Chapter 12 - Stress and Health Flashcards
Three C’s of hardiness
Commitment (to finding sense of purpose), attempting to Control (life events), and see potential stressors as Challenges
Motivates us to use our time wisely; inspires us. Short-term duration, manageable, seen as a challenge and not a threat
Rating scale adapted to match life events of college students
College Undergraduate Stress Scale
Cancer study said that having a _____ ______ increases survival rate compared to stoic acceptance or helplessness
fighting spirit
Physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to events appraised as threatening or challenging
Gender that “tends and befriends”, uses hormone oxytocin, and becomes more empathetic under stress
Conflicts: Being forced to choose between two negatives or undesirable alternatives (go to doctor or contract cancer)
Many people make themselves feel better by comparing their performance to that of less competent others, making them feel better and protecting self-esteem
Downward Social Comparison
Personality Type: Self-starters, perfectionists, does things “because it’s there”
Type A
Less likely to stop trying due to obstacle, more likely to take care of health with preventative measures, and less likely to become depressed
Psychological disorder characterized by exposure to or threat by an event involving death, serious injury, or sexual violence; can include disturbing memories, nightmares, flashbacks, or other distressing symptoms
Stimuli that cause physiological, psychological, and emotional reactions at any time
Personality Type: Reactions to stress involve negative thoughts and behaviors
Type D
Acquired inability to overcome obstacles and avoid aversive stimuli; learned passivity (Seligman)
Learned Helplessness
Personality Type: More likely to relax, might avoid doing something “because it’s there”
Type B
Many studies suggest that _____ _____ can elevate mood and well-being because it raises energy, increases self-confidence, and lowers tension, depression, and anxiety
Aerobic exercise
Pessimist have a higher chance of developing _____ _____ and live shorter than optimists
heart disease
Gender that withdraw/distract themselves, become aggressive, and become less empathetic due to stress
“Is this a stressor?”
Primary Appraisal
Ability to remain resilient and optimistic during stressful situations
Stress response to unpleasant and undesirable stressors; unpleasant and anxiety-causing
Conflicts: Being attracted and repelled by the same goal or activity; attraction keeps person in the situation, but negative aspects cause distress
The number 2 predictor of life span after genetics is having _____ _____
quality relationships/friendships
Stress scale created by Holmes and Rahe (1967), negative and positive events call for adjustment
Social Readjustment Rating Scale
Feelings of tension, uneasiness, apprehension, worry, and vulnerability
The body’s resistance to stress can only last so long before exhaustion sets in
General Adaptation Syndrome
increases relaxation and helps lower blood pressure and muscle tension
the field that studies the relationship among psych. factors, the nervous system, and immune system functioning
“Can I handle this stressor?”
Secondary Appraisal
Mutual network of caring, interested others
Social Support
Conflicts: Having to choose between two desirable or positive alternatives (new BMW or Mercedes)