Chapter 6 - Identity and Personality Flashcards
Self Concept vs Identity
Self-concept: Sum of the ways in which we describe ourselves. Including past, present, and future.
Identity: Individual components of self-concept relating to various groups.
Gender Identity
Description based on masculinity or femininity.
Ethnic Identity
Refers to membership in a particular ethnic/racial group as well as nationality.
Cultural heritage - shared language - ancestry
Hierarchy of Salience
Situational triage of which identity characteristics are most important.
Self Discrepancy Theory
3 Selves
- Actual (what we are)
- Ideal (what we want to be)
- Ought (what others want)
Locus of Control
Location of control
- Internal (success depends on you)
- External (success depends on environment)
Freuds Stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral - 0-1 y.o.
Anal 1-3 y.o.
Phallic 3-5 y.o.
Latency 5-Puberty
Genital Puberty +
Eriksons Development Stages
Trust vs Mistrust (0-1)
Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt (1-3)
Initiative vs Guilt (3-6)
Industry vs Inferiority (6-12)
Identity vs Role Confusion (12-20)
Intimacy vs Isolation (20-40)
Generativity vs Stagnation (40-65)
Integrity vs Despair (65+)
Kholber Moral Reasoning
Preconventional Morality (obedience/self interest)
Conventional Morality
(conformity/law and order)
Postconventional Morality
( social contract/universal human ethics)
Heinz Dilemma
Stealing medication when you need it. Moral or not?
Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development
Skills not yet mastered that are better demonstrated by a “more knowledgeable other”
Looking Glass Self
Understanding of how others see you
Reference Group
Group to which you compare yourself to
Collection of characteristic trait/behaviors/feelings/thoughts that make an individual.
4 Perspectives of Personality
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Behavior and Identity is driven by unconscious desires.
Freuds Psychoanalytic Perspective
Ego, Id, Superego
Unconscious, basic, primal desire to survive and reproduce.
Conscious functions as a mediator between the primal Id and the ideal superego. Uses defense mechanisms to achieve this!
Functions to perfect/idealize
Defense Mechanisms
- Repression (unconscious forgetting)
- Suppression (conscious forgetting)
- Rationalization (rationalizing behavior)
- Projection (projecting thoughts/feeling onto others)
- Regression (reverting to a previous developmental state)
- Reaction Formation (reacting in the opposite manner)
- Displacement (displacing emotion from one thing/person to another thing/person)
- Sublimation (turning an unacceptable urge into an acceptable one)
Carl Jung Psychoanalytic Theory
Emphasis on interpersonal/sociological influence.
Carl Jung Archetypes
- Persona (public mask)
- Anima (inner woman)
- Animus (inner man)
- Shadow (inner unpleasant/socially reprehensible)
16 Personalities
Extrovert vs Introvert
Thinking vs Feeling
Sensing vs Intuition
Judging vs Perceiving
Fictional Finalism
Motivation due to expectation of future rather than past
Alfred Alder
Behavior motivated by striving for superiority
Karen Horney
Behavior is motivate by relationship to others
Basic Anxiety vs Basic Agression
Vulnerability/Helplessness vs Anger
Object Relations Theory
Earlier relationships from basis for future relationships
Humanistic Perspective of Personality
Focus on conscious drives for behavior
Kurt Lewis Force Field Theory
Low constrain on personality by fixed traits.
Abraham Maslow
Maslow’s Hierarchy
George Kelly
Personal construct theory
Carl Rogers
Freedom to control behavior
Client centered therapy
Unconditional positive regard
Type and Trait Theory of Personality
Focused on classifying type/or distinctive traits
Type Taxonomies
A/B type
Meyers Briggs
Eysenks Trait Personalities (OCEAN)
Gordon Allport Trait Personalities
Cardinal (core traits, life defining)
Central (major characteristics)
Secondary (situationally specific)
Functional Autonomy
Behavior continues despite fulfillment of initial drive.
Need for achievement trait (David McClelland)
Social Cognitive Theory of Personality
Individuals influence their environments and the environment influences the individual.
Behavioral Theory
Based on operant conditioning
Biological Theory
Genetic expression dictated behavior