Chapter 5 Flashcards
The extent to which observers values, the data produced by measuring an event, match the true state, or true values, of the event as it exists in nature.
The extent to which the researcher convinces herself and others that the data are trustworthy and deserve interpretation. Measures of inter-observer agreement are the most often used index of believability in ABA.
The process of comparing the data produced by a measurement system to a known standard or true value and, when sources of error are found, using that information to correct or improve the measurement system.
continuous measurement
Measurement is conducted in a manner such that all instances of the response classes of interest are detected during the observation period.
direct measurement
Occurs when the behavior that is measured is the same as the behavior that is the focus of the investigation.
Discontinuous measurement
Measurement conducted in a manner such that some instances of the response classes of interest may not be detected.
exact count-per-interval IOA
The percentage of total intervals in which two observers recorded the same count; the most stringent description of IOA for most data sets obtained by event recording.
Indirect Measurement
Occurs when the behavior that is measured is in some way different from the behavior of interest; considered less valid than direct measurement because inferences about the relation between the data obtained and the actual behavior if interest are required.
interobserver agreement (IOA)
The degree to which two or more independent observers report the same observed values after measuring the same events.
Interval-by-interval IOA
An index of the agreement between observers for data obtained by interval recording or time sampling measurement. Calculated for a given session or measurement period by comparing the two observers’ recordings of the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the behavior in two each observation intervals and dividing the number of intervals of agreement by the total number of intervals and multiplying by 100.
mean count-per-interval IOA
The average percentage of agreement between the counts reported by two observers in a measurement period composed of a series of smaller counting times; a more conservative measure of IOA than total count.
mean duration-per-occurance IOA
An IOA index for duration per occurrence data; also a moire conservative and usually more meaningful assessment of IOA for total duration data calculated for a given session or measurement period by computing the average percentage of agreement of the durations reported by two observers for each occurrence of the target behavior.
measurement bias
Nonrandom measurement error a form of inaccurate measurement in which the data consistently over estimate or underestimate the true value of an event.
naive observer
AN observer who is unaware of the study purpose and or the experimental conditions in effect during a given phase or observation period. Data obtained by a naive observer are less likely to be influenced by the observers’ expectations.
observed value
A measure produced by an observation and measurement system. Serve as data the researcher will interpret to form conclusions.
observer drift
An unintended change in the way an observer uses a measurement system over the course of an investigation that results in measurement error often entails a shift in the observers’ interpretation of the original definitions of the target behavior subsequent to being trained.
observer reactivity
Influence on the data reported by an observer that results from the observer’s awareness that others are evaluating the data.
scored-interval IOA
total count IOA
total duration IOA
to the constancy of measurement , specifically, the extent to which repeated measurement of the same event yields the same values
trial-by-trial IOA
AN IOA index for discrete trial data based on comparing the observers’ counts on a trial-by-trial, or item-by-item basis; yields a more conservative and meaningful index of IOA for discrete trial data than does total count IOA.
true value
A measure accepted as a quantitative description of the true state of some dimensional quality an event as it exists in nature.
unsecored-interval IOA
AN IOA index based only on the intervals in which either observer recorded the nonoccurrence of the behavior; calculated by dividing the number of intervals in which the two observers agreed the behavior did not occur by the number of intervals in which either or both observers recorded the nonoccurrence of the behavior and multiplying by 100.
The extent to which data obtained from measurement are directly relevant to the target behavior of interest and to the reasons for measuring it.