Chapter 3A - Nutritional Factors Affecting Health and Performance Flashcards
Name the 5 food groups and a few health and performance related apps that can be used for meal planning / nutrition.
- Veggies, fruits, grains, protein and dairy
- United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), The DASH ( Dietary approaches to stop Hypertension Eating plan, My Plate, Food exchanges and glycemic index.
Explain the three USDA Food Patterns included in the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines. Is one better than any of the others. What’s the benefit of a vegetarian diet.
Healthy US style eating - based on typical foods consumed in America’s diet with a focus on nutrient dense foods in portions that are appropriate for the desired caloric intake.
Mediterranean style eating pattern - based on healthy us style eating pattern but adjusted to align with Mediterranean dies, which is associated with positive health outcomes. More fruit and seafood compared to American diets, with less diary.
Healthy vegetarian style diet - adjusted to reflect eating style of vegetarians. Based on what Americans eat. Can help prevent heart disease and certain cancers.
Explain the DASH Eating Plan, and how many calories it expects each day. What foods does it encourage. How may servings of grains, fruits, and veggies.
The plan is to help people lower their blood pressure and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and improve heart health while meeting nutrient requirements. It’s a 2,000 calorie diet that emphasizes grains, fruits, veggies, poultry, fish and nuts.
These people may need to gradually increase the intakes of whole grains, fruits, veggies due to this increase in fiber leading to bloating and diarrhea.
People are encourage to eat 7-8 servings of grains and four to five servings of fruit and vegetables per day.
Explain what MyPlate is.
Myplate is for nutrition planning.
MyPlate is a tool developed by the USDA based on the five food groups and healthy eating focused on variety, appropriate portion sizes, nutrient dense food and low sat fat, sodium, and added sugar.
Explain what Food exchanges are. 6 food categories?
Food exchanges are used for meal planning purposes, especially those with diabetes and/or seeking weight loss. They break up in 6 caterogies - starches/breads, fruit, veggie, milk, meat and fat.
With foot exchange’s 6 food groups, explain carbs / calroies roughly.
Startches and breads contain 15 grams of carbs and 3 grams of proteins per exchange with 80 calories
Fruits contain 15 grams of carbs per exchange with 60 calories
Milk varies by fat content but roughly 12 grams of carbs, 8 grams of protein, 3-8 grams of fat , and 90-150 cals
Veggies - 5 grams of carbs per serving with 25 cal
Meat - 7grams of protein per ounce and 0-8 grams of fat depending on lean vs fat meat.. with a range of 35-100 calories.
Fat - 5 grams of fat and 45 calories
Explain the glycemic index.
The glycemic index and glycemic load offer insight as to how food affect blood glucose and insulin levels. Glycemic index and load can be useful tools in meal planning to help individual better understand the impact specific foods may have on their blood sugar.
Carb counting can also be useful.
Explain the benefit of nutrient dense foods! Ex of nutrient vs caloric dense foods.
Nutrient rating system.
Nutrient dense foods are rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals but low in calories, especially in comparison to calorically-dense or energy dense foods. This is important for weight loss and optimal health.
Nutrient dense foods - dark greens, berries, melon, mangoes, and citrus. Lean proteins, dairy, legumes, whole grains
Caloric dense food - cookies, cake, pastries, soda, chips, high fats meats and fast foods.
Nutrient rating symptoms may help you decide what to eat. Glycemic index, Nutrition IQ, the Guiding star.
Explain saturated fat in regards to health factors? Is it good or bad, how much calories should be from sat fats at the most.
It is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. No more than 10% of caloric intakes should be from Sat Fats. Replace sat fats with unsat fats, especially polyunsaturated fats.
Explain Triglycerides in health factors with dietary choices
Circulating triglycerides are impacted by diet. Limiting refined, sugary foods, replacing sat fats and increasing fiber intake should keep triglycerides in normal range of less than 150milligrams per deciliter.
High tris - leads to increased risk of heart disease and diabetes
Explain Trans fats with health factors and dietary choices. Hydrogenation?
Trans fats are produced through a process called hydrogenation. This makes packaged foods more shelf stable (margarines, fast foods, snack foods, coffee creamer etc). Trans fats are being eliminated due to significant heart disease risk. Should be eliminated from diet.
Explain cholesterol for health factors associated with dietary choices?
Cholesterol is required for various physiological and structural function, such as the production of cells and hormones. Little to no additional dietary cholesterol is needed.
High cholesterol is a risk for heart disease.
High to prove that you should limit cholestrol, but you should limit cholesterol. Under 300mg used to be the recommendation.
Explain Calcium when it comes to nutrition factors impacting health ? Where is most calcium stored? Women for men need?
Calcium plays an important role including vascular contraction, vasodilation, muscle contraction and nerve impulse transmission. Most calcium stored in teeth and bone.
Calcium is important for bone mineral deposition and avoid bone resorption.
Postmenopausable women especially need calcium to prevent osteoporosis. Also important for kids growing, athletes sweating also loose calcium.
S&S of calcium deficiency - muscle weakness, cramping, and increased susceptibility to fx
Explain Iron with nutritional factors affecting health?
Iron in body is primarily combined with hemoglobin, in an iron protein compound that increases the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity 65 times.
Intensive workout programs put individuals at risk for developing iron deficiency anemia, which decreases aerobic capacity, since less oxygen circulates to tissues. Other symptoms - brittle nails, sluggishness, headaches, pale skin, and dizziness.
Athlete need more iron than non-athletes, and veggie athletes need even more.
How much iron should men have a day, women per day, females who are preg. Vitamin C
Men over 18 - 8mg per day, women - 18 mg per day.
Female athletes especially need even more iron.
Beef, pork, oatmeal, lentils, dark leafy green veggies give good iron.
Vitamin C can also increase Iron consumption.
Explain food allergies in relation to nutritional factors affecting health? Vs Food sensitivities. Lactose issues.
Food sensitivities impact people less than allergies but can lead to digestive issues, headaches, and discomfort.
Lactose sensitivity results from the deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to break down lactose. If you don’t have the enzyme, it can lead to nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea after eating diary.
Gluten intolerance - can be from celiacs, which affects the absorption of food in the small intestines, or an allergic response to wheat gluten; but usually due to lack of necessary digestive enzyme. Can lead to bloating, diarrhea, fatigue and weight loss. In addition to bread, you don’t want processed foods.
Explain the effect of hydration and electrolyte balance on health. What % of body is water. What happens during dehydration and with perspiration. How much water per day.
Adult male body is 60% water, and female is 50-55%.
Dehydration causes - headaches, sluggishness, mood changes, cramping muscles and loss of cognitive function. Decreased performance with just 2% loss in body weight from dehydration. Dangerous to be past 3% in heat.
Perspiration helps mitigate the increase in body temperature.
During strenuous activity - one can lose 6-10% of body weight via sweating.
8-12 cups of water per day
How much water per min of activity. 5 major electrolytes?
6-8 ounces of water per 15-20 min of activity.
Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium.
Whats the most prominent electrolyte.
Sodium - needed to help maintain fluid balance, nerve function, muscle contraction, and acid-base balance is the primary electrolyte lost in sweat.
Include sodium in part of rehydration so that overhydration or hyponatremia does not occue due to drinking water alone.
Sports drinks work well.
Children and elderly in regard to dehydration
Children and seniors are especially susceptible to dehydration.
Child don’t know how to stay hydrated. Make sure they drink both before and after activity.
Aging leads to decreased lean body mass and, over time, decreased body water. Seniors at risk due to decreased sensitivity to thirst and diminished ability of the kidneys to concentrate urine in the absence of adequate hydration.