Chapter 6: Foundatons of Business Intelligence: Database & Information Management Flashcards
What is knowledge?
Knowledge is the awareness and understanding of a set of information
What is a database?
This is a collection of related data organized in a way that makes it valuable and useful
A relational database model uses a collection of tables to represent data and relationships
What is the hierarchy of data in a database?
- Field
- Record
- File
- Database
What is an Entity?
An Entity is an observation
What is a File?
This is a collection of records for an Entity, also called tables
What is a record?
A record is a field describing a single instance, usually represented in the rows of a table
What is a field?
These are attributes from an Entity. Represented in the columns
What is SQL?
SQL refers to Structured Query Language and it is a standard language to communicate with data systems.
What is normalization?
Normalizaiton is the process of streamlining complex groups of data to minimuze redundant elements and increase flexibility and stability of your database
What are the three different types of SQL commands?
- Data Definition Language ( creating, deleting, altering databases and tables)
- Data Manipulation: retrieving, inserting changing records
- data content: user and permission maangement (access)
What are the requirements for 1NF?
- Domain of each attribute only contains atomic values
- Value of each attribute only contains a single value from a domain
What are the requirements of 3NF?
- Satisfies 2NF
- No transitive dependencies
What does an Entity relationship model do?
It describes relationships between subjects of interest and is visualized in an entity-relationship diagram.
What are the requirements for 2NF?
- Satisfies 1NF
- There are no partial (transitive) dependencies on composite key
What concepts are entity-relationship diagrams based on?
- Entities and entity sets
- Attributes
- Relationships and relationships sets
- Cardinalities
What are entity sets?
Notion of a table in a database
What are entities?
These are things of interest to organization
What are attributes?
These describe properties of an entity
What are cardinalities?
Cardinalities represent the number of entities within one entitiy set associated with entities in other entities.
NAme the three types of cardinalities?
- One-to-one: 1 entity set in A and 1 entity in B
- One-to-many: 1 in A associated with possibly many in set B
- Many-to-many: possibly many in A associated with possibly many in B.
What is a key?
These are one or multiple attributes used to differentiate entities
What are primary keys?
most suited main identifier in a table
What are candidate keys?
These are keys that could be the primary key
What is a byte?
Its a string of 0 and 1 representing a number or word
What are foreign keys?
These are keys that appear as a primary key in onse set and appears in another entity set to link them.
What ar bits?
0 or 1 (binary)
What is a query?
This is a requirest for data in a dictionary
What are referential integrity rules?
These are rules to ensure that relationships between coupled tables remain consistent
What is a field?
Grouping of words or a complete number
What is a database management system?
This is a software for creating, storing and accessing information from a database
What is data definition?
This is the capability to specify structure of database content
What is a data dictionary?
This stores definintions of data elements and their characteristics
What are nonrelational database management systems?
these are models designed for managing large data sets across distributed machines
What is blockchain?
Blockchain is a distributed database technology that aloows organizations to create and verify transactions on a network immediately, without a central authority. It’s a low-cost way to integrate transactions of firms.
What are smart contracts:
These are programs implementing rules of transactions among firms
What is a data lake?
Repository for unstructured or structured and not analyzed data. It’s stored until its needed
What is big data?
These are large data sets too complex to analyze for database management systems (DBMS)
What is a data mart?
This is a subset of a company’s data for a highly focused portion of an organizations data in a seperate databse for a small group of users
What is a data warehouse?
This is a database storing potentially interesting current and historical information
What is a Hadoop?
This is open-source software to process datasets across cheap pc’s.
What is In-memory computing?
This is a system that relies on a computer’s main memory for data storage
What is online Analytical Processing (OLAP)?
This system supports multidimensinal data analysis so its users can see data in multiple dimensions, each aspect of information being a dimension
What is data mining?
Finding hidden patterns in large datasets and predicting future behaviour
What is text mining?
Tools for helping to extract key elements from unstructured big data
What is sentiment analysis?
Software that mines text comments and determines opinions about specific objects
What is data governance?
Policies and procedures for data management and organizational resources
What is data quality audit?
Survey of accuracy and completeness of data in an information system
What is data cleansing?
Processes for deleting and correcting data that are of bad quality.