Chapter 29 Vocab Flashcards
- Nationalism, page 841
“is the belief that people’s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history.”
- Militarism
“policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army prepared for war was known as”
- Triple Alliance
Germany Austria-Hungary and Italy alliance in World War One
- Kaiser Wilhelm II
“who two years earlier had become ruler of Germany—forced Bismarck to resign. A proud and stubborn man, He did not wish to share power with anyone. Besides wanting to assert his own power, the new kaiser was eager to show the world just how mighty Germany had become. The army was his greatest pride. “I and the army were born for one another,”
- Triple Entente
World war alliance, Great Britain, France and Russia.
- Archduke Franz Ferdinand, page 844
Austro-Hungarian king and queen, shot and killed that originally caused World War One
- Gavrilo Princip, page 844
The murder/killer that shot the king and queen of Austria Hungary, a member of the black hand society that was committed to ridding Bosnia of Australian rule
- Central Powers
“On one side were Germany and Austria-Hungary. They were known as the”
“Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire would later join the Central Powers in the hopes of regaining lostterritories.”
- Allies
“Great Britain, France, and Russia. Together, they were known as the”
“Japan joined the Blank within weeks. Italy joined later. Italy had been a member of the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary. However, the Italians joined the other side after accusing their former partners of unjustly starting the war.”
- Western Front
“As the summer of 1914 turned to fall, the war turned into a long and bloody stalemate, or deadlock, along the battlefields of France. This deadlocked regionin northern France became known as the”
- Schlieffen Plan
“ The plan called for attacking and defeating France in the west and then rushing east to fight Russia”
- Trench Warfare
“In this type of warfare, soldiers fought each other from trenches. And armies traded huge losses of human life for pitifully small land gains.”
- Eastern Front
“This area was a stretch of battlefield along the German and Russian border.”
- Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
“the Germans announced that their submarines would sink without warning any ship in the waters around Britain. This policy was called ”
- Total War
A conflict in which all participating countries devote all their resources to the war effort
- Flu Epidemic of 1918, page 853
Spanish flue, that killed 20 million people worldwide and devastated European countries and Asian countries like India
- rationing
“Under this system, people could buy only small amounts of those items that were also needed for the war effort. Eventually, rationing covered a wide range of goods, from butter to shoe leather.”
- propaganda
“one-sided information designed to persuade, to keep up morale and support for the war.”
- armistice
An agreement to stop fighting
- Woodrow Wilson
President during World War One of the USA
One of the big four
- Georges Clemenceau
President of French lands during World War One
- Fourteen Points
“President Wilson had drawnupaseries of peace proposals. Known as the, they outlined a plan for achievingajust and lasting peace.”
- self-determination
“This meant allowing people to decide for themselves under what government they wished to live.”
- Treaty of Versailles
“between Germany and the Allied powers was signed on June 28, 1919” assuring peace in Europe
- League of Nations
“The league was to be an international association whose goal would be to keep peace amongnations.”