Ch 8 the co. Officer’s role in personal safety Flashcards
An article in a fire service magazine stated that the leading causes of accidents among fire service personnel are
Managers who don’t manage, supervisors who do not supervise, and firefighters who do dumb things
(Blank) is an organizational value
In the United States, approximately how many firefighters are killed and injured each year while on duty
100 killed and 80,000 injured
NFPA 1500
Standard on fire Department occupational safety and health program
What was the most frequent cause of death in 2007
Heart attacks
Who was recognized by government and industry for It’s safety practices
Norfolk southern
Nearly half of all on duty fire fighter fatalities are a result of what
Heart attacks
Many fatalities occur as a result of what type of stress that manifests as a heart attack or stroke
Physiological and psychological stress
Nearly half of those who were killed during structural fire fighting operations were doing what at the time of their injury
Advancing hose lines
Each year, then NFPA publishes two reports on fire fighter safety what did they focus on?
Fire fighter injuries and fatalities
What are the US fire administration goals pertaining to fatalities
A 25% reduction in on duty fire fighter fatalities within five years any 50% reduction in 10
The largest percentage of fire fighter injuries and deaths occur where?
At the scenes of fires
What are the most frequent injuries
Sprains and strains
Sprains and strains are usually the result of what?
Improper lifting
The second largest category of injuries is what ?
What are unplanned occurrences that result in injuries, fatalities, and damage to or loss of equipment and property
Herbert Heinrich developed what theory in the 1920s, while working for travelers insurance?
Domino theory
Which Theory suggests a five factor accident sequence in which each factor would actuate the next step in the manner of toppling dominoes lined up in a row
Domino theory
The sequence of accident factors in the (blank) theory:
Ancestry and social environment, unsafe practice, unsafe actions or condition, accident, damage or injury
Herbert Heinrich noted that the third element, (blank), lead to nearly 90% of all accidents
Unsafe act
The (blank) theory promotes the idea that most accidents are the result of human error and suggest that three broad factors lead to accidents
Human factors
Human factors theory: (blank) might be affected by the environmental conditions, internal factors, and situation factors such as the level of risk or the lack of good instructions and supervision
Human factors theory: Examples of (blank) might include the removal of safety guards or ignoring safety instructions
Inappropriate response
Human factors theory: examples of (blank) might be persons taking on a task for which they are not qualified, miss judging the degree of risk involved, and not telling their supervisor they are not able to do the task
Inappropriate activity
(Blank) theory is an outgrowth of the domino theory, but it suggests that for a single accident there may be many Contributory factors
Multiple causation
According to the multiple causation theory, the contributory factors can be grouped into two categories which are
Behavioral and environmental
The major contribution of the (blank) theory is to show that rarely, if ever, there’s an accident the result of a single cars or act
Multiple causation
According to the (blank) theory everyone of any given set of workers has an equal chance of being involved in an accident
Pure chance
In what theory are all accidents treated as acts of God, and there are no existing interventions to prevent them
Pure chance theory
What Theory is not so much a theory as an admonition to be heated if accident causation is to be understood
Symptoms versus causes theory
In the symptoms versus causes theory what are often the symptoms, the proximate causes, and not the root causes of the accident
Unsafe acts and unsafe conditions
Which type of causes are unsafe acts of the worker and unsafe working conditions
Which type of causes could be management related factors, the environment, and the physical and mental condition of the worker
True or false, accidents do not just happen, and through good preventative action, we can prevent many accidents
What is the regulatory agency under the US Department of labor that was created by Congress in 1970
The occupational safety and health administration OSHA
Whose role is to work with employers and workers to reduce workplace hazards and to implement new, or to improve existing, workplace health and safety programs
What is an agency of the department of health and human services that conducts Research on various safety and health problems, provides technical assistance to OSHA, and recommend standards for OSHA’s adoption
The national Institute of occupational safety and health NIOSH
Who establishes permissible exposure limits to chemicals and other workplace hazards, and tests And approves self-contained breathing apparatus
Who has created several regulations that affect firefighters in the area of hazardous materials response
The US environmental protection agency EPA
What got the EPA involved in regulating response to hazardous materials incidence
The superfund amendments and re-authorization act SARA
What title of SARA made training and response planning mandatory for all fire departments not intend to respond to hazardous materials incidents
Title I
What title of SARA includes the emergency planning and community right to know act, which requires the EPA to work with states and localities to plan for hazardous materials incidence and to give communities the tools to obtain information about hazards in there
Title II
Who regulates the construction, testing, and maintenance of compressed gas cylinders
Who has umbrella authority for developing hazardous materials transportation safety policy and helps provide sources of funding for hazardous materials training
What act directed DOT to collect registration fees from shippers and carriers of hazardous materials which are then put into a national grant program to help train emergency responders to deal with hazardous materials incidents
The hazardous materials transportation uniform safety act of 1990
Who has established standards for training of emergency medical responders as well as standards for equipment carried on ambulances
Although it has no regulatory enforcement powers, this association serves an extremely important function by bringing together experts to write and update standards that affect the fire fighting and fire protection
The national fire protection association
Which document Provides a framework for a series of new standards that help fire departments plan, implement, and manage affective health and safety programs
NFPA 1500
NFPA 1500 contains the minimum requirements for a Fire Department (blank) program
Health and safety
True or false, according to NFPA 1500, every fire department should have an individual assigned to the duties of a health and safety officer
What is the HSO’s Most important job
Implementation and management of the departments safety program
True or false, accident should be investigated whenever someone is injured or when fire department equipment or property is damaged
What should focus on finding ways to improve workplace safety and should become the basis for developing new procedures in training programs to help prevent similar circumstances from happening again
Accident investigation’s
Who may be asked to conduct an Accident investigation
Any fire officer
NFPA (blank), standard for fire department safety officer requires an investigation for all occupational injury’s, illnesses, exposures and fatalities, or other potentially hazardous conditions involving fire department members, and all accidents involving fire department vehicles, fire apparatus, equipment, or fire department facilities
True or false, as a general rule the investigation should be conducted by someone not involved with the accident or in the chain of command of those who are involved in the accident
True or false, accidents involving vehicles with or without fatalities and injuries require a report because of the damage to government equipment and private property
Photographs should provide the following information regarding accident scenes
- Position of final resting places
- Accident damage to each vehicle
- Damage to any relevant objects
- Path of travel before accident
- Evidence of point of impact
- The view that each driver had when approaching the scene
What is the routine protocol after an accident
- Investigate the accident
- Identify the causes
- Report of findings
- Develop a plan for corrective action
- Implement the plan
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the correct of action
- Make changes for continuous improvement
Important provision for improving the health and safety of members in any organization is the creation of what?
The safety committee
(Blanks) have several functions: they recommend policy respond to reports of unsafe conditions or practices provide information for organization as members and provide Research and recommendations in matters pertaining to health and safety issues
Safety committee’s
Who has the ultimate responsibility for the fire department occupational safety and health program as specified in NFPA 1500
The chief
Who does the HSO report to?
Directly to the fire chief or to the fire chiefs designated representative
Who has the ultimate responsibility for incident scene safety as specified in NFPA 1561
The incident commander
NFPA (blank) Standard on emergency services incident management system
Examples of Incidents that require immediate response or appointment Of an instant safety officer are
Hazardous materials or special operations incidents
NFPA (blank), standard on fire Department infection control program, during EMS ops
NFPA (blank), standard for professional competence of responders to hazardous materials incidents
Patient’s records cannot be released without the consent of the patient; this is included in the 1996
HIPAA and health insurance portability and accountability act
Fire fighter safety is closely related to good fire fighter what
Students should be trained and certified to the fire fighter (blank) level before being exposed to the hazard of life fire training
What document provides directions for safe training live fire environment, and it must be understood and followed if training is to be conducted safely
NFPA 1403, Standard on live fire training evolutions in structure
What is the second leading cause of fire fighter fatalities?
The result of motor vehicle accidents
Who is responsible for the safe operation of a vehicle
The company officer
Two separate USFA studies of emergency vehicle crashes reveal that over what percent of those killed in the these crashes were not wearing seatbelts at the time of the incident
NFPA 1901, standard for for automotive fire apparatus requires two modes of operation, what are they
Responding and blocking
What type of headlights are used in many areas as warning lights and provide an inexpensive way to obtain additional warning to the front of the apparatus
Flashing headlights should be turned off, along with all other white warning lights, when the apparatus warning lights are in the what mode
Incidents involving motor vehicles account for approximately how many percent of US fire fighter deaths each year
Airbrake systems on tankers are influenced by the amount of water the tanker is hauling and whether the tanker is what?
NFPA (blank) standard for the inspection, maintenance, testing, and retirement of in-service Automotive fire apparatus
NFPA (blank), standard for automotive Fire apparatus
NFPA (blank), standard for fire apparatus driver/ operator professional qualifications
You should take refresher driver training at least how many times a year
USFA published a report titled (blank) this manual provide comprehensive information regarding the safety practices and principles of thinker vehicles for local fire departments
Save operation of fire tankers
NFPA 1500 declares that self-contained breathing apparatus must be worn and used in the atmosphere is what
Hazardous, is suspecting of being hazardous, or maybe rapidly becoming hazardous
NFPA 1500 states that a SCBA shall be cleaned at least how many times a year
Once every six months
NFPA (blank), fire department infection control program
NFPA requires that firefighters work in teams of
Two or more
NFPA 1500 indicates that at least one team, consisting of at least (blank) individuals, shall we kept immediately available for purposes of rescuing firefighters if the need arises
Emergency responder (blank) is designed to ensure that the physical and mental well-being of members operating at the scene it’s an emergency do not deteriorated to the point where it affects their safety
What is the term often used for the care given to firefighters and other responders while performing their duties at an emergency scene
FireGround Rehab
(Blank) includes monitoring vital signs, rehydration, nourishment, and rest for responders between assignments
Fairground rehab
When an incident escalates beyond an initial full alarm assignment or when significant risk is present to firefighters due to the magnitude of the incident, the incident commander shall upgrade the initial rapid intervention team to a for rapid intervention team consisting of
Four fully equipped and train firefighters
In the early stages of an incident, which includes the deployment of a fire departments initial attack assignment, the rapid intervention team shall be in compliance with one of the following
- On scene members designated and dedicated as a rapid intervention crew/company
- On scene members performing other functions but ready to redeployed to perform rapid intervention crew our company functions
Phoenix fire department states that if you extend an attack line at 150 feet, get 40 feet off the line, and run out of air, it will take how many minutes to find and remove you
Phoenix fire department RIT study: it takes how many firefighters to rescue one
Phoenix fire department a RIT study: how many rescuers will get into trouble during a RIT operation themselves
One in five
A 3000 PSI SCBA bottle last how many minutes
A company officers core competency is too command
A Fire company
A chief’s officers core competency is the command
Fire companies
Assigning company officers as sector officers places them in a situation where they have to wear two hats, which are
Company officer and command officer
Phoenix fire department suggest that it would be more effective to send more (blank) officers to the fire event to function is sector and division officers
US fire administration data suggest at the most dangerous activity at the fire ground is advancing what
Hose lines
Many accidents involving fire apparatus are the result of what
Excessive speed
NFPA 1500 requires that all fire department facilities be inspected at least how many times a year to determine their compliance
What is the second largest category after “fire ground” As the place were firefighters are injured
Other on duty
The combination of (blank) provides an environment in which accidents are likely to occur
Increased exposure and decreased vigilance
NFPA 1500 indicates in a minimum of how many individuals as required to start interior operations any hazardous Environment
A hazardous environment is defined as an area where there is
Immediate danger to life and health IDLH
As company officers, you should tour the station
Every day
As Company officers you should inspect the station
Once a month
NFPA (blank), standard on fire Department infection control program
All fire stations and fire Department facilities shall comply with
NFPA 101, life safety code
NFPA 1500 requires that all members shall be given a physical examination when
Before they start their recruit training in periodically there after
Approximately 40 to 50% of all on duty fire fighter fatalities are the result of what?
Heart attack
strain in sprain injuries represent how much percent of all injuries
Heart attacks and strokes represent nearly how many percent Of all deaths in the fire service
NFPA (blank), health related fitness programs for firefighters
As a company officer, you can have a significant impact on the health and safety of your personnel by just
Setting a positive example for them to follow
Critical incident stress cannot be avoided but it’s effects can be lessened by having what in place
A support system
What are the five generally excepted tools for dealing with CIS
Training, scene management, peer support, debriefing, counseling
True or false, critical incident stress is a normal reaction experienced by normal people following an event that is abnormal
The main objective of the (blank) is to lessen the impact of the critical incident, put it into the proper perspective, and help maintain a healthy outlook
CID team
CSID team should consist of
Other firefighters, support personnel, and mental health professionals specifically trained and stress related
Generally, CID briefing’s should be held at a station within how many hours after the incident
1 to 3
True or false, debriefings are strictly confidential and are not a critique of the incident
Common signs and symptoms Of (blank) are fatigue, headaches, inability to concentrate, anxiety, depression, inappropriate emotional behavior, intense anger, irritability, withdraw from the crew and or family, change in appetite, increased alcohol consumption, and the change in sleeping patterns
Critical incident stress
(Blank) is often the first step and providing the help that is needed and should be ready to serve to help minimize stress related injury
The CID team
Make safety a core value by supporting LACK which stands for
Leadership, accountability, communication, and knowledge
20 years ago Flashover with normally take place within
12 to 16 minutes
Time frames to reach flashover conditions in today’s environment have been demonstrated to take place in as little as
3 to 3 1/2 minutes
1 pound of wood releases how many BTUs
A small plastic shopping bag wing much less than half of an ounce Has been shown to release as much as (blank) BTUs
A person assigned as the manager of the department of health and safety program
Health and safety officer
The tracking of personnel as to location and activity during an emergency event
Personal accountability
A team or company of emergency personnel kept immediately available for the potential rescue of other emergency responders
Rapid Intervention team RIT
This applies to fire fighting personnel, an opportunity to take a short break from fire fighting duties to rest, call off, and replenish liquids
What are the three Es In fire prevention
Engineering, enforcement, and education
The primary mission of the fire department is
The protection of lives in property from the fire
Between 1998 and 2007, an average of how many Americans lost their lives to fire