Chapter 5 the Skeletal system Flashcards
What forms the Axial Skeleton?
- Skull
- Spinal Column
- Thorax
What forms the appendicular skeleton?
- Shoulder girdle
- Arms
- Hands
- Pelvic girdle
- Legs
- Feet
What does the skull consist of?
Cranial bones and facial bones
What does the spinal column consist of?
- Cervical Vertebrae
- Thoracic vertebrae
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
What does the Thorax consist of?
Ribs Sternum
What are the bones of the arms?
- Humerus
- Radius
- Ulna
- Carpals
- Metacarpals
- Phalanges
What is the pelvis formed of?
Two pelvic bones formed of three fused bones
1. Ilium
2. Ischium
3. Pubis
What forms the Leg bones ?
- femur
- Patella
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Tarsals
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges
What is the root Oste/o mean? Provide an example
Bone. Example: Osteopenia, deficiency of bone tissue
What is the root Myel/o mean? Provide an example
Bone marrow. Example: Myeloid, pertaining to or resembling bone marrow
What is the root Chondr/o mean? Provide an example
Cartilage. Example: Chondroblast, A cartilage forming cell
What is the root Arthr/o mean? Provide an example
Joint. Example: Arthrosis, joint; condition affecting a joint
What is the root synov/o mean? Provide an example
Synovial fluid, joint, or membrane. Example, Asynovia, Lack of synovial fluid
What is the root burs/o mean? Provide an example
Bursa. Example: peribursal, around a bursa
What is the root crani/o mean? Provide an example
Skull, cranium. Example: craniometry, measurement of the cranium
What is the root spondyl/o mean? Provide an example
Vertebra. Example: Spondylolysis, destruction and separation of a vertebra
What is the root vertebr/o mean? Provide an example
Vertebra, spinal column. Example: paravertebral, near the vertebrae or spinal column
What is the root rachi/o mean? Provide an example
Spine. Example. rachischisis, fissure of the spine; spina bifida
What is the root cost/o mean? Provide an example
Rib. Example: costochondral, pertaining to a rib and its cartilage
What is the root sacr/o mean? Provide an example
Sacrum. Example: presaccral, in front of the sacrum
What is the root coccy/o mean? Provide an example
Coccyx. Example: coccygeal, pertaining to the coccyx
What is the root pelvi/o mean? Provide an example
Pelvis. Example: pelviscope, endoscope for examining the pelvis
What is the root ili/o mean? Provide an example
Ilium. Example: iliopelvic, pertaining to the ilium and pelvis
The skull, spinal column, and sternum make up what?
Axial skeleton