Chapter 3 - Learning and Memory Flashcards
Decrease in response to a stimulus after prolonged exposure
Recovery of response to a stimulus after habituation has occured
Associative Learning (2 types)
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Associations between unrelated stimuli (Pavlov)
Operant Conditioning
Consequences of voluntary behaviors change frequency of those behaviors (punishments vs reinforcement)
Turning a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus.
Loss of a conditioned response
Spontaneous recovery
production of weak conditioned response after extinction
Broadening of acceptance criteria for a conditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response
Distinguishing between similar stimuli to produce a conditioned response.
Increases behavior
Escape Learning
Displaying desired behavior to remove unwanted stimulus
Avoidance Learning
Displaying desired behavior in anticipation of an unwanted stimulus
Primary Reinforcer
Rewards that feed biological needs (water, food, sex)
Secondary Reinforcer
Rewards that can be exchanged for a primary reinforcer. (Money, grades, success, status)
Reduces occurrence of behavior.
Aversive Conditioning
Positive punishment
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement
Reinforcement after every behavior or after every (x) time of behavior.
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
Reinforcement at various random performances of behavior.
Fixed Interval Reinforcement
Reinforcement of at a fixed interval.
Variable Interval Reinforcement
Reinforcement at variable intervals.
Rewarding increasingly similar behavior close to a desired behavior.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs without a reward but can be spontaneously demonstrated when a reward is introduced.
Evolutionary predisposition to learn a behavior. (pecking for birds)
Instinctive Drift
Reverting to instinctual behavior that abandons a learned behavior.
Observational Learning
Learning new behaviors by observation. (Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll)