Chapter 6 Flashcards
What are ballistic skills?
- the performer applies force to an object to project it
E.g. throwing, kicking, striking, punting
What are the 3 forms of throwing?
- underhand
- sidearm
- overarm
What are the 2 forms of assessments of throwing?
- product measures (outcome): accuracy, distance, ball velocity
- process measures (movement pattern): developmental sequences
What are some characteristics of early overarm throwing?
- elbow is pointed up
- throw is executed by elbow extension alone
- limited trunk action
- no step
What are some characteristics of proficient overarm throwing?
- uses preparatory windup
- thrower steps opposite leg forward
- differentiated trunk rotation
- upper arm and forearm lag
- movements are sequential to transfer momentum
What is the typical sequence of an overarm throw?
- Forward step and pelvic rotation
- Upper spine rotation and upper arm swing
- Upper arm inward rotation and elbow extension
- Release
- Follow-through
What are validated developmental sequences
These are sequences of advances in the performance of a skill
A progression of steps seen as a performer acquired a skill or particular element of a motor skill
Sequences of advances in performance of a skill that have been determined by longitudinal study and shown to fall in the same fixed order for all individuals
What is a block rotation?
Everything moves all at once
E.g. upper and lower trunk
What is a homolateral step?
Side step
What is a short contralateral step
Small step
What is a long contralateral step?
A more forceful step
What are the differences between sexes in the throwing skill?
Females were behind
What are some important considerations in regards to the sex differences in throwing?
- instruction and practice may help females in their skill development
- cultural practices
- sociocultural factors
- consider the interaction of individual, task, and environmental constraints
What are some developmental changes in overarm throwing in adults?
- demonstrate moderately advanced steps
- differences between sexes (less of a gap)
- ball velocities are moderate
- musculoskeletal constraints
What happens when you switch to throwing for accuracy?
- may use lower developmental steps
- developmental steps change based on distance of throw