Chapter 5 - Learning Flashcards
Before conditioning the metronome is a
Neutral Stimulus (NS)
3 Problems with Punishment
Learning the wrong lesson, encourages lying, weaker than reinforcement
did experiments on dogs (classical conditioning)
Ivan Pavlov
Add stimulus, increase behavior
Positive Reinforcement
This man’s bobo doll study indicated that individuals learn through imitating others who receive rewards and punishments
After conditioning, the metronome becomes a
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
During conditioning the metronome (NS) is paired with food which is a
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
Add stimulus, decrease behavior
Positive Punishment
Reinforcer is given after a predetermined number of desired responses
Remove stimulus, decrease behavior
Negative Punishment
Behavior followed by reinforcement is likely to occur again, while behavior followed by punishment is not as likely to occur again
Law of Effect
When a reinforcer is delivered intermittently, very effective in maintaining behavior
Partial reinforcement
Two people associated with operant conditioning
B.F. Skinner and E.L. Thorndike
Reinforcer is given when a desired response occurs after a preestablished interval of time
type of learning where connections betweens behaviors and consequences are made
Operant conditioning