Chapter 5 review Flashcards
Where are most long bones found in the body?
Hands & feet
What is the anatomical name for the shaft of a long bone?
What is the anatomical name for the ends of a long bone?
How does the structure of compact bone differ from the structure of spongy bone when viewed with the naked eye?
Bones don’t begin as bones. What do they begin as?
Osteogenic cells
3 functions of the skeletal system.
Yellow bone marrow
Why do bone injuries heal much faster than injuries to cartilage?
What are the steps of bone healing?
What are the three main parts of the axial skeleton?
Which bone has a cribriform plate and crista galli?
Which bones are connected by the coronal suture?
Which bones are connected by the sagittal suture?
Which bones are connected by the lambdoid suture?
Which bones are connected by the squamous suture?
Which facial bones are paired?
Which facial bones are NOT paired?
What is the hyoid bone and why is it unique?
What are the 5 major regions of the vertebral column?
How do you distinguish a lumbar vertebra from a cervical vertebra?
What is a true rib?
What is a false rib?
What is a floating rib?
Which spinal curvatures are present at birth?
When do secondary curvatures appear?
With one exception, all skull bones are joined by sutures. What is the exception?
What facial bone forms the chin?
What facial bone forms the cheekbone?
What facial bone forms the upper jaw?
What facial bone forms the bony eyebrow ridges?
How is the fetal skull different from the adult skull?
How many vertebrae are there in each of the three superior regions of the vertebral column?
What is the function of the intervertebral discs?
What are the major components of the thorax?
Is a floating rib a true or false rib?
Why are floating ribs easily broken?
What are the parts of the sternum?
What is the single point of attachment of the shoulder girdle to the axial skeleton?
What bones form the arm/forearm?
What 3 bones form the hip?
What bones form the pelvic girdle?
What bones form the entire leg?
What are the bones of the shoulder girdle?
What bones articulate with the ulna?
What are the similarities and differences of the pectoral and pelvic girdle?
What are the functions of joints?
What is the major difference between a fibrous joint and a cartilaginous joint?
Where are synovial membranes found?
What two joints of the body are ball-and-socket joints?
What is the best example of a saddle joint?