chapter 25 vocabulary words Flashcards
- Industrial Revolution
“the shift, beginning in England during the 18th century, from making goods by hand to making them by machine. ”
- Enclosures
“one of the fenced-in or hedged-in fields created by wealthy British landowners on land that was formerly worked by village farmers.”
- Crop Rotation
“the system of growing a different crop in a field each year to preserve the fertility of the land. ”
- Industrialization
“the development of industries for the machine production of goods. ”
- Factories
“a large building in which machinery is used to manufacture goods.”
- Eli Whitney p. 720
“invented a machine to speed the chore. His cotton gin multiplied the amount of cotton that could be cleaned.”
- James Watt, p. 721
“a mathematical instrument maker at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, thought about the problem for two years. In 1765, figured out a way to make the steam engine work faster and more efficiently while burning less fuel.”
- Entrepreneur
“a person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.”
- Robert Fulton, p. 721
“ordered a steam engine from Boulton and Watt. He built a steamboat called the Clermont, which made its first successful trip in 1807. The Clermont later ferried passengers up and down New York’s Hudson River.
- Urbanization
“the growth of cities and the migration of people into them.”
- Middle Class
“a social class made up of skilled workers, professionals, businesspeople, and wealthy farmers.”
- Luddites, p. 726
“ was said to have destroyed weaving machinery around 1779. The attacked whole factories in northern England beginning in 1811, destroying laborsaving machinery. Outside the factories, mobs of workers rioted, mainly because of poor living and working conditions.”
- Samuel Slater, p. 729
“emigrated to the United States. There, built a spinning machine from memory and a partial design.”
- Stock
“or certain rights of ownership. ”
- Corporation
“a business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts. ”
- Laissez-faire
“the idea that government should not interfere with or regulate industries and businesses.”
- Adam Smith
“a professor at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, defended the idea of a free economy, or free markets, in his 1776 book The Wealth of Nations. According to, economic liberty guaranteed economic progress. As a result, government should not interfere. arguments rested on what he called the three natural laws of economics:
- Capitalism
“an economic system based on private ownership and on the investment of money in business ventures in order to make a profit.”
- Socialism
“an economic system in which the factors of production are owned by the public and operate for the welfare of all.”
- Karl Marx
“introduced the world to a radical type of socialism called Marxism”
“outlined their ideas in a 23-page pamphlet called The CommunistManifesto.
- Friedrich Engels, p. 736
“a German whose father owned a textile mill in Manchester, outlined their ideas in a 23-page pamphlet called The CommunistManifesto.
- Communism
“an economic system in which all means of production—land, mines, factories, railroads, and businesses—are owned by the people, private property does not exist, and all goods and services are shared equally. ”
- Unions
“an association of workers, formed to bargain for better working conditions and higher wages.”
- Collective Bargaining, p. 738
“negotiations between workers and their employers.”
- Strike
“to refuse to work in order to force an employer to meet certain demands.”
- Edward Jenner, p. 628
“introduced a vaccine to prevent smallpox. Inoculation using live smallpox germs had been practiced in Asia for centuries. ”
- Louis Pasteur, p. 764
“n the mid-1800s. While examining the fermentation process of alcohol, discovered that it was caused by microscopic organisms he called bacteria. He also learned that heat killed bacteria. This led him to develop the process of pasteurization to kill germs in liquids such as milk. Soon, it became clear to and others that bacteria also caused diseases”
- Henry Bessemer
Sir Henry Bessemer was an English engineer, inventor, and businessman. Bessemer’s name is chiefly known in connection with the Bessemer process for the manufacture of steel.
- Cottage Industries
- or small scale industry may be defined to be an enterprise or series of operationscarried out only by a workman skilled in the craft on his own responsibility, the finished products of whichhe markets himself.
- a business or manufacturing activity carried on in a person’s home.