Chapter 3: Abdomen, Pelvis, and Perineum Flashcards
What is the linea alba?
a shallow groove (band of connective tissue) that runs vertically in the median plane from the xiphoid to the pubis
What is the linea semilunaris?
a curved line defining the lateral border of the rectus abdominis, a bilateral feature
Where does the subcostal plane lie?
horizontal plane
passes through the inferior margins of the 10th costal cartilages at the level of the third lumbar vertebra
Where does the transpyloric plane lie?
passes through the L1 vertebra, being half the distance between the pubis and the jugular notch
The transpyloric plane passes through what important abdominal landmarks?
pylorus of the stomach (variable), fundus of gallbladder, neck and body of the pancreas, hila of kidneys, first part of the duodenum, and origin of the superior mesenteric artery
Be able to create a diagram on the regions and planes of the abdomen.
Refer to the diagram.
The superficial fascia of the anterior abdominal wall below the umbilicus consists of what 2 layers?
Campers fascia and Scarpa fascia
Describe Camper’s fascia.
fatty; is the outer, subcutaneous layer of superficial fascia that is variable in thickness owing to the presence of fat
Describe Scarpa fascia.
Is the deeper layer of superficial fascia devoid of fat
The Scarpa fascia is continuous with what other fascia layers found in the perineal fascial layers?
Colles’s fascia, Dartos fascia of the scrotum, superficial fascia of the clitoris or penis
What 2 layers are the most superficial of the 3 flat muscles of the abdominal wall?
external abdominal oblique muscle and aponeurosis
The external abdominal oblique muscle and the aponeurosis contribute to what other major structures of the abdomen?
inguinal ligament
superficial inguinal ring
external spermatic fascia
rectus sheath
List the anterior abdominal wall layers from the skin to the parietal peritoneum.
superficial fascia: camper (fatty) and scarpa (fibrous)
external oblique
internal oblique
transversus abdominis
transversalis fasica
extraperitoneal connective tissue
parietal peritoneum
What is the inguinal ligament?
the inferior rolled under aponeurotic fibers of the external oblique and extend between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic tubercle
What is the lacunar ligament
fibers of the inguinal ligament form a flattened horizontal shelf that attaches deeply to the pectineal line of the pubis and continues as the pectineal ligament
The medial border of a fermoral hernia is formed by what a structure?
lacunar ligament
What is the superficial inguinal ring?
vertical triangular cleft in the external oblique aponeurosis that represents the medial opening of the inguinal canal just superior and lateral to the pubic tubercle
What structure transmits the structures of the female and male inguinal canals?
superfical inguinal ring
What is the outer layer of the 3 coverings of the spermatic cord.
external spermatic fascia (external oblique fascia)
What contributes to the anterior layer of rectus sheath?
external aponeuroses
What is the internal abdominal oblique muscle and aponeurosis?
The middle layer of the 3 flat muscle regions of the abdomen
What are the contributions of the internal abdominal oblique to the abdominal wall and inguinal region?
- conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis)
- middle layer of the rectus sheath
- cremasteric muscle and fascia
How is the conjoint tendon formed? Where does it insert? What is the location?
is formed by combined arching fibers of the internal oblique and the transversus abdominis muscle that insert on the pubic crest posterior to the superficial inguinal ring
What muscle contributes to the layers (not just anterior or posterior layers) of the rectus sheath?
the internal oblique aponeuroses
What is the cremasteric muscle and fascia? What structures does it cover?
represent the middle layer of the spermatic fascia covering the spermatic cord and testis in the male
What part of the body does the cremasteric muscle and fascia run through?
in the inguinal canal of the body
What is the deepest part of the flat muscles of the abdomen?
transversus abdominis muscle and aponeurosis
Does the transversus abdominis muscle and aponeurosis contribute to any layers of the spermatic fascia?
What structure is the deep inguinal ring formed from? Where is it located? Where is it located in comparison to the inguinal canal?
by outpouchings of the transversalis fascia immediately above the midpoint of the inguinal ligament and represents the lateral and deep opening of the inguinal canal
The inferior epigastric vessels are medial or lateral to the deep inguinal ring?
medial to
What is the internal spermatic fascia? Where does it start or is formed at?
deepest of the coverings of the spermatic cord formed at the deep ring in the male
What is the femoral sheath and extension of? Where is it located? What other structures does it contain?
an inferior extension of the transversalis fascia deep to the inguinal ligament into the thigh containing the femoral artery and vein and the femoral canal (site of femoral hernia)
What contributes to the posterior layer of the rectus sheath?
the transversalis fascia contributes to the posterior layer of the rectus sheath
What is extraperitoneal connective tissue? Where is it most prominent?
thin layer of loose connective tissue and fat surrounding the abdominopelvic cavity, most prominent around the kidneys
The gonads develop from the urogenital ridge within which layer?
extraperitoneal connective tissue
What is parietal peritoneum?
outer serous membrane that lines the abdominopelvic cavity
Describe the innervation of the skin and musculature of the anterior abdominal wall.
Via branches of the ventral primary rami of the lower 6 thoracic spinal nerves (includes the subcostal nerves)
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal branches of the ventral primary rami of L1
Describe the major arterial blood supply to the anterior wall of the abdomen.
- superior epigastric branch of the internal thoracic artery (superiorly)
- inferior epigastric and deep circumflex iliac branches of the external iliac artery (inferiorly)
Describe the venous drainage of the anterior wall of the abdomen.
- superficial epigastric, and the lateral throracic veins (superiorly)
- great saphenous vein (inferiorly)
Describe the lymph drainage from tissue of the anterior wall of the abdomen.
- axillary nodes (superiorly)
- superficial inguinal nodes (inferiorly)
What is the inguinal canal? Where is it located?
the oblique passageway in the lower aspect of the anterior abdominal wall running parallel and superior to the medial half of the inguinal ligment
The deep inguinal ring is medial to or lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels
located just lateral to
The round ligament of the uterus is a remnant of what embryological structure?
caudal genital ligament
The round ligament of the uterus is a homologue of what structure found in males?
gubernaculum testis
Where is the round ligament of the uterus found?
between the uterus and labia majora
The ilioinguinal nerves (L1) a branch of the lumbar plexus, exits the superficial ring to supply the skin of what area of the body?
skin of the lateral and anterior scrotum
The spermatic cord begins at what structure of the body?
the deep ring
What is the testicular artery a branch of? What does it supply?
the abdominal aorta that supplies the testis
What is the pampiniform plexus?
an extensive network of veins draining the testis
Where is lymphatic drainage of the testis to?
the lumbar (aortic nodes of the lumbar region and not to the superficial inguinal nodes which drain the rest of the male perineum
What are the 3 fascial components derived from the layers of the abdominal wall that surround the spermatic cord:
- external spermatic fascia / external oblique fascia
- internal oblique fascia/middle or cremasteric muscle and fascia
- Internal spermatic fascia/ transversalis fascia
What is the external spermatic fascia formed by?
aponeuorses of the external abdominal oblique muscle at the superficial ring
What is the purpose of the cremasteric muscle?
elevates the testis and helps regulate the thermal environment
The internal spermatic fascia is formed by what fascia?
transversalis fascia
What is variococele?
develops when blood collects in the pampiniform venous plexus and causes dilated and tortuous veins.
What structures form the roof of the inguinal canal?
formed by fibers of the internal abdominal oblique and the transversus abdominis muscles arching over the spermatic cord
What forms the border of the anterior wall of the inguinal canal?
formed by the aponeurosis of the external abdominal oblique throughout the inguinal canal and the internal abdominal oblique muscle laterally
What forms the border of the floor of the inguinal canal?
formed by the inguinal ligament throughout the entire inguinal canal and the lacunar ligament of the medial end
The posterior wall of the inguinal canal is formed by what boundaries?
divided into lateral and medial areas:
lateral area
medial area
inferior epigastric artery and vein (ascend the posterior wall just lateral to the weak area and just medial to the deep ring
What is the lateral area of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal formed by?
the transversalis fascia and represents the weak area of the posterior wall
What is the medial area of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal formed by?
formed and reinforced by the fused aponeuortic fibers of the internal abdominal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles (conjoint tendon)
Cancers of the penis and scrotum will metastasize to what lymph nodes?
superficial inguinal lymph nodes
Testicular cancer will metastasize to which lymph nodes?
aortic (lumbar) nodes
How can a cremasteric reflex be demonstrated?
by lightly touching the skin of the upper medial thigh resulting in a slight elevation of the testis
What are the sensory fibers of the cremasteric reflex carried by? What is the motor response carried by?
L1 fibers of the ilioinguinal nerve and the motor response is a function of the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve that innervates the cremasteric muscle
During the last trimester, the testis descends the posterior abdominal wall inferiorly toward the deep inguinal ring guided by what structure?
fibrous gubernaculum
What is cryptorchidism?
failure of one or both of the testes to descend completely into the scrotum