Chapter 5 the Skeletal system Flashcards
What forms the Axial Skeleton?
- Skull
- Spinal Column
- Thorax
What forms the appendicular skeleton?
- Shoulder girdle
- Arms
- Hands
- Pelvic girdle
- Legs
- Feet
What does the skull consist of?
Cranial bones and facial bones
What does the spinal column consist of?
- Cervical Vertebrae
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
What does the Thorax consist of?
Ribs Sternum
What are the bones of the arms?
- Humerus
- Radius
- Ulna
- Carpals
- Metacarpals
- Phalanges
What is the pelvis formed of?
Two pelvic bones formed of three fused bones
1. Ilium
2. Ischium
3. Pubis
What forms the Leg bones ?
- femur
- Patella
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsals
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges
What is the root Oste/o mean? Provide an example
Bone. Example: Osteopenia, deficiency of bone tissue
What is the root Myel/o mean? Provide an example
Bone marrow. Example: Myeloid, pertaining to or resembling bone marrow
What is the root Chondr/o mean? Provide an example
Cartilage. Example: Chondroblast, A cartilage forming cell
What is the root Arthr/o mean? Provide an example
Joint. Example: Arthrosis, joint; condition affecting a joint
What is the root synov/o mean? Provide an example
Synovial fluid, joint, or membrane. Example, Asynovia, Lack of synovial fluid
What is the root burs/o mean? Provide an example
Bursa. Example: peribursal, around a bursa
What is the root crani/o mean? Provide an example
Skull, cranium. Example: craniometry, measurement of the cranium
What is the root spondyl/o mean? Provide an example
Vertebra. Example: Spondylolysis, destruction and separation of a vertebra
What is the root vertebr/o mean? Provide an example
Vertebra, spinal column. Example: paravertebral, near the vertebrae or spinal column
What is the root rachi/o mean? Provide an example
Spine. Example. rachischisis, fissure of the spine; spina bifida
What is the root cost/o mean? Provide an example
Rib. Example: costochondral, pertaining to a rib and its cartilage
What is the root sacr/o mean? Provide an example
Sacrum. Example: presaccral, in front of the sacrum
What is the root coccy/o mean? Provide an example
Coccyx. Example: coccygeal, pertaining to the coccyx
What is the root pelvi/o mean? Provide an example
Pelvis. Example: pelviscope, endoscope for examining the pelvis
What is the root ili/o mean? Provide an example
Ilium. Example: iliopelvic, pertaining to the ilium and pelvis
The skull, spinal column, and sternum make up what?
Axial skeleton
The cranial bones are part of what?
The only moveable joint in the skull is between what?
Temporal bone and mandible
The cervical vertebrae are where?
The last bone of the spinal column is what?
The vertebrae in the region of the lower back are the?
Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts are
Osteocytes are what?
Mature bone cells
Bone tissues is dissolved and returned to circulation in the process of what?
The shaft of a long bone is the?
The growth region of a long bone is the?
Epiphyseal plate
The periosteum is the?
Membrane that covers the outside of a bone
An articulation is what?
A joint
A joint between bones of the skull is what?
A freely moveable joint is what?
Synovial joint
Bands of connective tissue that stabilize and strengthen a joint are?
A bursa is what?
A small sac near a joint
Destruction of bone is what?
Osteopenia is what?
Deficiency of bony tissue
Chondrogenesis is formation of what?
Myeloblast is what?
Immature bone marrow cell
The term chondroid means?
Resembling cartilage
A bursolith is what?
Stone in a bursa
Arthrodesis is what?
Fusion of a joint