Chapter 10 - Social Thinking Flashcards
Cognitive Neoassociation Model
Increases likelihood of reacting with anger when in pain.
Attachment Types
Secure Attachment
A secure relationship with caregiver.
Preference for caregiver over others.
Avoidant Attachment
No response from caregiver during distress.
No preference for caregiver/others.
Ambivalent Attachment
Limited/disorganized response from the caregiver during distress.
Some preference for caregiver.
Disorganized Attachment
No clear behavioral response.
Occurs with abuse.
Social Support Types
Family, esteem, material, informational, and network.
Mate Choice Mechanisms
Phenotypic Benefit
Sensory Bias
Fisherian/runaway Selection
Indicator Traits
Genetic Compatibility
Game Theory
Studies decision-making in groups
- Altruism
- Cooperation
- Spite
- Selfishness
Inclusive Fitness
Measure of an organism’s success in a population.
Commonly referenced: altruism.
Social Perception/Cognition
Tool used to make judgments and impressions of others.
Social Perception (3 parts)
- Target
- Situation
Impression Bias
Impressions dictate which information will later be preferentially ascribed.
Primacy vs Recency Effect
Primacy - First impression is what makes more of an impression
Recency - Last impression is what makes more of an impression
Implicit Personality Theory
Sets of assumptions made regarding how types of people, their traits, and their behaviors are related.
Halo Effect
Judgment about a specific aspect of someone being translated to the overall impression.
Just World Hypothesis
Good things happen to good people and vice-versa. Karma.
Self Serving Bias
The belief that failures are a result of external control and success is a result of internal control.
Self Enhancement vs Verification
Enhancement = self-validation
Verification = validation from others`
Attribution Theory
How individuals infer causes of others behavior
Dispositional vs Situation Causes
Dispositional: Internal (attitude, beliefs,etc)
Situational: External (situational, environmental, etc)
Consistency Cues
Use similar behavior on a consistent basis =
Extent to which behaviors conform/do not conform to the behavior of others.
Using similar behaviors in multiple different scenarios.
Fundamental Attribution Error
Being biased to make dispositional attributions rather than situational ones.
Judgment on single action rather than environmental impact.
Attribute Substitution
Analyzing a complex scenario but substituting a simpler solution or applying a heuristic.
Cultural Attribution
Individualistic societies make more fundamental attribution errors.
Stereotypes vs Prejudice vs Discrimination
Stereotypes: Cognitive
Prejudice: Affective
Discrimination: Behavioral
Expectations, impressions, and opinions about members of groups.
Stereotype Types
Paternalistic: Low Competence, High Warmth
Admiration: High Competence, High Warmth
Contemptuous: Low Competence, Low Warmth
Envious: High Competence, Low Warmth.
Stereotype Threat
Fear of confirming a stereotype.
Irrational positive or negative attitude towards someone or something BEFORE contact.
Making judgment about other cultures based on the framework of ones own culture.
Cultural Relativism
Cultures should be studied in their native environments.
Differential treatments based on prejudice.