Chapter 13. Depression, Suicide & Self-Injury Flashcards
Activity scheduling
A behavioral treatment for depression in which the child commits to engaging in a pleasant activity to increase opportunities for positive reinforcement
Automatic thoughts
In Beck’s cognitive theory of depression, negative statements or mental images that arise immediately after a stressor
Intentional, repetitive, aggressive behavior that is directed from a person with higher power toward a person of lower power
Cognitive bias
In Beck’s cognitive theory of depression, the tendency to attend to negative aspects of events and to downplay or ignore positive aspects
Cognitive distortion
In Beck’s cognitive theory of depression, the tendency to twist reality to make events more problematic than they really are
Cognitive restructuring
A technique used in cognitive therapy in which the therapist challenges a cognitive bias or distortion by asking the child to look at the situation in an objective, flexible manner
Collaborative empiricism
In cognitive–behavior therapy, the tendency of therapist and client to work together to test the client’s beliefs using objective evidence
Communication analysis
In interpersonal therapy, a close examination of an interaction between the child and another person; the goal is to improve the quality of the interaction and the child’s mood
Comprehensive family therapy
A treatment program for children with DMDD and their parents; sessions focus on psychoeducation, use of operant conditioning to manage children’s behavior, and emotion-regulation skills
A form of bullying in which individuals use digital media to hurt, threaten, harass, or embarrass someone
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
A psychosocial treatment for youths with mood problems who engage in self-harm; balances accepting the client with encouraging the client to change
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)
A DSM-5 depressive disorder characterized by (1) severe and recurrent temper outbursts and (2) persistently angry or irritable mood
Distress tolerance
A component of dialectical behavior therapy in which the adolescent recognizes and accepts unpleasant emotions instead of reacting to them
Four-function model of NSSI
Posits that youths engage in NSSI because of positive or negative reinforcement; furthermore, NSSI can be either automatic or social
Hopelessness theory of suicide
Suicide risk increases when an individual (1) attributes a negative event to stable and global causes, (2) believes the event is important, and (3) believes that he or she is worthless
Interpersonal inventory
In interpersonal therapy, an exploration of significant relationships in the child’s life and changes to these relationships that might contribute to mood problems
Interpersonal–psychological theory of suicide
Posits that suicide is prompted by three factors: (1) perceived burdensomeness, (2) thwarted belongingness, and (3) capability for suicide
Interpersonal psychotherapy (IPT)
An evidence-based psychosocial treatment for depression that targets disruptions or deficiencies in children’s relationships
Interpretation bias training
A computer-based therapy program in which children with DMDD learn to correctly identify the emotional displays of others
Kindling hypothesis
Posits that early depressive episodes sensitize individuals to stressful life events and make them more likely to experience depressive episodes in the future
Learned helplessness
The idea that people become depressed when they frequently experience failure; over time, they despair rather than cope effectively
Limited sick role
In interpersonal therapy, children’s problems are attributed to depression instead of blaming children themselves
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
A DSM-5 disorder characterized by depressed mood, anhedonia, and other indicators of dysphoria that last for at least 2 weeks and cause significant distress or impairment
Means restriction
A technique to reduce suicidal actions by limiting children’s access to harmful materials or situations (e.g., guns, pain medication)
A component of dialectical behavior therapy in which the adolescent learns to observe events in the present moment without judgment
Monoamine hypothesis
Posits that depression is caused by dysregulation of the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and/or dopamine
Mood thermometer
A visual gauge that children can use to rate the intensity of their emotions
Negative attributional style
The tendency to attribute negative events to internal, stable, and global factors and positive events to external, unstable, and situational factors
Negative schema
In Beck’s cognitive theory of depression, a negative view of self, world, and the future that can affect one’s perception of events
Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI)
Any action that is self-inflicted and results in injury or potential for injury, but without intent to die
Persistent depressive disorder
A DSM-5 disorder characterized by chronically depressed and/or irritable mood for at least 2 years in adults or 1 year in children and resulting in significant distress or impairment
Response-contingent positive reinforcement
Pleasant experiences that are gained through one’s actions
Safety plan
A verbal and written agreement between adolescents, caregivers, and therapists that is designed to reduce the likelihood of suicidal behavior
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Antidepressants that block the reuptake of serotonin, allowing it to be detected in the synaptic cleft more easily; effective in reducing depression in children
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
Antidepressants that block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine, allowing these neurotransmitters to be detected in the synaptic cleft more easily; effective in reducing depression in children
SMART goals
In cognitive–behavioral therapy, treatment objectives that are specifically stated, measurable, appealing, realistic, and timed
Social contagion model
A theory in which peers are believed to model and reinforce self-injury
Socratic questioning
In cognitive–behavior therapy, the tendency of the therapist to challenge the child’s beliefs by asking questions to draw out information from the child
Suicidal self-injury
Any action that is self-inflicted and results in injury or the potential for injury, with an intent to die
Survey of Outcomes Following Treatment for Adolescent Depression (SOFTAD)
A follow-up to TADS; showed that most youths recover from their initial depressive episode but many relapse within 3 years
Treatment for Adolescents With Depression Study (TADS)
A large, randomized controlled study that showed that
medication and therapy yielded slightly better outcomes than medication alone for adolescents with depression
Treatment of Adolescent Suicide Attempters (TASA) study
A study that demonstrated that antidepressant medication reduced suicidal behavior in youths who previously attempted suicide
Treatment of SSRI-Resistant Depression in Adolescents (TORDIA) study
A large, randomized controlled study that indicated
that the combination of medication and therapy was
superior to medication alone for adolescents with
treatment-resistant depression
Tricyclic antidepressants
Older antidepressants that affect serotonin and norepinephrine but do not reduce depressive symptoms in children better than placebo; can cause serious side effects