Chapter 6: Head and Neck (continued) Flashcards
What are the major tributaries that drain into the dural venous sinuses?
cerebral and cerebelli veins
diploic veins
Arachnoid granulations
Meningeal veins
Where do the cerebral and cerebelli veins drain? Where are they located?
pass across the subdural space and drain into the sinuses
Describe the emissary veins. Where they course and what their function is?
veins are valveless channels that course through bones of skull and allow dural sinuses to communicate with extracranial veins
Diploic veins drain into what area of the body?
drain the spongy (diploe) core of flat bones
What is the purpose of arachnoid granulations?
where CSF returns to the venous circulation
Dural venous sinus picture
Superior sagittal sinus location?
midsagittal plane superior aspect of falx cerebri
Inferior sagittal sinus location?
midsagittal plane near inferior margin of falx cerebri
Straight sinus is formed by union of what what structures?
formed by union of inferior sagittal sinus and great cerebral vein
Where is the occipital sinus located?
small sinus found in the posterior border of tentorium cerebelli
Confluence of sinuses is formed by what union?
union of superior sagittal, straight, and occipital sinuses posteriorly at the occipital bone
Where are the transverse sinuses located?
paired sinuses in the tentorium cerebelli and attached to the occipital bone
Where are the sigmoid sinuses located ?
paired and form a S-shaped channel in the floor of the posterior cranial fossa
Where are the cavernous sinuses located?
On either side of the body of the sphenoid bone
Each cavernous sinus receives blood primarily from which veins?
orbit (ophthalmic veins)
and via emissary veins from the deep face (pterygoid venous plexus)