Ch. 7 the company officers role in leading others Flashcards
For persons entering the fire service, their (blank) has the greatest impact on them in their entire career
First company officer
The first meeting with a new fire fighter should define
The job
Establish positive relationships
Build a friendly atmosphere
The (blank) should establish a clear definition of the job
NFPA 1001
Standard for fire fighter professional qualifications
Having a set of (blank) for the job provides a gauge for fire fighter proficiency and ultimately evaluation of this proficiency
Standards and expectations
With a new member, a formal review will occur after some specific time of service, typically
Six months or a year
For new members, a mini review should be held
Once or twice a month
A team members performance as determined by their (blank) to the work
Competence and commitment
A member’s competence is determined by their
A members commitment is determined more by their (blank) in themselves
Type 1 member
High competency/ high commitment =good performer
This member has the skill and self-confidence needed and is ready to move to areas of greater responsibility
Type 1
Keep a high Competency high commitment member (blank)
Type 2 member
Low competency/ high commitment = good student
This type of member characterizes many of us while we are on the learning curve
Type 2
The novice member is learning new skills but now realizes that this process is a lot more complicated than I initially thought
Type 2
With a type 2 member, being a supervisor, your role is to provide
Assurance and help the novice gain self-confidence
High competency / low commitment = poor attitude
Type 3
Type (blank) : In this case the member is learning but lacks the self-confidence or motivation needed to go it alone
Work on attitude and self-confidence with type (blank) members
Type (blank): low Competency/low commitment= Unwilling and unable
With type (blank) review the individuals goals, look for learning disabilities, take shorter steps and have patience, provide positive motivation and evidence of your confidence
Effective (blank) promotes an environment that encourages each member to develop to the full potential
Good supervision is accomplished in four Ways
Mentoring, coaching, counseling, and performance evaluations
A good mentoring process must start with a
Formal decision from a senior officer
The next step after a formal decision from a senior officer is to get the training division to
Develop a mentoring program
You cannot manage what you cannot
A trusted counselor, guide, tutor, or goal
True or false: ultimately, you, as the company officer, are responsible for the firefighter’s
The word mentor comes to us from (blank) mythology
(Blank) what is the name of Odysseus’ wise and faithful advisor
A friend and role model , a person who leads support in many ways to help one pursue a goal
The mentoring process can be briefly summarized as
“Lead , follow , and get out of the way”
what term means pass on knowledge and skills allowing the student or new member to safely and effectively function in the new environment
what term means advice and counsel, providing a continuing program of development as the new member actually functions in the new environment
what phrase means initiating the process of handing off as the student or member gains the skills and ability to get the job done
Get out of the way
The “blank” is a seasoned member and could be compared with the first sergeant in an army unit
Master firefighter
The master firefighter has both “blank” power
Expert and identification
T or F , the master FF should be a certified instructor
The “blank” is the designated mentor who guides the new members successfully through the mentoring process
Master firefighter
When “blank” , you are helping a team member improve knowledge , skills, and abilities
The “blank” works with the student until the desired level of competence is demonstrated
Asking the member to talk through a task does two things
Reinforces the learning process and verifies what the member is thinking
“Blank” is an informational process that helps members improve their skills and abilities
“Blank” is often a function of how members are treated and the expectations that are indicated
Goals that are set And agreed-upon
with your members Should be
High, mutually agreeable, and attainable
“Blank” may focus on some specific aspect of the job, but more likely, the focus is on general attitude or behavior
T or F, Counseling should always be done in private
T or F, Counseling should be accomplished shortly after the unsatisfactory behavior was observed
Counseling is a tool for member improvement but it also is a
Problem-solving process
You should close a counseling session by agreeing upon
The next step
Absenteeism, high accident rate, difficulty in concentration, confusion, spasmodic work patterns, generally lowered job efficiency, and poor team member relationships on the job or a checklist of unsatisfactory job performance identifies who
The troubled team member
who Helps Members learn the job
who Helps members with self-assessment
Provides members with reality check
who Helps members identify their goals
who Connects members with their own future goals
Referral agent
Many members and even some supervisors look upon their performance evaluation as a necessary but
Undesirable part of the job
If coaching and counseling have been taking place as they should, there should be no surprises for members in the
Evaluation interview
The “blank” should start with goal setting, move to encouragement, self assessment, watching performance and providing feedback during the period and a formal performance review and goal setting
Cycle of performance management
The multiple input approach to performance feedback is sometimes called “blank” to connect the full circle
360 degree assessment
Evaluations by “blank” are the most traditional source of employee feedback
Who is often in the best Position to effectively carry out the full cycle of performance management
The first line supervisor
Planning, monitoring, developing, appraising, and rewarding is what
The full cycle of performance management
Most federal employees believe that the greatest contribution to the performance feedback should come from their
First-level supervisors
The “blank” is actually quite common but usually is used only as an informal part of the supervisor- employee appraisal feedback session
Self assessment
What is the most significant contribution of self ratings
The improved communication that results between supervisors and subordinates
Self appraisals are particularly valuable in situations where the supervisor
Cannot readily observe the work behaviors and task outcomes
Who are often the most relevant evaluators of their colleagues performance
Their peers
T or F, Peer influence through peer Approval and peer pressure is often more effective than the traditional emphasis to please the boss
The addition of what can help move the supervisor into a coaching role rather than a purely judging roll
Peer feedback
T or F, An upward appraisal process or feedback survey is among the most significant yet controversial features of a full circle performance evaluation program
A formalized (blank) program will give supervisors a more comprehensive picture of employee issues and needs
Subordinate feedback
What type of customers are defined as users of products or services supplied by another employee or a group within the agency or organization
What type of customers are outside the organization and include, but are not limited to, the general public
What type of feedback should serve as an anchor for almost all other performance factors
The real purpose of performance evaluation’s is to (blank) the members performance
T or F, We are looking at the performance levels of three sets of people: those were above average, those who are well below average, and all the rest
What type of appraisal system is based on the interpersonal relationship between the supervisor and the member
What type of appraisal system provides a formal method of documenting the members performance on a regular and systematic basis
Objectives of (blank) systems: to provide feedback on performance; guidance on continuing development; document the work members with talent for greater positions;To justify adjustments and compensation
Member appraisal
In the (blank) system many new evaluators lack experience in the system and tend to rate people with Excessive leniency Or strictness, based on their own standards
Graphic rating
This is based on a Rater’s tendency to over weight certain factors among the overall information available. This results in a score that is distorted either too high or too low
Halo effect
This is the opposite of the halo effect, here, the rater tends to put scores in the center of the scale
Central tendency
What is a rating score that is based on information that is not relevant to the performance standard
In this situation, the Raters use them selves as the benchmark, Rather than using a performance standards
Like me syndrome
T or F, During each work cycle or work week, A supervisor should have seen something good, or bad, about each member
Remember on of the main themes in the One Minute Manager
Look for people doing something right
When you see something that requires corrective action, when should you council the individual
Right away
T or F, A good evaluation interview starts with a review of the significant accomplishments of the period
T or F, Every counseling session, even for its best members, should identify areas where improvement is desired
Your job as a supervisor is to motivate your members to their
Full potential
A (blank) takes key individuals and starts training them for the next level within the fire department
Succession plan
If you only talk to your remembers when their performance is below acceptable standards, you lose the value that comes from what?
Positive recognition
Measure your members against a (blank) standard
Fixed and known
One of the basic tenants of the dale Carnegie program is
Show sincere, genuine appreciation
Recognition should be what
Having talked with a member about a performance problem and having seen no change, your next step may be to take some form of
Disciplinary action
When counseling or administering punishment, remember the following:
Focus on the behavior, not the individual
Help the member maintain self-esteem
Work to maintain a constructive relationship
In most cases, there is a progressive system for discipline procedures that generally follows what steps
Oral reprimand, written reprimand, suspension, demotion, and finally termination
A (blank) is much like a private counseling session between the supervisor and the member, except that it is likely that the unsatisfactory conduct in question has been discussed previously
Oral reprimand
The second step in the disciplinary process indicates that the unsatisfactory behavior has continued. As the company officer, you should administer the (blank)
Written reprimand
The (blank) is a brief memo to the member that identifies the nature of the unsatisfactory behavior, the fact that previous discussion has been had, and the fact that the unsatisfactory behavior has continued should be spelled out, along with the desired correct of action
Written reprimand
What is a serious punishment and is usually administered by a senior fire department officer
The purpose of the disciplinary process is to improve the members
Performance or conduct
This punishment has a lasting impact, taking away both pay and power
What is used when all other steps have failed, it’s costly for both the member and the organization
Before any disciplinary action can be implemented, the supervisor must first do what
Give a warning
What is one of the most important things you do in being an effective leader
Finding the best way to motivate each of your teammates
Getting teammates involved is called what ? It allows members to have a feeling of ownership in the organization
Pressure can create what
T or F, When people work together under pressure, conflict is natural
As an effective company officer, you should be able to detect a conflict arising while it is still in what stage
The first expression of dissatisfaction might be considered a
Prolonged or repeated dissatisfaction over the same topic might lead to a
What is serious and can occur when the complaining becomes significant or does not bring relief
You need not resolve every gripe or complaint personally, but you should provide a (blank) where perceived problems can be dealt with in a healthy and respectable manner
Healthy atmosphere
Complaints should be channeled into what
Positive action
What are the basic elements for solving most problems that occur in and around the fire house
- Problem definition
- Problem analysis
- Analyze the solutions
- Select the best solution
- Move forward
Problem analysis can be broke down into three questions
Where are we, what is the current situation, who or what is involved
By doing what, a fire officer can focus on the root causes and determine if the problem is affecting the organization as a whole or if it is an individual or isolated problem
Breaking down the problem
When dealing with the disenchanted fire fighter give him or her a (blank) that they can accomplish
Specific task
What were developed to help employees deal with personal or work related issues that would otherwise adversely affect their work performance and or health
Employee assistance programs
What are mood swings, sleep disorders, eating problems, and relationship issues signs of
T or F, Do not engage in discussions that deal with personnel issues. Focus on work performance issues only
T or F, Whether the employee seeks assistance on his or her own or the company officer offers to help, it is important to follow up on all requests for assistance
Good (blank) are bright, mentally agile, and alert
Good leaders seek out (blank)
Good leaders are (blank)
Good (blank) are good communicators, good speakers, good writers, and good listeners
Good leaders also have a sense of
Leading members, developing members, evaluating members, and even taking disciplinary action are all parts of what
Human resource management
What applies to any individual employed by an employer but not to independent contractors or volunteers
Fair labor standards act FLSA
What enforces the rights and wages of nonexempt employees
Well there are some exceptions to the FLSA, the one that the fire service most often deals with is the
“White collar” exemption
Who is tasked with preventing Work related injuries, illnesses, and deaths by issuing and enforcing standards for workplace safety and health
The occupational safety and health administration or OSHA
The occupational safety and health act, which created OSHA, also created the
National Institute for occupational safety and health NIOSH
Who is the lead research agency for occupational health and safety
Most (blank) is good; It allows us to keep up-to-date and to use modern ideas and technology to get the job done
Introducing change in managing it’s affective implementation is a
A Leadership skill
Changes in what are among the most conspicuous changes in the fire service
Fire apparatus design
One of the main components of successfully introducing change is to
Keep the communications open
The greatest fear occurs when change involves
Personnel action
How many percent of all departments have thermal imaging cameras
How many percent of the country’s departments have the equipment to collect chemical or biological samples for remote analysis
How many percent of the departments have mobile data terminals
How many percent of the departments have advanced personnel location equipment
In the book entitled it’s your ship, (blank), a retired Navy captain in the former Commanding officer of the USS Benfold , Tells of the changes that occurred while he was a board
Michael Abrashoff
One affective meeting that should happen regularly is a
Planning meeting
What may be nothing more than getting together with everyone after the equipment checks at the start of the shift for a cup of coffee and a brief discussion about what will happen during the upcoming shift
A planning meeting
A person who helps another develop a skill
An expression of discontent
A disagreement, quarrel, Or struggle between two individuals or groups
One of several leader ship tools that focuses on improving member performance
Reduction of a member to a lower grade
An administrative process whereby a member is punished for not conforming to the organizational rules or regulations
Disciplinary action
To give authority or power to another
A formal dispute between member and employer over some condition of work
Formal process for handling disputed issues between member and employer; where a union contract is in place, this is part of the contract
Grievance procedure
The least severe form of discontent
The first step in a form of disciplinary process
Oral reprimand
The formal or informal training of subordinates to assume your position within the organization
Succession plan
Disciplinary action in which the member is relieved from duties, possibly with partial or complete loss of pay
The final step in the disciplinary process or the incident command process
A step in the disciplinary process that provides the member a fresh start in another venue
Documents unsatisfactory performance and specifies the correct of action expected; usually follows an oral reprimand
Written reprimand