Chapter 5 Flashcards
Ligament Definition
Attach bone to bone
Tendon Definition
Attach muscle to bone
Compact Bone Defenition
Dense mineralized outer layer
Spongy Bone Definition
Inner layer filled with marrow
Epiphysis Definition
Round end of long bone, mainly red bone marrow
(where blood cells are made)
Diaphysis Definition
Shaft of long bone, has cavity filled with yellow marrow
(where fat is stored)
Periosteum Definition
Fiverous outer covering of bone, containing nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
(Bone repair and growth)
Ossification Definition
Formation of bones
Osteocytes Definition
Mature bone cells, arranged in concentric rings
Central Canal Definition
Lacuna Definition
Canaliculi Definition
Tiny canals, connect nearby lacunae and central canal
Osteoblasts Definition
Bone forming cells
- Secrete calcified material that surrounds cells - making bone
- Reduces blood calcium levels
(by removing calcium from blood and into bone)
Osteoclasts Definition
Bone absorbing cells, break downs bone, releasing calcium into the blood
- Bone cells on the outer edge of bones
*Release enzymes that eat away at bone-releasing minerals
(increasing calcium levels in blood)
Chondrocyte Definition
Cartilage cells
Synovial Membrane Definition
Produces synovial fluid, an
excellent lubricant for the joints
Bursae Definition
Fluid-filled sacs, reduce friction
Menisci Definition
Cartilage between the bones, acts as a cushion
Meniscus Definition
Epiphyseal Plate/Growth Plate Definition
Cap that covers surface that rub against other bones
Growth hormone (GH) - Definition
Stimulates growth of epiphyseal plate and bone growth during childhood
Vitamin D - Definition
Converted to a hormone causing the
intestines to absorb calcium
Thyroid hormones - Definition
Ensure that the skeleton
grow with the proper proportions
Sex hormones - Definition
Adolescents experience a
growth spurt due to an increased level of
hormones, but eventually allow for the closing of the growth plate
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) - Definition
Produced by the parathyroid gland - accelerates calcium’s removal from bone, increasing blood calcium
Calcitonin - Definition
Produced by the thyroid gland
- a hormone that decreases blood calcium levels, deposits calcium into the bone
Disorders of the Skeletal System
Osteoarthritis - deterioration of cartilage at joints.
* Rheumatoid Arthritis – chronic inflammatory disorder of the joints.
*Sprains – When ligaments are torn or stretched
*Bursitis – inflammation of bursa
*Tendonitis – inflammation of tendon sheath
*Fracture = broken bone
- Osteoporosis - When more bone is reabsorbed than is formed, causing bones to become weak
and brittle
Cranium, mandible, maxillae, hyoid bone, intervertebral disks, sternum, ribs,
vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, scapula,
clavicle, humerus, ulna, radius, carpals,
metacarpals, phalanges, ilium, ischium,
pubis, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals,