Chapter 6 Flashcards
Attentional blindness
A failure to notice something obvious changing in front of us when focused on something else
eg. gorilla in ball passing video
Change blindness
A failure to notice large changes in ones environment, eg researcher asking for direction.
eg. switching people fast behind wood asking for directions,
increases activity in brain, maybe we gain understanding of consciousness/understanding in the brain
Automatic processing
Occurs when we know a test so well that we do it without much attention. Allows less focus on consciousness.
Controlled Processing
Helps us with more complex or new task situations. Slower than automatic processing
Behavioural Study
Objective measures, eg rouge test, mirror recognition test. (monkeys look into mirror and know its them)
Circadian Rhythms
Rhythmic daily cycles
Wakefulness –> sleep
peep slides
sleep regulated by specific part of the hypothalamus
Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)
Signals to the pineal gland to release melatonin
Stage 1 of sleep,
Light Sleep (1-10min)
Alpha/beta waves from wakefulness transition to theta waves then you have fallen asleep
Stage 2
Deeper sleep, (10-25 min)
Body is slowing down, heartrate and more,
Sleep spindles (1-2 seconds of rapid brain active that keep the brain awake)
Stage 3/4
Deeper sleep (10-30 min)
Appearance of delta waves
Slow wave sleep
Stage 5
REM sleep (rapid eye movement)
Occupies 20-25% of our night sleep
Cycles of REM sleep last between 20min-1h
REM sleep paralysis (dream dream dream dream dream)
Why Sleep?
Restoration theory - Repair and rest
Circadian rhythm theory - Survival (most at risk at night)
Learning Theory - learning works better with sleep
Freud’s Dream Protection Theory
The Interpretation of Dream (1900)
Basically Hidden Content: Manifest and Latent content
The actual dream
Latent Content
What the dream symbolizes eg, 3 = penis
Activation- Synthesis Theory
Saying Dreams mean Nothing
Activation: random neural activity in the brain
Synthesis: cerebral cortex interprets activity
Difficulty falling and staying asleep, most common sleep disorder, caused by stress and includes people with Pseudionsomniacs (swear they are not sleeping but they are)
REM sleep behaviour Disorder (RBD)
REM sleep paralysis is disabled (act out dreams in real life while they sleep)
Somnambulism , where ppl fall asleep and walk, common in jits
Out-of-body experiences
A sense of consciousness leaving our body, about 25% of all college students experience.
Near-Death Experience
Out of body experience where people almost or think they will die, passing through dark running into the light.
A mental procedure where we focus on some external or internal object, event or sense of awareness
Concentrative: focus on one thing
Mindfulness: let thoughts slow freely
Benefits to Meditation
lower blood pressure, less stress, change to hormones, improvement in attention, more “positive brain activity” improve in brain longterm
Social interaction where people respond to shit, can help smoking succession
Stimulate and heighten activity in the body, increase heart rate, blood pressure, mood, restlessness
Decreases sleep
interferes with reuptake of dopamine (allow dopeimine to last longer)
Increases release of dopamine
Feel Alert, energy, sociable, feeling amazing
Can lead to Parania, psychotic, violence
Blocks reuptake of dopamine
Reduces fatigue via increase of dopamine
Side effects: insomnia, anxiety, addictive
Depress/decrease behavioural and mental activity
Alcohol and sedative-hypnotics
Small doses: feel relax, elevate mood, impart judgement,
Large doses: sedating and depressant effects more apparent, Brain centre becomes depressed
Increase GABA
Decrease Glutamate
Opiates (narcotics)
Relieve pain and induce sleep (Heroin, morphine, codeine, oxycodone)
Mu opioid Receptor
Opiates bind to and stimulate receptors to relieve pain, Heroin works on mu and dopamine receptors
Hallucinogens (psychedelics)
Alters cognition mode and perception
Interferes with serotonin and dopamine
LSD, mushrooms, MDMAish
THC: relaxed mental state, uplifted mood, distortions in perception or cognition. Decreases in reaction time, motor coordination, memory Hippocampus (memory)
CBD: Anti anxiety, anti-inflammatory, anti-psychotic