Chapter 2- operant behavior Flashcards
That portion of an organism’s interaction with its environment that is characterized by detectable displacement of space through time of some part of the organism and results in a measurable change in at least one aspect of the
Operant Behavior
behavior that is selected,
maintained, and brought under stimulus control as a function of its consequences (i.e., reinforcement/punishment)
The history of the natural evolution of a species (i.e., behavior is
acquired by the species during the course of its evolution as a result of contingencies of
The history of the development of an individual during its lifetime
(i.e., behavior is acquired by an organism during the course of its lifetime
through its history of consequences)
Cultural selections
Behavior is passed on from one member of a group to another-
Culture and cultural norms are established through selection by consequences
for group survival
Operant Conditioning
The basic process by which operant learning occurs in which consequences
(stimulus changes immediately following responses) result in an increased
(reinforcement) or decreased (punishment) frequency of the same type of
behavior under similar motivational and environmental conditions in the
Law of effect
Behavior that results in a pleasant/satisfying
consequence/outcome is more likely to be repeated under
similar circumstances in the future, and behavior that results
in an unpleasant consequence/outcome is less likely to
occur again under similar circumstances
any stimulus
change after a behavior of interest-some have a significant influence on
behavior, while others have little effect
not referencing an pleasant attribute of a stimulus, it is
referencing the presentation of a stimulus
is not referencing an unpleasant attribute of a stimulus, it is
referencing the termination of a stimulus
occurs when a stimulus change immediately follows a
response and increases the future frequency of that type of behavior in similar
he stimulus change that increases the future
frequency of that type of behavior that immediately precedes it
occurs when stimulus change immediately follows a response and
decreases the future frequency of that type of behavior in similar circumstance
The stimulus change that decreases the future frequency of that
type of behavior that immediately precedes it
Positive Reinforcement
occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by
the presentation of a desirable stimulus that increases the future frequency of
similar responses in similar conditions
Negative Reinforcement
occurs when a behavior is followed immediately by
the removal of an aversive stimulus (or reduction in in intensity) that
increases the future frequency of the similar responses in similar conditions
Positive Punishment
occurs when a behavior is immediately followed by the
presentation of a aversive stimulus and, as a result, decreases the future
frequency of similar responses in similar conditions
Negative Punishment
occurs when a behavior is immediately followed by the
removal of a desirable stimulus (or a decrease in the intensity of the stimulus)
and, as a result, decreases the future frequency of similar responses in similar
Automatic reinforcement
Reinforcement that occurs independent of the social mediation of others.
Conditioned reinforcer
A stimulus change that functions as a reinforcer because of a prior pairing with one or more other reinforcers.
Conditioned punisher
A previously neutral stimulus change that functions as a punisher because of prior pairing with one or more other punishers.
History of reinforcement
An inclusive term referring in general to all of a person’s learning experiences and more specifically, to past conditioning with respect to particular response classes or aspects of a person’s repertoire.
Contingency shaped behavior
behavior acquired by direct experience with contingencies.
Joint control
Phenomena in which two separate but interrelated forms of a person’s own verbal behavior combine to acquire stimulus control of a response that would not have occurred in the absence of either.
Discriminative stimulus
A stimulus in the presence of which a given behavior has been reinforced.
Discriminated operant
An operant that occurs more frequently under some antecedent conditions than under others.
the state of an organism with respect to how much time has elapsed since it has consumed or contracted a particular type of reinforcer. Also refers to a procedure for increasing the effectiveness of a reinforcer.
Motivating operation
An environmental variable that A) alters the reinforcing or punishing effectiveness of some stimulus, object, or event, and B) alters the current frequency of all behaviors that has been reinforced or punished by that stimulus, object, or event.
Aversive stimulus
In general, an unpleasant or noxious stimulus. A stimulus change or condition that functions to evoke behavior that has terminated it in the past or as a punisher or as a reinforcer when withdrawn.
Describes reinforcement or punishment that is delivered only after the target behavior has occurred.
unconditioned reinforcer
A stimulus change that increases the frequency of any behavior that immediately precedes it irrespective of the organisms learning history with the stimulus.
Unconditioned punisher
A stimulus change that decreases the frequency of any behavior that immediately precedes it irrespective of the organism’s learning history with the stimulus.
Rule-governed behavior
Behavior controlled by a rule enables human behavior to come under the indirect control of temporally, remote, or improbable but potentially significant consequences.
Stimulus control
A situation in which the frequency, latency, duration, or amplitude of a behavior is altered by the presence or absence of an antecedent stimulus.
Automaticity of reinforcement
Refers to the fact that behavior is modified by its consequences irrespective of the persons awareness: a person does not have to recognize or verbalize the relation between her behavior and a reinforcing consequence for reinforcement to “work”
A theory that all forms of life naturally and continually evolve as a result of the interaction between function and the survival value of that function. Operant selection by consequences is the conceptual and empirical foundation of BA.
Three-term Contingency
The basic unit of analysis in the analysis of operant behavior encompasses the temporal and possibly dependent relations among an antecedent stimulus, behavior, and consequence.