How does Conception occurs
Single sperm cell from the male unites with an ovum (egg) in the female’s fallopian tube in a process called fertilization
Duration of Prenatal period
9.5 - 10 months / 266-288 days / 38-40 weeks
What is a prenatal period
Period starting from fertilization and ending with birth
3 stages of Prenatal period
1- Germinal
2- Embryonic
How long Germinal Period lasts
2 weeks. The germinal period (about 14 days in length) lasts from conception to implantation of the zygote (fertilized egg) in the lining of the uterus.
What happens in Germinal period?
1) Creation of fertilized egg (Zygote)
2) Attachment of Zygote to a uterine wall, side of Uterus
3) Zygote goes through rapid cell division through a process called mitosis.
4) Cell division create specialized cells for different tasks. Blastocysts - Inner mass of cells that develop in to embryo and Trophoblast - outer cells that provide nutrition to embryo
The Embryonic Period duration
2 weeks - 8 weeks after the conception and begins when blastocyst attaches to uterine wall
What is blastocyst called after attaching to uterine wall
What is Blastocyst
Three days after fertilization, a normally developing embryo will contain about six to 10 cells. By the fifth or sixth day, the fertilized egg is known as a blastocyst — a rapidly dividing ball of cells
Name 3 layers of Embryo
1.Endoderm - Inner layer
2. Mesoderm - Middle layer
3. Ectoderm - outer layer
Inner layer of embryo develops in to digestive and reproductive system
Middle layer of embryo develops in to respiratory system, bones, muscles, excretory system and reproductive system.
Outer layer of Embryo- Develops in to nervous system - brain and CNS, skin parts such as hair, nails and also sensory receptors such as eyes, nose, ears
2 Life support systems in Embryo that develop out of fertilized egg
1 - Umbilical chord
2- Amnion
Bag containing clear fluid in which embryo floats . This protects embryo from shocks, provides environment where temp. humidity is controlled .etc.
umbilical cord
A tube like structure containing contains two arteries and one vein - connects baby to placenta
consists of a disk-shaped group of tissues in which small blood vessels from the mother and the off spring intertwine but do not join.
material that passes between embryo and mother
Oxygen, CO2, water, salt, digestive waste
how placenta protects baby
Large molecules can not pass through placenta, such as most bacteria, maternal waste, hormones. Complex mechanism that governs the transfer of material to baby through placenta is still not understood
name given to the process of organ formation during the first two months of prenatal development.
Neural tube
a tubular structure which eventually becomes a spinal chord in 3 weeks after conception
When does eyes begin form in germination stage
21 days
when does heart begins to form
24 days after conception
The Fetal Period
period between two months after conception and birth in typical pregnancies. Fetal period if about 7 months
nerve cells, which handle information processing at the cellular level in the brain
when is the basic architecture is formed
first 2 trimesters of prenatal development
After the basic architecture is formed when does the connectivity of brain and functioning of brain happens
third trimester of prenatal development and the first two years of postnatal life are characterized by connectivity and functioning of neurons
defects that occur due to not closing of neural tube after 24 days of conception
anencephaly - Top portion of tube not closed
spina bifida - Bottom part of neural tube remains open
when the head end of the neural tube fails to close, e highest regions of the brain fail to develop.
Such infants die in the womb, during childbirth, or shortly after birth
Spina bifida
Results in varying degrees of paralysis of the lower limbs.
Ways to prevent neural tube defects
- take adequate amounts of the B vitamin & folic acid
- Avoid maternal diabetes and obesity
The generation of new neurons after 5th week when the neural tube is closed naturally
neuronal migration
involves cells moving outward from their point of origin to their appropriate locations and creating the different levels, structures, and regions of the brain
The field of study that investigates the causes of birth defects is called teratology
any agent that can potentially cause a birth defect or negatively alter cognitive and behavioral outcomes. (The word comes from the Greek word tera, meaning “monster.”).
When is the impact of Teratogens are highest
embryonic period between 3 - 8 weeks after conception. This can cause structural abnormalities
Effects of teratogens in Fetal period (9-36 weeks)
Instead of structural abnormalities it causes growth issues
behavioral teratology
Some teratogens cause defects in developing brain leading to issues in cognitive and behavioural functioning. This field is called behavioral teratology .
Prescription and Nonprescription Drugs acting as teratogens
antibiotics, such as streptomycin and tetracycline &
Psychoactive Drugs
drugs that act on the nervous system to alter states of consciousness, modify perceptions, and change moods.
Examples of Psychoactive drugs
caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, as well as illicit drugs such as cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana, and heroin.
FASD - Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders
a cluster of abnormalities and problems that appear in the off spring of mothers who drink alcohol heavily during pregnancy. The abnormalities include facial deformities and defective limbs, face, and heart
effect of Nicotine in Pregnancy
Preterm births and low birth weights, fetal and neonatal deaths, and respiratory problems and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS, also known as crib death)
Why Cocaine has devastating effect on prenatal development
because it crosses placenta very effectively
Methamphetamine / Meth effect on new born
developmental , cognitive issues. Low brain activity in prefrontal lobes
Marijuana effects on new born
Lower IQ
Issues related to Heroin consumption during pregnancy
- motor issues
- behavioural issues
- Tremors
- Abnormal crying
- Disturb sleep
Issues show up as early as 1st b’day
What creates differences in blood
1- Difference in surface of red blood cells that creates blood groups such as A,B,OAB & O
2- Surface Marker - RH + and -
Rh-factor, is present in an individual’s red blood cells, the person is said to be Rh-positive;
Rh-factor, is NOT present in an individual’s red blood cells,
How Incompatible Blood Types will affect development
Partner is RH + and Mother RH - then Baby could be RH +
Hare RH+ of baby and RH - of mother can create problem as mother might produce antibodies that affects baby
vaccine (RhoGAM)
Vaccine given to RH -ive mother after first pregnenecy within 3 days to prevent her body to make antibodies harming future pregnency
What are Environmental Hazards to fetus
toxic wastes
other chemical pollutants - carbon monoxide, mercury, and lead, as well as certain fertilizers and pesticides.
Maternal Diseases affecting fetus
Rubella (German measles)
Genital Herpis
How Rubella (German measles) affects fetus
Creates prenatal defects by crossing placenta
How Syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection) affects fetus
damaging later in prenatal
development—four months or more after conception. Damage includes eye lesions, which can cause blindness, and skin lesions.
How herpes affects fetus
when they are delivered through the birth canal of a mother who has genital herpes, usually has high mortality rate
How AIDS is transmitted in fetus / new born
1- Through placenta
2- Through body fluids such as blood,
3- Through mothers milk
Which disorder Folic Acid supplement can prevent
- Non closure of neural tube leading to spina bifinda. 400 micrograms is required daily
Foods rich in Folic Acid
Orange juice
Why eating fish is not recommended in Pregnancy
- Fish contains high amounts of Mercury - an industrial waste which accumulates in Fish. Mercury can pass through placenta and can create miscarriage, preterm birth, lower IQ
2 Maternal Ages dangerous for Pregnancy
1- Adolescence
2- 35 +
Issues related to Maternal Age and Pregnancy
adolescent mothers - higher mortality rate
40 -50 Yrs - Down Syndrome
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
3 Stages of Birth process
1- Uterine contractions (6-12Hrs)
2- baby starts moving out through cervix and birth canal head first (45min-1Hr)
3-After birth - Placenta and umbilical cord detached
a doula attends a childbearing woman. Doula is a Greek word that means “a woman who helps.”
3 Types of drugs used in labour
1- Analgesics - Pain relievers
2- Anesthesia - Epidural anesthetics used in first stage to reduce pain
3- Oxytocin
3 Types of drugs used in labor
1- Analgesics - Pain relievers
2- Anesthesia - Epidural anesthetics used in first stage to reduce pain
3- Oxytocin
Natural childbirth
Use of birth education and relaxation techniques to manage pain and fear during child birth stages
prepared childbirth
French obstetrician LAMAZE focuses on breath control, education and partner involvement during pregnancy to reduce pain
breech position,
the baby’s head is still in the uterus when the rest of the body is out.
techniques to reduce stress during and after birth process
1 Natural Birth
2Prepared birth
3 Meditation and yoga
4 Hypnosis
5 Music therapy
6 -Water birth
used to assess the health of newborns at one and five minutes after birth. This evaluates Heart Rate, Berating efforts, Body color, Muscle tone and reflexes
APGAR Scale Readings
0-3 - Emergency and life threatening conditions7-10 - Good stress and
5 - Developmental Issues
7-10 good environmental tolerance
Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (NBAS)
A measure that is used in the first month typically within 24 -36 hrs of life to assess:
1- Neurological development
2- Reflexes
3- Reactions to other people and objects
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Network Neurobehavioral Scale (NNNS)
Offspring of NBAS (Beazelton’s Neonatal behavioural Assessment Scale) provides:
provides another assessment of the newborn’s behavior, neuro-logical and stress responses, and regulatory capacities.
Used to assess pre term and substance exposed infants.
Low birth weight infants
infants weigh less than 51⁄2 pounds at birth.
Very Low birth weight infants
newborns weigh under 31⁄2 pounds,
extremely low birth weight newborns
weigh under 2 pounds.
Preterm infants
those born three weeks or more before the pregnancy has reached its full term, before 37 weeks
Small for date infants
(also called small for gestational age infants ) are those whose birth weight is below normal when the length of the pregnancy is considered. Small for date infants may be preterm or full term
What is used to prevent pre term Delivery
Progestin. It works for women with smaller cervical length, previous history of spontaneous delivery or pregnant women with one fetus
Extreme preterm infants
born before the 28th week of pregnancy,
very preterm infants
born before 33 weeks but after 28 weeks of gestational age.
Effects of low birth weight
- Low immunity
- Breathing issues such as asthma
- Learning issues
interventions in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
1- Kangaroo Care
2- Massage therapy
Kangaroo Care
Baby is held on chest for 2-3 hrs. during early infancy. Helps in coordinating heart rate, breathing, temperature
postpartum period
Period of 6 weeks after delivery where women adjusts psychologically and physiologically to the process of child birth and completes the adjustments required to return to pre-pregnancy stage
Adjustments required in postpartum period
- Physical
- Emotional
- Psychological
Lack of sleep affecting energy levels required to care for new born
- Mood swings
- Anxiety
- Depression
postpartum depression
Characteristic of women who have such strong feelings of sadness, anxiety, or despair that they have trouble coping with daily tasks during the postpartum period.
Ways to treat postpartum depression
1- Regular exercise
2- Psychotherapy
3- Antidepressant drugs
the formation of a connection, especially a physical bond between parents and the newborn in the period shortly after birth
Is bonding critical for optimal development
Lorenz demonstrated the importance of bonding in graylag geese, but the first few days of life are unlikely to be a critical period for bonding in human infants.