Chapter 6: Attitudes and attitude change Flashcards
What is the “A” of attitudes?
affective component
What are the sources that make up affective attitudes?
values; moral beliefs, sensory experience, conditioning; process of learning
What is the “B” of attitudes?
behaviors toward someone or something
What is the self-perception theory?
when internal cues are difficult to interpret we gain self-insight by observing our own behavior.
What is the “C” of attitudes?
cognitive (analysis) aspect; thoughts, beliefs about attitude the purpose is to perform a mental pro/con analysis
What is the bogus pipeline?
phony lie detector device to elicit truthfully reported attitudes, a way to get around the social desirability bias
What is the implicit attitude test ?
measures reaction time. Attitude congruent stimuli are responded to faster than attitude incongruent stimuli.
What is the theory of planned behavior?
when people have time to contemplate how they are going to behave, the best predictor of their behavior is intention
What are the three factors of the theory of planned behavior?
specific attitudes, social norms, control these three lead to intention which leads to behavior.
What is a role?
set of norms that define how to behave
What is a attitude?
positive, negative or mixed reactions to people, objects, ideas.
What is the foot in the door technique?
comply with a small request than comply with a large request
What is low balling?
agreeing with original request after it`s been increased.
What is the door in face technique?
comply with a large request , expecting you to reject it and then presents a smaller request.
What is cognitive dissonance?
experience inconsistent cognitions which leads to arousal which leads to the motivation to reduce dissonance.
What is insufficient justification?
not using our attitude to justify the way we acted so we change our attitude to be in line with the way we acted.
What is the self-perception theory?
inferring our attitudes from our behaviors
What is the impression management theory?
we are motivated to appear consistent in attitudes, behaviors.
What is the self-affirmation theory?
we confirm the integrity of our self-concepts