Chapter 6- Identity And Personality Flashcards
Self schema
A self given label that carries with it a side of qualities.
Individual components of our self-concept related to the groups to which we belong.
You can have one self-concept and multiple identities that define who you are and how you should behave within a certain context.
Gender identity
Describes a person’s appraisal of themselves on a scale of masculinity and femininity.
The state of being simultaneously very masculine and very feminine.
Gender schema
The components of gender identity are transmitted to cultural and societal means.
race vs ethnicity vs nationality
Race: physical characteristics that define a person as being a part of a specific group (skin color, eye color, facial features)
Ethnicity: cultural characteristics that define a person as being part of a specific group (language accent religion customs)
Nationality: country you are from.
Hierarchy of salience
Budding situations dictate which identity holds the most important for us at any given moment
What is the three cells associated with self discrepancy theory?
Actual self, ideal self, ought self
Generally the closer these three are to one another the higher our self-esteem or self-worth will be.
Actual self
The way we see ourselves as we currently are
Ideal self
Person we would like to be
Ought self
The representation of the way others think we should be
Self efficacy
Our belief in our ability to succeed.
Locus of control
The way we characterize the influences in our lives. Internal vs external locus of control.
People with an internal locus of control view themselves as controlling their own fate whereas those with an extern all locus of control field of the events in their lives are called by lock her outside influences.
Occurs when a child is overwhelmed or overly frustrated during a stage of development. The child then forms of personality pattern based on that particular stage these personality patterns persist into adulthood as a functional mental disorder known as neurosis.
Name the stages of freud’s stages of psychosocial development
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Oral phase
Age 0-1 year
Gratification is obtained primarily through putting objects into the mouth biting and sucking.
Orally fixated adult would likely exhibit excessive dependency (on others eating drinking smoking
Anal stage
Age 1-3
The libido is centered on the anus and gratification as getting to the other donation and retention of waste materials.
Fixation during the stage would lead to sloppiness in the adult
Phallic Stage
Age 3-5
Oedipal/Electra conflict.
Centers on the resolution of the above conflicts.
During this stage the child is thoughtto try to deerrotosize or sublimate their libidinal energy.
Latent state
The latent stage is reached around puberty when the libido is sublimated.
Genital stage
Begins in puberty and lasts through adulthood.
If prior development has proceeded correctly the person should enter into healthy heterosexual relationships. And sexual traumas of childhood have not been resolved behavior such as homosexuality a sexuality or fetishism may result.
Erik Erikson’s stages of personality development
Personality development based on a series of crises that derive from conflict between needs and social demands.
Trust vs mistrust autonomy vs shame and doubt Initiative vs guilt Industry vs inferiority Identity vs role confusion Intimacy vs isolation Generativity vs stagnation Integrity vs despair
Trust vs mistrust
Age 0-1
Can I trust the world?
If resolved correctly the child will grow to trust the environment in themselves. If Miss trust wins the child will often be suspicious of the world.
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
Age 1-3
Is it OK to be me?
If resolved successfully the child will be able to exert control over the world and exercise choice as well as self restraint. The unfavorable outcome is a sense of doubt and a persistent external locus of control
Initiative vs guilt
Age 3-6
Is it okay for me to do move and act?
Favorable outcome as a sense of purpose the ability to initiate activities and ability to enjoy accomplishment. If guilt wins, the child will be so overcome by the fear of punishment of the child may never unduly restrictive self or may overcompensate by showing off.
Industry vs inferiority
Age 6-12
Can I make it in this world of people and things?
If resolved favorably the child will feel competent be able to exercise his or her abilities and intelligence in the world and be able to affect the world in a way that the child desires. Unfavorable resolution result in a sense of inadequacy a sense of an ability to act in a complement manner and low self-esteem.
Identity vs role confusion
Age 12-20
Who am I? What can I be?
Favorable outcomes Fidelity to ability to see oneself as you make an integrated person with a stand royalties. Unfavorable outcomes are confusion about one’s identity and amorphous personality that shifts from day today.
Intimacy vs isolation
Age 20-40
Can I love?
Favorable outcome I love and the ability to have intimate relationships with others the ability to commit oneself to another person into one’s goals. Unfavorable results avoidance of commitment alienation and distancing oneself from others in one’s ideals.
Generativity vs Stagnation
Age: 40-65
Can I make my life count?
Successful resolution results in an individual capable of being productive caring and contributing member of society. Unfavorable outcome one acquires a sense of stagnation and may become self indulgence bored and self-centered with a little care for others.
Integrity vs despair
Age 65+
Is it OK to have been me?
If favorably results you will see wisdom assurance of the meaning of life dignity and acceptance of the fact of one’s life has been worthwhile in the readiness to face death. If not resolved feelings of bitterness about one’s life the feeling that life has been worthless and at the same time fear over one’s impending death.
Kohlbergs theory of personality development
Focuses on development of moral thinking.
As our cognitive abilities grow so does our ability to view the world in more complex and nuanced ways. This in turn affects the way in which we resolve moral dilemmas and perceive the notion of right and wrong.
Preconventional morality
The first of kohlberg’s phases of moral reasoning
Age: preadolescence
Stage one: obedience. Concerned with avoiding punishment «If steal this drug I’ll go to jail.»
Stage two: self-interest/instrumental relativist. Concerned with gaining rewards “I need to save my wife because I want to spend more of my life with her”
What are the two stages of the preconventional morality phase of Kohlberg’s moral reasoning?
- Obedience
2. Self-Interest
Conventional morality
Age: adolescence to adulthood
Conformity- seeks the approval of others. “ I should not steal the drug because stealing is wrong”
Law and Order- maintains the social order in the highest regard “ if everyone stole things they couldn’t afford, people who produce those items would not be able to continue their business”
What are the two stages of the conventional morality stage of Kohlberg moral reasoning?
- Conformity
4. Law and Order
Postconventional morality
Age: adulthood (if at all)
Social contract: moral rules are designed to ensure the greater good with focus on individual rights
“Everyone has a right to live; businesses have a right to profit from their products”
Universal human ethics: decisions should be made in consideration of abstract principles. It is wrong for one person to hold another’s life for ransom”
What are the two stages of the postconventional stages of kohlbergs moral developments
- Social Contract
6. Universal human ethics
Zone of proximal development
The skills and abilities that have not yet fully developed but are in the process of development. Getting these skills normally requires the presence of a more knowledgeable other typically an adult.
Ex. Learning to ride a bike.
Theory of mind
The ability to understand how a friend is interpreting a story while you tell it
Looking glass sense
Describes the process wherein individuals base their sense of self on how they believe others view them
Reference group
Our self-concept often depends on whom we are comparing ourselves to.
How we act and react to the world around us
What are the four theories of personality?
- Psychoanalytic (psychodynamic) 2. Humanistic (phenomenological) 3. Type and Trait 4. Behaviorist
Psychoanalytic (psychodynamic) theory of personality.
Assumption of unconscious internal states that motivate the overt actions of individuals and determine personality.
Basic primal inborn urges to survive and reproduce. The anus to achieve immediate gratification and to relieve any pent-up tension.
“organizer of the mind”
operates according to the reality principle, taking into account objective reality as it guides or inhibits the activity of the id and the id’s pleasure principle.
The personalities perfectionist judging your actions and responding with pride at our accomplishments and guilt at our failures.
Made up of the conscience and the ego ideal. (System of right and wrong substitute for parental rewards and punishments)
What is the aim of the reality principle with regards to the Id?
Works to postpone the pleasure principle until satisfaction can actually be obtained.
Subsystem of the super ego
A collection of the improper actions for which a child is punished
Ego ideal
Subsystem of the super ego
Proper actions for which a child is rewarded
Preconscious thoughts
Thoughts that we aren’t currently aware of
Unconscious thoughts
Thoughts that have been repressed
psychological representation of a biological need
What are the eight main defense mechanisms by Freud?
Repression, suppression, regression, reaction formation, projection, rationalization, displacement, and sublimation.
One of the eight main defense mechanisms by Freud.
The egos way of forcing undesired thoughts and urges to the unconscious.
Repression is an unconscious forgetting where suppression is a more deliberate conscious form of forgetting.
One of the eight main defense mechanisms by Freud.
Reversion to an earlier developmental state.
Reaction Formation
One of the eight main defense mechanisms by Freud.
When individuals suppress urges by unconsciously converting them into their exact opposites.
One of the eight main defense mechanisms by Freud.
Individuals attribute their undesired feelings to others. I hate my parents may turn into my parents hate me.
Rorschach Inkblot Test
A test that makes use of projection to get insight into a clients mind. 
Thematic apperception test
Consists of a series of pictures that are presented to the client who has asked to make up story about each one. It is thought to shine a light on the clients on unconscious thoughts and feelings.
Justification of behaviors in a manner that is acceptable to the self and society.
There are plenty of dangerous drivers on the road. What difference will one more make?
The transference of an undesired urge from one person or object to another. 
Someone angry at her boss may hold her tongue at work but snap at her spouse when she gets home.
The transformation of unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors.
Pent up anger and boxing 🥊 
Carl Jung divided the unconscious into what two parts?
Personal Unconscious: similar to freuds unconscious
Collective Unconscious: Powerful system that is shared among all humans and considered to be a residue of the experiences of early ancestors.
Part of Carl Jungs psychoanalytic theory. That puts emphasis on interpersonal sociological and cultural influences.
Underlying forms or concepts that give rise to archetypal images which may differ somewhat between cultures.
What are important Jungian archetypes?
Persona, Amina, Aminus, Shadow.
One of the important jungian archetypes.
The aspect of our personality we present to the world
One of the important jungian archetypes.
A man’s inner woman
One of the important jungian archetypes.
A woman’s inner man
One of the important jungian archetypes.
Unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts feelings and actions in our consciousness
What are the three dichotomies of personality according to Carl Jung?
And most individuals both sides of each dichotomy are present to some degree but one tends to dominate.
Extraversion vs introversion: orientation toward the external world versus orientation toward the inner or personal world
Sensing vs intuiting: obtaining objective information about the world versus working with information abstractly
Thinking vs feeling: Using logic and reasoning versus using feeling in personal beliefs
Meyers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
Similar to Carl Jung’s dichotomies of personality. A classic personality test extraversion introversion sensing thinking feeling intuition and judging labeled as different personality types.
Inferiority Complex
An individual sense of incompleteness imperfection and inferiority both physically and socially.
Creative self
A part of Adler’s theory of inferiority.
The force by which each individual shapes his uniqueness and establishes his personality.
Style of Life
A part of Adler’s theory of inferiority.
Represents the manifestation of the creative self and describes a person’s unique way of achieving superiority.
Fictional Finalism
The notion that an individual is motivated more by his expectations of the future than by past experiences.
Life would be perfect if only… 
Difference between Freud Jung and Adler’s motivation behind behavior.
Freud- inborn instincts
Jung- inborn archetypes
Adler- striving for superiority
Neurotic needs
Karen Hornet (Dissenting student of Freud)
People with neurotic personalities are governed by one of 10 neurotic needs. Each need is directed toward making life and interactions bearable.
Examples include need for affection and approval, need to exploit others, need for self-sufficiency and independence.
They become problematic if they are disproportionate in intensity, indiscriminate an application, partially disregard reality have a tendency to provoke intense anxiety.
Basic anxiety
A term from Karen Horney that shows
The importance of a child’s relationship with his or her parents.  inadequate parenting can cause vulnerability and helplessness (basic anxiety)
Basic hostility
Neglect and rejection cause anger known as basic hostility.
A term founded by Karen Horney in regards to the relationship between a child and his or her parents and their perception of self.
Object relations theory
Objects: Parents or other caregivers during early intimacy infancy.
These objects persist into adulthood and impact our interactions with others including the social bonds we create in our predictions of others behaviors
Humanistic Perspective
Focuses on the value of individuals. Take some more person centered approach. Describing ways in which healthy people strive for self realization.
Gestalt therapy
Holistic view of the self seeing each individual as a complete person rather than reducing him to individual behaviors or drugs.
Our personality is a result of conscious feelings we have for ourselves as we attempted taint our needs and goals.
Kurt Lewinsky force field therapy
Focuses on situations in the present. One’s current state of mind which is a sum of forces or influences on the individual at that time. An individual can have forces assisting and blocking the path to their goals. 
Peak experiences
Self actualized people are more likely to have peak experiences were profound and deeply moving experiences in a persons life that I’ve important and lasting effects on the individual
Personal construct psychology
George kelly thinks of individuals of scientist a person who devices and test predictions about behavior of some significant people in his or her life. They construct a scheme of anticipation of what others will do based on his or her knowledge perception and relationships with these people.
Allows people to acquire new constructs that will allow him or her to successfully predict troublesome events.
Client centered, person centered, nondirective therapy
Developed by Carl Rogers. He believed that people have the freedom to control their own behavior and are neither slaves to the unconscious (psychoanalyst) nor subjects of faulty learning (behaviorist).
Unconditional positive regard
A therapeutic technique where his therapist except their clients completely and express empathy in order to promote a positive therapeutic environment.
Type vs trait theories
Type theorist attempt to create a taxonomy (classification) of personality types while trait trait theorist prefers to describe individual personality as a sum of a persons characteristic behaviors.
Somatotype and personality type
Classifying personality based on body type.
Example short people are kind and jolly tall people high strong and aloof people in between were strong and well-adjusted.
Type A personality
Behaviors a time to be competitive and compulsive
Type B personality
Generally laid-back and relaxed
3 traits of the PEN model
Psychoticism: Measure of non-conformity or social deviance
Extraversion: Measure of tolerance for social interaction and stimulation
Neuroticism: Measure of emotional arousal and stressful situations 
Big five traits of personality
Expanded form of the PEN theory.
O-Openness C-Conscientiousness E-Extraversion A-Agreeableness N-Neuroticism
Gordon Allports three basic types of traits or dispositions
Cardinal- Traits around which a person organizes his or her life. Example Mother Teresa and self sacrifice not everyone develops a cardinal trait.
Central-major characteristics of the personality that are easy to infer such as honesty or charisma.

Secondary-Personal characteristics that are more limited in a current aspects of one’s personality that only appear in close groups or specific social situations.
Functional Autonomy
When a behavior continues despite satisfaction of the drive that originally created the behavior. Example hunting to eat food versus hunting for enjoyment.
Behaviorist perspective
Based heavily on the concepts of operant conditioning. Personality is a reflection of behaviors that have been reinforced over time. 
Social cognitive perspective
Focuses on how our environment influences our behavior and how we interact with the environment
Locus of control is an important concept in the social cognitive perspective.
The best predictor of how you wanna act in the future is past behavior in similar situations.
Reciprocal determinism
The idea that I thoughts feelings behaviors environment all interact with each other to determine our actions in a given situation.
Biological perspective
Personality can be explained as a result of genetic expression in the brain.
Similar linkage to trait perspectives in the sense that biological personality dependent on genes vs differences in brain anatomy