Chapter 5. Intellectual Disability Flashcards
Adaptive functioning
A person’s ability to cope with common life demands and meet the standards of independence expected of someone in their particular age group and social–cultural background
American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)
The oldest professional organization devoted to the study and assistance of individuals
with ID
A procedure to screen for developmental disabilities at 15 to 20 weeks of gestation; involves collecting amniotic fluid from the mother
Angelman syndrome
A genetic disorder caused by missing maternal genetic material on chromosome 15; associated with moderate to severe ID, sporadic/jerky motor movements, lack of spoken language, hyperactivity, and persistent social smile
Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
A scientific approach to identifying a child’s problematic behavior, determining its causes, and altering environmental contingencies to change it
Behavioral phenotype
Characteristic features (e.g., appearance, cognitive strengths/weaknesses, comorbid disorders) associated with specific causes for ID
Challenging behavior
Actions shown by some youths with ID that are physically hazardous or that limit their access to educational or social opportunities
Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)
A technique to screen for developmental disabilities at 8 to 12 weeks of gestation; involves collecting tissue that connects the placenta to the wall of the uterus
Chromosomal microarray
A genetic test that identifies copy number variants (i.e., unusual duplications or deletions) in major regions of the genome; used to identify causes of GDD
Cultural-familial ID
A term used by Zigler to describe children with no identifiable cause for their intellectual and adaptive disabilities; associated with IQ and adaptive functioning scores in the 50 to 70 range, no health problems, and a family history of low intellectual functioning
Diagnostic overshadowing
A term used to describe the tendency of some clinicians to overlook the presence of mental disorders in people with ID
Differential reinforcement
A form of positive reinforcement in which therapists reinforce only behaviors that are desired, while they ignore unwanted actions
DiGeorge syndrome
A genetic disorder caused by deletions on chromosome 22 that cause immune dysfunction; associated with mild to moderate ID, cleft lip/palate, and risk for schizophrenia
Down syndrome
Trisomy 21; associated with moderate ID, characteristic appearance, weakness in verbal skills and language, strength in visual–spatial reasoning, and sociability
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Federal law that mandated “free and appropriate public education” for all children with disabilities aged 3 to 18
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
A disorder caused by maternal alcohol consumption during gestation; characterized by lower intellectual functioning or mild ID, learning disabilities, hyperactivity, and characteristic craniofacial anomalies
Fragile X syndrome
An inherited, X-linked disorder that adversely affects boys more than girls; characterized by mild to moderate ID, characteristic appearance, strengths in simultaneous processing, weakness in sequential processing, and social anxiety
Functional analysis (of behavior)
An assessment strategy in which the clinician attempts to determine the purpose of a problem behavior by identifying antecedents that cause it or consequences that reinforce it over time
Global developmental delay (GDD)
A DSM-5 disorder, diagnosed in children younger than 5 years, and characterized by significant delays in several developmental domains (e.g., motor, language, social, or daily living skills)
(Academic) Inclusion
A term used to describe the education of children with ID alongside classmates without disabilities for all subjects, usually with the support of a classroom aide
Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Federal legislation that extended disability rights to infants and toddlers, mandated IFSP for young children and IEPs for school-age children with disabilities
Intellectual disability (ID)
A DSM-5 disorder characterized by significant limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior emerging in infancy or early childhood
Involves placing children with ID in regular-education classrooms to the maximum extent possible
Need for support
Assistance that helps an individual with ID function effectively in society; an important component of the AAIDD definition of ID
Organic ID
A term used by Zigler to describe children who had identifiable causes for their intellectual and adaptive disabilities; associated with genetic disorders, very low IQ and adaptive functioning, medical complications, and no family history of ID
A form of positive punishment in which the therapist requires the child to correct his problematic behavior by restoring his surroundings to the same (or better) condition than that which existed prior to his disruptive act
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
A recessive disorder characterized by an inability to break down phenylalanine; adhering to a special diet can prevent severe ID, seizures, and other medical problems
Physical aggression
Actions that cause, or can cause, property destruction or injury/harm to another person
Planned ignoring
A form of negative punishment in which the therapist or caregiver withdraws attention from the child immediately following an unwanted behavior
Positive practice
Usually a form of positive punishment; the therapist makes the child repeatedly practice an acceptable behavior immediately following an unacceptable act; usually paired with overcorrection
Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)
A genetic disorder caused by missing paternal genetic material on chromosome 15; associated with mild ID, weakness in short-term memory, strength in visual–spatial reasoning, hyperphagia, and obsessive–compulsive behavior
Punishment by contingent stimulation
A form of positive punishment in which a mildly aversive stimulus is presented immediately following a behavior problem; used only as a last resort when other interventions have failed and with parents’ permission
Response cost
A form of negative reinforcement; the therapist withdraws tangible reinforcers from the child immediately following a problematic act
Rett syndrome
A genetic disorder usually caused by a mutation on a portion of the X chromosome; almost always affects girls; characterized by typical development in early infancy followed by rapid deterioration in social functioning and language, severe ID, and stereotypies
Self-injurious behaviors (SIBs)
Repetitive movements of the hands, limbs, or head in a manner that can, or does, cause physical harm or damage to the person
Serum screening
A blood test conducted between 15 and 18 weeks of gestation to screen for possible developmental disorders in the fetus
Similar sequence hypothesis
Posits that children with ID progress through the same cognitive stages as other children, albeit at a slower pace; generally supported by research
Similar structure hypothesis
Posits that two children of the same mental age (one with ID and the other without ID) will show similar abilities; has mixed research support
Stereotypic movement disorder
A DSM-5 disorder characterized by repetitive and uncontrolled movements with no apparent purpose for a period of 4 or more weeks
Actions performed in a consistent, rigid, and repetitive manner and that have no immediate, practical significance
Time out (from positive reinforcement)
A form of negative reinforcement; the therapist limits the child’s access to positive reinforcers (e.g., attention, toys) for a certain period of time, usually by placing the child in a specific setting
An acronym that represents the main maternal illnesses that can cause ID in offspring: toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus type 2
Universal design
An educational practice that involves creating instructional materials and activities that allow learning goals to be achievable by children with different abilities and skills
Williams syndrome (WS)
A genetic disorder caused by deletions on chromosome 7; associated with mild ID, well-developed spoken language, strengths in auditory memory, weakness in visual–spatial reasoning, hyperactivity, anxiety, and friendly/social demeanor