Chapter 5.2 Flashcards
-realistic perceptual experiences in the absence of external stimuli
-can occur in any sensory modality
-more common in average people than we might think
Between ___ to ___ % of college students have reported a hallucination during the day (at least once).
10 to 39
Out-of-body Experience
-sense of our consciousness leaving our body
-the feeling of watching yourself do something
~___% of university students report having one or more OBE
~___% of the general public report having one or more OBE
Is there evidence of people leaving their body during an OBE
Near-death Experiences
-special type of OBE reported by people who have nearly died or thought they were going to die
-25% report an OBE
Classic Elements of a NDE
-tunnel of bright light
-life review
-seeing dead loved ones
-seeing a “being of light”
-coming back “into the body”
Déjà Vu
-feeling of reliving a new experience
-frequency declines with age
Are Déjà Vu experiences common?
-yes, 66% of people report experiences
Possible Déjà Vu causes
-not clear
-excess dopamine in temporal lobes
-abnormal electrical activity in the right temporal lobe
Mystical Experience
-feelings of unity or oneness with the world, often with strong spiritual overtones
-hard to study due to unpredictability
-unique to the person
fMRI and Mystical Experiences
-distinct brain activity patterns
-when highly religious people relived mystical experiences
-set of techniques that provides people with suggestions for alterations in perceptions, thoughts, feelings, behaviours
Hypnosis: Induction
-beginning of hypnosis
-suggestions for relaxation, calmness, well-being
Hypnosis: Suggestions
-instructions to imagine pleasant experiences
-suggestions on what to think/do
-effectiveness depends on the person
Hypnosis depends on _______ and ________.
relaxation and expectancies
1st Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnosis produces a trance state where “amazing” things can happen
2nd Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnotic phenomena are unique
3rd Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnosis is a sleep like state
-don’t show the brainwaves similar to sleep
4th Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnotized people are not aware of their surroundings
5th Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnotized people forget what happened during hypnosis
6th Myth of Hypnosis
-hypnosis enhances memory
Sociocognitive Theory
-approach to explaining hypnosis
-based on attitudes, beliefs, and expectations
Past Life Regression Therapy
-hypnotizes and supposedly age-regresses patients to a previous life
-used to identify the source of a present-day problem
Dissociation Theory
-approach to explaining hypnosis
-based on a separation between personality functions that are normally well integrated
-main part of the person is hypnotized
-another part, the hidden observer, is unaffected
Dissociation Theory Explains…
-hypnosis bypasses our sense of control we feel over our own behaviours
Psychoactive Drug
-substance that contains chemicals similar to those found naturally in our brains
-alter consciousness by changing chemical processes in neurons
Mental Set
-beliefs and expectancies about the effects of drugs
-setting, culture, genetics account for highs and lows
-decreased CNS activity
-initial high followed by low
-ie. alcohol, barbiturates, quaaludes, valium
-increased CNS activity
-ie. tobacco, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphetamine, caffeine
-sense of euphoria and decreased pain
-ie. heroin, morphine, codeine
-altered perception, mood, thoughts
-ie. marijuana, LSD, ecstasy
Substance Use Disorder
-when people experience recurrent significant impairment of one or more drugs
-reduction in the effect of a drug as a result of repeated use
-requires users to consume greater quantities to achieve the same effect
-unpleasant effects of reducing or stopping consumption that was used habitually
Physical Dependence
-drug dependence that occurs
-used to avoid withdrawal symptoms
Psychological Dependence
-non-physiological dependence
-continued use is motivated by inner cravings
Sociocultural Influences
-an explanation of drug use and abuse
-some cultures and religions prohibit drinking
-some countries see drinking as a part of daily life
Addictive Personalities
-an explanation of drug use and abuse
-some personality traits increase or decrease likelihood to use
Learning and Expectancies
-an explanation of drug use and abuse
-some use to relieve anxiety
-may be placebo
Genetic Influences
-an explanation of drug use and abuse
-alcoholism tends to run in families
-a mutation in a gene causes, facial flushing, heart palpitations, nausea (common in Asian descent)
-drug that exerts calming effect
-drug exerts sleep-inducing effect
-most widely used and abused drug
-~75% of Canadians consume alcohol
-increases GABA activity
-decreases glutamate activity
Small Dose Alcohol
-BAC < 0.5
-elevated mood
-increased talkativeness
-impaired judgement
High Dose Alcohol
-BAC of 0.5-1.0
-slowed thinking
-impaired concentration
-impaired walking/talking
-impaired muscular coordination
_______ absorb alcohol faster than _____.
women; men
Illegal BAC Levels in Canada
0.05 to 0.08
What are Sedative-Hypnotics used for?
used for treatment of acute anxiety and insomnia
Why are sedative-hypnotics dangerous at high doses?
-strong depressant effect can lead to unconsciousness, coma, or even death
-a sedative-hypnotic
-ie. nembutal, seconal
-a sedative-hypnotic
-ie. qualaludes, sopor
-a sedative-hypnotic
-ie. valium, xanax
-drug that increases CNS activity
-increases HR, respirations, BP
-highly addictive
-activates receptors sensitive to AcH
-stimulation, relaxation, alertness
Adjustive Value
-a property of nicotine
-can enhance positive emotions and minimize negative emotions
-most powerful natural stimulant
Effects of Cocaine
-enhanced mental and physical capacity
-decreases hunger
-indifference to pain
-sense of well-being
-all accompanied by fatigue
Cocaine peaks ______ and fades after ____ min.
quickly, 30
Which NT does cocaine enhance?
-dopamine and maybe serotonin
-powerful stimulant that reduces apetitie, decreases need for sleep, reduces depression
Amphetamines function by increasing ______ and ________ activity
dopamine and norepinephrine
Pattern 1 Amphetamine Use
-occasional legal use
-postpones fatigue
-elevates modd
-not routine
Pattern 2 Amphetamine Use
-common legal use
-dependence may occur
-euphoria effects rather than prescribed purpose
Pattern 3 Amphetamine Use
-street-drug amphetamine use
-large doses
-rush of pleasure
-no sleep
-lost apetite
-12-16 hour high
-high risk of overdose and dependence
-many health problems associated
Narcotics (opiates)
-ie. heroin, morphine, codeine
-a legal term for illegal drugs that alter your state of consciousness
-induce sleep
-relieve pain
-potent opioid
-strong sense of euphoria lasts 3-4hr
-effects decrease with habitual use
With continued use, narcotic effects _______.
Withdrawal Symptoms
-effects of stoppage of use
-what frequent users try to avoid
Sleep inducing effects of narcotics result from depression of the ____.
-breathing and pulse rate slow
-pupils constrict
-describe the entire class of drugs that are closely related to opium
-ie. Oxy, fentanyl
-ie. LSD, mescaline, PCP, ecstasy, marijuana
-many considered hallucinogenic (not always marijuana)
causing dramatic alterations of perception, mood, and thought
-THC is primary ingredient
-low dose: slowed time, enhanced touch sensations, hunger, well-being, giggling
-high dose: short term memory disturbances, exaggerated emotions
Marijuana effects last ___ to ___ hrs
2 to 3
Effects of Marijuana
-no serious health effects evidence found
-even fertility consequences
-hallucinations come from serotonin interference and impact dopamine receptor sites
-may lead to negative or positive experiences (ie. confusion or synesthesia)
-has stimulant and hallucinogenic properties
-serotonin cascade in the brain
-self-confidence and well-being increase
-feelings of empathy
Serious MDMA Effects
-high BP
-rebound depression
-liver problems
-memory loss
-damage to serotonin reliant neurons