
Initial report
Who, as a part of theIMS, Is the contact between the incident commander and agencies not represented in the incident command structure
The liaison officer
What section is the part of the IMS That provides equipment, services, material, and other resources to support the response to an incident
Logistics section
What unit prepares medical plans, provides first aid and light medical treatment; mutual aid assistance provided by another fire department or agency
Medical unit
What was established by the secretary of Homeland security to provide “ strategic direction for and oversight of the national incident management system”
National integration center (NIC) Incident management systems integration division
What defines the principles, rolls, and structures that organize how we respond as a nation
National response framework
What part of the incident management system focuses on the needs of the citizens who are directly or indirectly affected by an incident
Occupant service sector
What are fire fighting operations that make a direct attack on a fire for purposes of control and extinguishment
Offensive mode
What is the division in the IMS That oversees the functions directly involved in rescue, fire suppression, or other activities within the mission of an organization
Operation section
What is searching The fire scene for possible hidden fires or sparks that may rekindle
What is that part Of the incident management system that focuses on the collection, evaluation, dissemination, and use of information to support the incident command structure
Planning section
What do you need conducts check in activities and maintain status of all resources
Resource unit
Which unit collect and analyze his information on the current situation
Situation unit
These positions are designated to hear that IC and for filling Their responsibilities , Typically, in incident safety officer, and information officer, and a liaison officer
Staff positions
What sets broad goals and outlines the overall plan to control the incident
What is a set number of like resources that operate with common communications and he single unit leader
Strike team
What unit orders, receives, and distribute supplies
Supply unit
What are various maneuvers that can be used to achieve a strategy while fighting a fire or dealing with a similar emergency
Tactics dinner
What is a mixed number of resources that operate with common communications and a single unit leader
Task force
What are the duties and activities performed by individuals, companies, or teams that lead to successful accomplishments of assigned tactics
What is the critical process of shifting from the offense of mode or from the defensive to the offensive
Transitional mode