Chapter 3 - Learning and Memory Flashcards
Decrease in response to a stimulus after prolonged exposure
Recovery of response to a stimulus after habituation has occured
Associative Learning (2 types)
Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Associations between unrelated stimuli (Pavlov)
Operant Conditioning
Consequences of voluntary behaviors change frequency of those behaviors (punishments vs reinforcement)
Turning a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus.
Loss of a conditioned response
Spontaneous recovery
production of weak conditioned response after extinction
Broadening of acceptance criteria for a conditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response
Distinguishing between similar stimuli to produce a conditioned response.
Increases behavior
Escape Learning
Displaying desired behavior to remove unwanted stimulus
Avoidance Learning
Displaying desired behavior in anticipation of an unwanted stimulus
Primary Reinforcer
Rewards that feed biological needs (water, food, sex)
Secondary Reinforcer
Rewards that can be exchanged for a primary reinforcer. (Money, grades, success, status)
Reduces occurrence of behavior.
Aversive Conditioning
Positive punishment
Fixed Ratio Reinforcement
Reinforcement after every behavior or after every (x) time of behavior.
Variable Ratio Reinforcement
Reinforcement at various random performances of behavior.
Fixed Interval Reinforcement
Reinforcement of at a fixed interval.
Variable Interval Reinforcement
Reinforcement at variable intervals.
Rewarding increasingly similar behavior close to a desired behavior.
Latent Learning
Learning that occurs without a reward but can be spontaneously demonstrated when a reward is introduced.
Evolutionary predisposition to learn a behavior. (pecking for birds)
Instinctive Drift
Reverting to instinctual behavior that abandons a learned behavior.
Observational Learning
Learning new behaviors by observation. (Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll)
Mirror Neurons
Neurons that are located in the frontal and parietal lobes that fire when individuals copy an observed action. (monkey see, monkey do)
Teaching a behavior by example
Putting information into memory
Automatic processing
Passive learning
Controlled processing
Active learning
Elaborative encoding
Linking knowledge to already learned
Semantic encoding
Linking knowledge by putting it into context
Self-reference Effect
Linking knowledge by putting it into context of own life
Maintenance Rehearsal
Repetition if information to commit to memory.
Method of Loci
Associating items based on location
Peg-Word System
Associating items based on rhymes or resemblance
Chunking (clustering)
Grouping of items in order to memorize them better (think FLAT PEG)
Sensory Memory
Memory based on senses (<1 sec)
Short Term Memory
Short memory (<1 sec)
Working Memory
Part of short-term memory. Allows for the storage of memory long enough for manipulation. (Mental math, puzzles, etc)
Long-Term Memory (2 parts)
Explicit (declarative memory) and implicit (nondeclarative/procedural)
Explicit Memory
Declarative memory, made of episodic memory (events, experiances) and semantic memory (facts, concepts)
Presentation of one stimulus affects the following ones
Positive Priming
Exposure to first stimulus enhances processing of the following ones.
Negative Priming
Exposure to the first stimulus
Ability to retrieve memories at will
Identifying learned information (easier than recall)
Semantic Network
Concepts linked together.
Context Effect
Memory recall is aided by being in the same location as when the information as learned.
State-dependent Memory
Enhanced recall being in the same state as when the information was learned (sober, high, drunk, tired, etc)
Serial position effect
Items at the beginning and end are recalled more clearly.
Creating vivid but fabricated memories to fill in the forgotten information.
Failure to recognize objects, people, or sounds. Usually a result of physical damage to the brain.
Proactive Interference
Old information interferes with learning of new information.
Retroactive Interference
New information interferes with recall of old information.
Prospective Memory
Remembering to do things in the future (event-based vs time-based)
Reproductive Memory
Factual and unbiased memory
Reconstructive Memory
Memory that is biased by imagination, semantic memory, and perception.
False Memory
Memory that never occurred.
Recovered Memory
Repressed memory that is remembered.
Misinformation Effect
Recall affected by injection of outside information into the memory.
Intrusion Errors
Recall affected by merging of two memories due to common themes.
Source-Monitoring Error
Confusion between episodic and semantic memory resulting in memories that happened to someone else appearing to have happened to oneself.
Adaptive quality of the brain allowing for rewiring.
Synaptic Pruning
Pruning of weak connections to favor strong ones.
Long-term Potentiation
Strengthening of neural connections through repeated use.