Chapter 3. Research Methods Flashcards
Affective bias
A form of wishful thinking in which our perceptions are influenced by our desires, motives, and emotions
A threat to a study’s internal validity caused by the loss of participants over the course of the study
An ethical principle that involves balancing the benefits of one’s actions against the risks or costs involved
Case study
A research design that provides a detailed description of a person, group, or phenomenon
Confirmatory bias
A form of selective thinking in which our perceptions are influenced by our beliefs, thoughts, and expectations
Correlation coefficient (r)
A statistical measure of the strength and direction of the linear relationship between two variables
Correlational study
A research design that examines the relationships between variables
Critical thinking
A tendency to be skeptical and seek plausible alternative explanations for phenomena rather than rely on others’ beliefs or opinions
Cross-sectional study
A type of research design that examines the association between variables at the same point in time
A feature of a study in which researchers describe the nature, results, and conclusions of the study and answer questions about the study that participants might have
Deception (in research)
A feature of a study in which researchers deliberately provide false or incomplete information to participants in order to mislead them; can only be used under limited conditions
Double-blind study
A research design in which neither participants nor researchers know which participants are receiving treatment and which are serving as controls
Effect size
In meta-analysis, a number that reflects the weighted mean difference between treatment and control groups at the end of a treatment outcome study
Empirical data
Information acquired through our senses, especially direct observation and careful measurement
A research design that allows researchers to conclude causal relationships between variables; essential features include random assignment, the systematic manipulation of one variable, and holding all extraneous factors constant
External validity
The degree to which the results of a study generalize to other people and situations
The capacity for an idea to be proven wrong; an essential feature of all scientific hypotheses
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)
A neuroimaging method that measures brain activity by detecting blood oxygen concentrations during a mental task
A specific, falsifiable prediction about the relationship between two or more variables