Chapter 40 Flashcards
director of church music
chorale cantata
sacred vocal genre that employs the text and tune of a pre-existing Lutheran chorale in all or several of its movements
violin piccolo
a small violin usually tuned a minor third higher than the normal violin
colla parte
technique that means the voice is with the instrumental part
a musical depiction of Christ’s crucifixion as recorded in the Gospels; performed on Good Friday
Collegium musicum
an association of musicians, usually university students, who came together voluntarily to play the latest music before the public in a large cafe or beer hall
Goldberg Variations
a virtuosic set of 30 variations preceded and concluded by a simple air, the air and each variation based on the same 32 bar pattern, name from pupil of Bach
The Musical Offering
collection of Bach’s dedicated to His Majesty with appropriately inflated praise of the king’s musical talent
The Art of Fugue
collection of fugues and canons, all derived from the same subject, for keyboard
B-Minor Mass
Bach’s last compositions