chapter 34 Flashcards
- Congress Party
“a major national political party in India—also known as the Indian National Congress. ”
- Muslim League
“an organization formed in 1906 to protect the interests of India’s Muslims, which later proposed that India be divided into separate Muslim and Hindu nations.”
- Partition
“a division into parts, like the 1947 division of the British colony of India into the two nations of India and Pakistan”
- Kashmir (pages 998/9)
“lay at the northern point of India next to Pakistan. Although its ruler was Hindu, ( ) had a majority Muslim population. Shortly after independence, India and Pakistan began battling each other for control of the region. The fighting continued until the United Nations arranged a cease-fire in 1949. The cease-fire left a third of ( ) under Pakistani control and the rest under Indian control. The two countries continue to fight over the region today.”
- Jawaharial Nehru
“the independent nation’s ( India ) first prime minister, ”
“served as India’s leader for its first 17 years of independence. He had been one of Gandhi’s most devoted followers. Educated in Britain, Nehru won popularity among all groups in India. He emphasized democracy, unity, and economicmodernization.
- Indira Gandhi
“headed the Congress Party and dominated Indian politics for almost 30 years. She was elected prime minister in 1966 and again in 1980. ”“was assassinated in 1984 by Sikh separatists.
- Ferdinand Marcos
“was elected president of the Philippines in 1965. The country suffered under his rule from 1966 to 1986. ( ) imposed an authoritarian regime and stole millions of dollars from the public treasury. Although the constitution limited ( ) to eight years in office, he got around this restriction by imposing martial law from 1972 to 1981. ”
- Corazón Aquino
“challenged marcos. ( ) won decisively, but Marcos refused to acknowledge her victory. When he declared himself the official winner, a public outcry resulted. He was forced into exile in Hawaii, where he later died. ”
- Negritude Movement
“a movement to celebrate African culture, heritage, and values. ”
- Jomo Kenyatta
“strong leadership of Kenyan nationalist”
- Mau Mau (page 1013)
“This was a secret society made up mostly of native Kenyan farmers forced out of the highlands by the British.
- Anwar Sadat
“Nasser’s successor, Egyptian president ( ), planned a joint Arab attack on the date of Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays. ”
- Golda Meir
the prime minister of Israel
“the Palestine Liberation Organization—dedicated to the establishment of an independent state for Palestinian Arabs and the elimination of Israel. ”
- Yasir Arafat
“became chairman of the PLO. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s the group carried out numerous terrorist attacks against Israel. Some of Israel’s Arab neighbors supported the PLO’s goals by allowing PLO guerrillas to operate from their lands. ”
- Camp David Accords
“the first signed agreement between Israel and an Arab country, leading to a 1979 peace treaty, in which Egypt recognized Israel as a legitimate state and Israel agreed to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.”
- Intifada
“literally, “shaking off”; Palestinian campaign of violence and nonviolent resistance against Israelis. A first intifada took place in 1987; a second, in 2000. ”
- Oslo Peace Accords
“an agreement in 1993 in which Israeli prime minister Rabin granted Palestinian self-rule in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.”
- Transcaucasian Republics
“Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia make up the ”
- Central Asian Republics
“They are Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, andKyrgyzstan.
- Mujahideen
“in Afghanistan, holy warriors who banded together to fight the Soviet-supported government in the late 1970s.”
- Taliban
“conservative Islamic group that took control of Afghanistan after the Soviet Union withdrew its troops; driven from power by U.S. forces in December, 2001, because of its harboring of suspected terrorists. ”