Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is the belief that only the natural world exists?
What is the idea of studying science, especially as it relates to the origins of the universe and of life, based on faith in God as Creator?
Creation science
What Roman statesman wrote “On the Nature of the Gods” about the design in the universe?
Who published “Natural Theology,” arguing that design in nature is evidence of God’s existence?
William Paley
What French zoologist began comparative anatomy to study the similarities and differences in organisms’ body structures?
Georges Cuvier
What is the similarity of structure, such as similar five-fingered or five-toed forelimbs of many vertebrates?
What term means that information must have meaning and cannot occur by chance?
Specified complexity
What are sudden, permanent, random changes in an organism’s DNA?
What principle states that a type of organism that is better able to survive in its environment than another type of organism will survive and become predominant?
Natural Selection
What is an originally created type of organism?
What is change within a particular kind of organism caused by variations in a gene pool?
What is another term for evolution, the development of all life from a common ancestor?
According to the idea of natural selection, which is more likely to survive: an organism ill-suited to its environment or an organism well-suited?
Well-suited organism
What is an example of natural selection that evolutionists use to “prove” evolution?
DDT-resistant insects
What are the three views of life?
Tree of life, Lawn view, Orchard view
Which view of life claims that modern species descended directly from the same created ancestor species with no variation and no relationship between species?
Lawn view
Which view claims originally created kinds with great potential for variation?
Creation science Orchard view
What is the belief that nothing is spiritual and there is no God?
What is the Greek explanation for the origin of life that living things arise from nonliving things?
Spontaneous Generation
What ancient Greek philosopher did most people look to for ideas about science?
What type of revelation is God’s creation?
General revelation
What type of revelation is the Bible?
Special revelation
What was the main reason for the increased development of science since the 16th century?
Protestant Reformation
What was modern science founded on?
Biblical principles
What Protestant pastor and schoolmaster described plants used for medicinal purposes in “Living Picture of Herbs”?
Otto Brunfels
What teacher at the university in Tubingen illustrated and described about 500 medicinal plants in his book “The Natural History of Plants”?
Leonard Fuchs
Which Swiss, probably the best-educated naturalist, wrote “Opera Botanica” and “Historiae Animalium”?
Konrad Gesner
Which scientist published “Fabrica” and is known as the Father of Anatomy?
Andreas Vesalius
What English physician is known for his study of the circulation of blood through the body?
William Harvey
Which founder of the Philosophical College worked with several others to establish the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge?
John Wilkins
What scientific community was founded in Paris in 1666 by Huguenots and Jansenists?
French Academy of Sciences
Who performed the first experiments disproving spontaneous generation by using flies?
Francesco Redi
Who conducted experiments with bacteria that marked the end of spontaneous generation as a scientific possibility?
Louis Pasteur
What is science put to practical use?
What is a set of foundational assumptions you use for understanding your existence and the world around you?
What is the belief that the world and everything in it were created by a supernatural act of God?
What one believes about what event affects what he believes about the present and the future?
The beginning of the world
The philosophy of evolution is a faith, not in the Creator, but in what?
Nature itself
Who published “On the Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection”?
Charles Darwin
What false belief that the present is the key to the past in Charles Lyell’s “Principles of Geology” did Darwin come to believe after reading this book?
What principle did Darwin apply with uniformitarianism to conclude that he had found proof of evolution?
Natural selection
In which of his books did Darwin propose that all organisms could come from a single simple form?
Descent of Man
What process assumes that life arose from chemicals and is nothing more than a new, “scientific” spontaneous generation?
What are the intermediate organisms that link types of living things that Darwin believed should be found in the fossil record?
Transitional forms
What is a diagram used to show the presumed evolutionary relationships between organisms is the sequence of evolution?
Phylogenic tree
What is a phylogenic tree showing all living things?
Tree of life
What idea states that the various stages of an embryo’s development resemble adult forms of several evolutionary ancestors in sequence?
Embryonic recapitulation
What three human embryo features do scientists claim are demonstrations of evolution?
Gill slits, Tails, Yolk sacs
What are “useless” organs supposedly left over from earlier stages of evolutionary development?
Vestigial organs
What is the hypothesis published by Hugo de Vries that stated that evolution occurred through mutations and natural selection working together?
Mutation hypothesis
What is the belief that evolution occurs by slow and gradual change?
What claims that evolution occurs in short periods of rapid-change separated by long periods of no change?
Punctuated Equilibrium
What is one of the proposed whale ancestors?