Chapter 3- Leadership, Supervision, And Command Presence Flashcards
Why do some supervisors resist adopting more refined supervisor practices?
Many are intangible and require more effort than those which they are accustomed.
Is Leadership ability inherited?
How do the best leaders make their jobs appear easy
They recognize symptoms that problems are developing and have the fortitude to take timely preventative action before they become unmanageable.
What are the different types of leaders?
Autocratic, Democratic (participatory), Laissez-fair.
What is an autocratic leader?
Very authoritative, goes by the book. Sometimes rules through fear, intimidation, and threat.
When is the autocratic leader best used?
When no time for permissive leadership, discussion and the need for bold rapid action is indicated.
Describe the democratic (participatory) leader
Seeks ideas and suggestions from subordinates and allows them to participate in decision making that affects them.
Describe a free rein or laissez-fair leader
A leader who plays down his role and exercises minimum control, seldom gives his subordinates the attention they need.
What is situational leadership?
No management style can work in every situation, therefore situational leadership lets the leader decide the style based on the situation.
Situational leadership is based upon what three factors
The amount of guidance and direction given, the amount of socio-emotional support given, and the readiness (maturity) level that followers exhibit.
What is the end result of leadership in an organization?
To empower employees to make decisions and respond to situations in a manner consistent with the culture, principles, ethics, and values desirable to the agency.
Command presence is best reflected by the leader who looks
calmer and calmer as things get worse and worse.
What are three ways you can improve your command presence?
Look sharp, act sharp, and be sharp
What are the elements of leadership?
Discipline, ethics, common sense, psychology
What does the motivation of employees include?
The application of incentives, which encourages a certain positive pattern of behavior and attitude and contributes to the accomplishment of organizational objectives.
What kind of incentives stimulate motivation?
Recognition, opportunity to develop, challenging job, increased responsibility, advancement, and fair treatment.
What is vastly overrated when it comes to motivation
Money and other material incentives.
Through use of objective personnel evaluations, what can the supervisor do?
Give recognition.
What is something a supervisor must admit to himself sometimes.
That his techniques might be wrong.
What are the 11 Leadership characteristics?
Friendliness, Enthusiasm, Ambition, Energy, Moral integrity, Intelligence, Technical skills, Faith, Verbal aptitude, courtesy, modesty. P 45
Can you just copy another supervisor’s style and be successful?
No. The capability of the supervisor to adapt others methods to his own particular style is the keynote to success
Sometimes supervisors get too wrapped up in always having their subordinates…
Be happy. Just having happy employees is not enough. They need goals and a a sense of achievement and personal development.
Langauge of a leader should be unaffected, positive, and direct, not uncertain, indecisive, negative, or apologetic.
When reprimanding subordinates…
Effective communication skills, combined with effective interpersonal skills will allow him to punish without drawing blood.
When giving orders what three interpretations are there?
What is said, what is thought to be said, what is though to have been heard.
In a group setting, should the supervisor direct one or more people to be the lead for the task getting completed?
Just one.
When are direct commands best utilized
When dealing with an employee who is lazy, careless, indifferent, or irresponsible or the one who refuses or neglects to obey standard operating rules.
Most orders should be framed as
Requests. Employees will often resent an authoritarian/dictatorial method. The capable, conscientious, responsible subordinate will normally only require a request.
Who should receive implied or suggested orders?
Reliable employees who readily assume responsibility for a task. This method is also useful in developing the initiative of subordinates, since they allow considerable latitude in the method of accomplishment.
Why must supervisors follow-up with orders
Because if they dont, they surrender their authority.
What are the steps in the decision making process?
- Awareness that a real problem exists. 2. Facts must be obtained 3. Facts must be evaluated 4. Alternative approaches should be decided upon. 5. A decision must be made 6. Decision must be communicated 7. Follow-up
What is perhaps the most common failing of an inexperienced supervisor?
When supervising multigenerational employees supervisors must understand the motivations and behaviors of others, their priorities, preferences, and reactions
What are some symptoms of leadership failures
Selfishness, suspicion, envy, failure to give credit, hypercriticism, and arbitrariness
What are key ingredients in leadership within community policing
Genuine participation, communication, shared decision making, equity, self-control, and interdependence
Do officers get more or less authority in community policing?
More authority
What is a benefit of a flat organization?
Allows faster flow of information and communication within the organization as well as with the public.
T of F: the manner of giving an unpopular order is often more resented than the order itself.