Chapter 10 - Personality Flashcards
Greek physician who believed that the body contains fluids called humors, the combination of which produced personality traits
created a 16-factor personality system
Temperant: quick-tempered
Choleric (Yellow bile)
When the ego protects you from anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality (Freud)
defense mechanisms
Temperant: warm and cheerful
Sanguine (blood)
Rogers and Maslow belong to this perspective
Well-learned automatic responses
External conditions that influence our behaviors
Situational Determinants
Creator of the inferiority complex
mental activity that can be easily brought to awareness
Preconscious level
Five erogenous zones in order
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency period, Genital
Perspective that says our personality is a set of learned responses and habits
A child struggles with an _____ _____ during growth and strives for superiority and power
inferiority complex
7 Freud defense mechanisms from most to least adaptive
Sublimation, Identification, Displacement, Repression, Rationalization, Projection, Denial
You MAKE things happen to you
Internal Locus of Control
“Nice people don’t do that” Ideals and morals; striving for perfection; incorporated from parents
The ego operates mainly at the _____ level but also the _____ level
conscious; preconscious
An individual’s characteristic pattern of thinking and acting. Who you are regardless of the situation
Name for five-factor model of personality
The Big 5 (OCEAN)
activity well below level of awareness
Unconscious level
Temperant: sluggish and cool
Phlegmatic (Phlegm)
Things happen TO you
External Locus of Control
According to Freud, humans pass through ____ ____ of development from birth to adulthoos
psychosexual stages
Defense Mechanism: Redirecting unacceptable impulses into acceptable outlets
The superego operates mostly at this level of consciousness
internalized rules
Perspective that says personality is a collection of traits
Trait Perspective
According to Roger’s theory if these two things are similar there is harmony, but if they aren’t there is disconnect
ideal self and real self
Defense Mechanism: Anxiety-producing info is pushed into unconscious
The id operates at this level of consciousness
Main psychologist associated with psychoanalytic perspective on personality
Sigmund Freud
7 Freud defense mechanisms from most to least adaptive mnemonic
Submarines identify displaced red rays pretty decently
Temperant: pensive and thoughtful
Melancholic (Black bile)
Said that people have a self-actualizing tendency and want to reach their full potential
“I want it now”; basic impulses (sex and aggression), seeks immediate gratification
Defense Mechanism: Refusing to recognize a distressing reality
Defense Mechanism: Creating an acceptable excuse for an uncomfortable situation
emphasized the importance of basic anxiety in personality development during early childhoos
psychic energy; impulsive and illogical
Defense Mechanism: Attributing your own anxiety-producing thoughts and impulses to someone else
Defense Mechanism: Unconsciously modeling our feelings and actions on the behaviors of someone else
monitors demands of id and superego
Each psychosexual stage has an ____ ____ as well as a conflict that must be handled
erogenous zone
“Compromise maybe” executive mediating between id impulses and superego inhibitions; testing reality; rational
Defense Mechanism: Shifting negative feelings and impulses to an acceptable target
everything you are aware of at a moment
Conscious level
created dimensions of personality based on extraversion and neuroticism
Behaviorists assert that people learn socially desirable behaviors through a process called ______