Chapter 1 The Company Officer’s Role - Challenges and Opportunities Flashcards
NFPA 1021, the standard for fire officer professional qualifications, applies to all fire officers? True or false
This text has been used to help new officers and emergency medical services and rescue organizations as well as the fire service learn (blank) skills they needed To become effective officers
Communications leader ship and management
Company officers are (blank) responsible for the performance and safety of assigned personnel in an emergency service organization.
First-line supervisors
The act of watching over the work or tasks of another .
The NFA defines an individual responsible for overseeing the performance or activity of other members as a
A first line supervisor responsible for the performance and safety of a signed personnel in an emergency service organization
Company officer
Often the senior representatives of the fire department at the scene are?
Company officers
In nearly every case the (blank) Is one of the first persons on the scene and is likely to be the last to leave.
Company officer
When not involved In An emergency, the (blank) essentially runs a small part of the fire department rescue squad or emergency medical services organization.
Company officer
The most influential member of the department and key to daily operations is the?
Company officer
At the company level the company officer manages the resources which are
People equipment and time
In most departments companies spend less than what % of their time dealing with emergencies?
Company officers spend what percent of their time in other activities including providing fire safety public education programs for citizens pre-planning for fires and other emergency training and maintaining good physical fitness?
Who is expected to plan manage and lead the company?
The company officer
A company officer is also expected to be a full-time leader and instructor for the personnel assigned to the company so ( blank) are very important for company officers.
Human relations skills
Coach manager communicator mediator counselor motivator decision-maker planner evaluator public relations representative firefighter referee friend role model innovator safety officer instructor and student leader supervisor listener Writer, these are roles and responsibilities of who
the company officer
Who has one of the most demanding jobs in the organization?
The copy officer
Leading others and ensuring everyone goes home is the company officers ( blank) job.
The capabilities efficiency and morale of the company are direct reflections of the company officer’s
Leadership ability
In the fire service we use the term “blank” To describe the work teams
Company officers are expected to lend a hand when needed whether it be advancing hose forcing doors or performing similar activities that do not compromise their role as
Although company officers are required to fulfill many responsibilities along with helping to resolve the problem, the officers primary job is to
Many new officers find the most difficult part of becoming an officer is excepting the fact that they are no longer
The best (blank) are promoted and usually become good officers.
True or false for many the physical tasks are easier and more enjoyable than the mental effort in the paperwork that comes with a company officer’s job
Officers should remember that firefighters are the blank of the service delivery system.
Back bone
For (blank) the company officer is not only their supervisor but also their next link in the chain of command.
The (blank) may also be considered the firefighters link to the public.
Company officer
To the fire chief and other senior officers the company officer represents the (blank)?
If the (blank) is being followed, the company officer is both the voice of the chief to the firefighters and the voice of the firefighters to the chief.
Chain of command
The two factors that affect the company officer position in the organization are ?
- Inexperienced personnel in the most challenging positions
2. Worksite is remote from their supervisor
T or F.
When a company is co located with fire department headquarters the company officer has lesser access to his or her supervisor and they should always keep the lines of communication open.
The majority of employees work at the (blank) level , making the organizations mission statement work at that level, Makes the organization statement live for the citizens.
Most of the organizations (blank) is delivered by personnel at the company level.
Customer service
Fire departments should be sure that their personnel are professionals, this can be accomplished through?
Certification, experience, and education
(Blank) means that an individual has been tested by an accredited examining body on clearly identified material and found to meet a minimum standard.
This provides a yardstick by which to measure competency in every type of department from the largest to the smallest in from all paid to all volunteer.
Protection from liability due diligence, Recognition of demonstrated proficiency, Recognition of professionalism, budget and salary justification, standardize process.
Reasons to certify
The fire department or other emergency response organization is a complex business involving
Science, good business practices, and human relations
In 1970, 10 organizations gathered for a meeting that became known as the?
Joint council of national fire service Organizations
The joint counsel of national fire service organizations first task was to develop nationally excepted (blank) for firefighters fire officers and others
Significant step in the certification process occurred when the joint counsel established the (blank) system in 1972.
National professional qualifications
The (blank) Provided a means of representing the professional opportunities in the fire service and specified a particular body of knowledge required for each level and for each specialty area in the fire service professional ladder
National professional qualifications
The national professional qualification systems standards started and remained a product of a peer group process, not the result of any
Regulatory action
The present certification standards are part of the (blank’s)
Codes and standards -making progress
National fire protection Association’s
There are approximately (blank) NFPA codes and standards dealing with every aspect of fire protection.
NFPA’s (blank) are widely adopted for legislation and regulation at the federal state and local levels.
Codes and standards
A 1969, publication titled (blank) identified the basic courses that should be included in all fire science programs.
Guideline for fire service education programs in community and junior colleges
- Develop standards
- Public awareness
- Public official awareness
- Reassess public fire protection
- Establish realistic standards of educational achievement
- Identify and establish nationwide information systems
- Encourage And undertake research and development
Goals of the joint council of national fire service organizations
The occupational safety and health administration, national institutes of health, and department of energ reference NFPA’s codes and standards in their own regulations true or false.
Many insurance companies use NFPA documents for guidelines in?
Assessing risks and setting premiums
NFPA’s codes and standards are the result of more than (blank) Committees consisting of more than 5000 individuals who serve voluntarily.
Built into the codes and standards making process is an opportunity for the public to comment on documents at every stage of their development true or false
Only after what phase is complete is the document brought before the membership of NFPA for formal adoption?
Public comment
After the formal adoption phase is completed the NFPA standards are published in available for voluntary or involuntary adoption by public jurisdictions?
How many of the NFPA documents deal with the qualifications of those who serve in the fire service?
In What year did NFPA publish the first national standard for fire service officers?
NFPA’s first national standard for fire service officers defined what?
The KSAs needed by the company officer
How many levels of competency does the present version of NFPA 1021 standard for fire officer professional qualifications outline requirements for?
Fire officer (blank) focuses on the needs of the first line supervisor, clearly including company officers.
For fire officer (blank) requirements focus on the management aspects of the company officers job and help prepare individuals to move into staff assignments.
The requirements for fire officer (blank) deal mostly with administration and management preparing officers to move into positions of increasing responsibility at the mid management level within their organizations.
At the top of the officer certification ladder, the requirements for fire officer (blank) satisfy the needs of senior staff and chief officers.
The (blank) officer designation is a voluntary program designed to recognize individuals who can show their excellence in seven areas: experience, education, professional development, professional contributions, association membership, community involvement, and technical competencies.
The mission of the (blank) is to assist in the professional development of the fire and emergency service personnel by providing guidance for career planning through participation in the professional designation program.
Commission for CFO designation
It is envisioned that in addition to the requirements of NFPA 1021, the authority having jurisdiction may require additional credentials true or false
A continuing program of (blank) should be provided to all members, This training helps members maintain proficiency at their present levels, meet certification requirements, learn new procedures, and keep up with emerging technology.
Training and education
Training to maintain skills should be Provided by the?
The individual’s responsibilities are motivation and preparation, this leads to?
Individual growth
The department’s responsibilities are opportunity and environment this leads to?
Organizational growth
Professional development is a (blank) responsibility.
NFPA’s 1021 states that for certification at officer (blank) level, officers should create a Professional development plan for a member of the organization given the requirements for promotion so that the individual acquires the necessary knowledge skills and abilities to be eligible for the examination for the position.
(Blank) provides members with an established program of advancement opportunity.
Professional development
Most of the requirements for promotion to the first supervisory ranks focus on?
Administration management and supervisory issues
Regardless of the departments rank structure an officer in charge of a company should meet the requirements of fire officer one and one could make a strong case that they should also meet the requirements for fire officer (blank).
In the NFPA standard, the focus of the requirements for fire officer one is on?
The requirements of fire officer two continue that focus but add (blank) requirements as well.
The knowledge skills and abilities to manage people, station equipment, and money are covered under fire officer (blank)
Fire officer one, certified instructor one, a semester of the following college English building construction and fire suppression
Fire officer two, certified instructor two, certified a semester of the following his second English course college math Mathmatics administration and management leader ship or supervision
Many of the courses offered by the national fire academy have been reviewed by the American counsel on education and are not recommended for college credit. T or F
Foundational qualities that lead to success as a (blank). Be a professional, set personal goals, continuously work on your own training and education, be loyal to your colleagues in your department, and be a role model
Company officer
Professionalism ABC DE
Attitude behavior communication demeanor Ethics
(Blank) is at the core of your performance.
(Blank) is how you act
(Blank) is how you get your ideas across to others
(Blank) embraces all three of Positive attitude good personal behavior and effective communications
(Blank) deals with conforming to the highest professional standards of your organization
According to Jake roads the (blank) is the most important position within the fire department
Company officer
A document that attest that a person has demonstrated the knowledge and skills necessary to function in any particular craft or trade.
The systematic arrangement of a body of rules
A rule for measuring or model to be followed.