Ch 2 The company officers role in effective communications Flashcards
Effective (blank) are a vital part of your professional life.
Those who can (blank) affectively get more out of life.
Those who cannot communicate effectively will not reach their (blank)
Full potential
Many fire chiefs report that the one weakness prevalent among their officers is the inability to (blank) effectively.
According to NFPA 1021 standard for fire officer professional qualifications good oral and written communication skills are a prerequisite for most of the certification requirements for fire officer (blank)
(Blank) can be defined as a process by which information is exchanged between two individuals.
(Blank) communications tend to follow the customs rules and practices of the industry or workplace and are conducted according to established standards.
(Blank) communications transmit official information
Formal orders and directives standard operating procedures and official correspondence are examples of (blank) communications
(Blank) communications are simpler and more spontaneous written with less formality when sending memos short notes and email to others.
We usually communicate up and down the organization using (blank) communications
When we need to communicate across the organization we usually use a more (blank) communication style.
Regardless of whether you were speaking or writing the communications process is generally thought to include five elements called the.
Communication model
The communication process starts with the (blank) it is the person who has the information and wishes to send it to another person.
Send er
The sender select the (blank) it is the information which is usually communicated using words all those certain symbol such as signs used in mathematics are also considered part of it
The sender also select the method of transmission sometimes referred to as the (blank)
The (blank) is the means by which the message is transmitted it may include oral and written communications signs and graphic representations.
The (blank) is the recipient of the message they play an active role in the communications process
The final step in the communications process is called.
(Blank) tells the sender that the message was received and understood
Compliance with a request is an obvious example of
The lack of (blank) Leaves the sender wondering if the message was received if it was understood and if anybody is going to respond
(Blank) communications works well in established organizations where there are stable relationships among the work units and among individual members.
When work units are emerging when there is conflict or when there is a lack of trust we tend to see greater use of (blank) communications.
(Blank) is the most commonly used method of personal communications
The spoken word
The second form of personal communications is (blank) communications.
(Blank) communications provide a record that can be used for future reference showing that the message was sent and in some cases there is evidence to show that the message was received.
The third form of communications is communicating without words sometimes referred to as
Body language
Of all communication forms listed (blank) communication Is the easiest most commonly used and effective
(Blank) contact allows the feedback process to work at its best
The speaker should stop from time to time and (blank) , It allows the sender and the receiver to trade places for a moment, it makes the communication process easier for both parties
Ask the listener a question
Any obstacle in the communications process is called a?
(Blank) barriers are environmental factors that prevent or reduce the sending and receiving of communications i.e. walls distance and background noise
(Blank) barriers are less obvious they arise from the judgments emotions and social values we place on people
(Blank) barriers arise from language problems.
There are more than (blank) words in common use that have more than 20 meanings .
When communicating with (blank), provide the information in small bits and ask questions to be sure that the communications process is still working.
New firefighters
Overcoming communications (blank) can be achieved by being adaptive to the audience, by having a specific purpose, and by staying focused brief and clear
The (blank) Has quite a responsibility to select a medium in the message, to check for feedback, and to be aware of the potential barriers.
(Blank) maybe the most important part of the company officer.
(Blank) Is showing the sender that you are actively listening by focusing all of your attention on the speaker and by showing genuine interest in the speakers message
Active listening
(Blank) refers to his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People , that the fifth principle is “seek first to understand before being understood”
Dr. Stephen Covey
Understanding others requires an (Blank) role on the part of the listener .
(Blank) usually indicate interest and encourage the speaker to expand on an area that was not clearly presented.
Questions and comments
The real mark of a good leader is a comment that one sometimes hears from one of the firefighters,” I like the captain, she (blank) to me when I have a problem.”
Indications of a good listener are?
Alert facial expression and good posture
When you are actively listening three important things happen
you hear what is being said, you remember what was said, you show respect to the sender
As a supervisor the way you communicate with your people has a lot to do with your?
Leadership style
When the sender uses words or phrases that show (blank) for the receivers interests And point of view, it is far more likely that the message will be accepted even when it brings bad news
Respect and consideration
After a brief warm-up, get to the (blank) of the message and tell it like it is
As a supervisor you should be able to talk about performance issues without talking about (blank) of the subordinate
Personality or personal traits
Remember to make your communications a (blank) process
Two way
When (blank) always close with an offer to continue the discussion or provide additional information
(Blank) communications:
Show respect, get to the point, focus on specifics, express your own personal feelings, and make the discussion into a process
Your (blank) is heard in the tone of your voice and in what you say
Leadership style
Common problems in (blank) communications include not looking at the person to whom you are speaking and using distracting activities
Taking a training course leading to becoming a fire instructor is a good start to improve your (blank) communication skills
Most of the significant recommendations and requests you submit are (blank)
Consider the reader, emphasis, brevity, simplicity
Principles of effective of writing
Memos, letters, and directives should usually be limited to (blank) topic
(Blank) means to use every day words when possible, use the same words you would whole speaking
(Blank) may be the most important part of writing
When representing your (blank) the use of we our and us is more appropriate
Suggestions for writing (blank):
Use useful subject lines, give complete information but keep the message short, if you’re responding to a previous email Quote the text that you’re referring to, replace pronouns with detail, use shorter paragraphs, use capital letters sparingly, never send an email when you were angry or upset
Suggestions for writing effective emails
The (blank) is a standard form of communication used by organizations to alert the media two news pertaining to the organizations activities.
News release
The (blank) should be no more than one page and should be sent so that the information can be processed and published in time to benefit the public.
News release
A good (blank) will be on recognizable letterhead, contain the name telephone number and email address of the contact person, be simple and lack technical jargon, be well written, free of factual or grammatical error, and contain all the information needed to write a story about your event.
News release
The (blank) paragraph should be a summary of what the news release is all about, try to address the what when where and who
Internal issues, statements regarding change in the departments policies, budget information, and staffing for unit deployment changes should be referred to
The PIO or the chief
Today reports of Fire or transmitted by (blank) by citizens using a telephone.
Automatic detection /reporting equipment
(Blank) can help the dispatcher get accurate information and assign appropriate resources to the car.
Computer aided dispatch
(Blank) can provide occupancy information to responding units, assisting in the size of activities, track responding units and provide dispatchers information regarding the status of the remaining units
Computer aided dispatch
One of the very first actions needed is a (blank) , an accurate description of what is going on.
Good size up report
At the scene (blank), help connect people and equipment they may be spread over long distances
Radio communications
(Blank) Should be made in a clear calm voice and it is delivered pace which conveys to all who are listening that someone is in charge and that they know what they are doing
Radio transmissions
Factors that lead to (blank) unsuitable equipment, portable radios needed for all firefighters, little attention paid to human factors, importance of active listening, standard message formats and language, tiered message priority, attention to cultural factors.
Inadequate communication
Radio transitions should be made clear , calm voice and at a deliberate pace which conveys to all who are listening that …
Someone’s in charge and they know what they are doing
Good two-way communications are the key to (blank) in any organization.
Effective management
The deliberate and apparent process by which one focuses attention on the communications of another.
Active listening
Obstacle; in communications , a (blank) prevents the message from being understood by the receiver
Reaction to a process that may alter or reinforce that process
In communications; the (blank) is the information being sent to another .
In communications, the (blank) is the intended recipient of the message .
Part of the communications process, the (blank) transmits a thought or message to the receiver.