Chapter 3: Elements Flashcards
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes using predictive approaches to define solutions before implementation to maximise control and minimise risk, or adaptive approaches to rapidly deliver value in short iterations when a degree of uncertainty is acceptable?
Planning Approach (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes the consideration of the level of formality that is appropriate for approaching and planning the initiative? Predictive approaches favour formal documentation and templates, while adaptive approaches favour team interaction and feedback.
Formality and Level of Detail of Business Analysis Deliverables (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes identifying activities required to complete deliverables, breaking activities into tasks, dividing work into iterations, identifying associated risks or utilising previous initiatives as an outline?
Business Analysis Activities (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes determining when tasks are performed and the level of effort required? Timing of Business Analysis activities may be affected by resource availability, priority and urgency, other concurrent initiates, or constraints.
Timing of Business Analysis Work (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes considering the overall size of the change and overall risk of effort to the organisation, and altering the scope of the business analysis approach as complexity and risk increase or decrease?
Complexity and Risk (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes reviewing and agreeing upon the business analysis approach, ensuring activities are identified, estimates are realistic and proposed roles are accurate, and documenting and resolving issues raised by stakeholders?
Acceptance (Plan Business Analysis Approach)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes identifying stakeholders and their roles, attitudes, characteristics, decision making authority, and level of power or influence?
Perform Stakeholder Analysis (Plan Stakeholder Engagement)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes selecting and planning appropriate collaboration approaches for stakeholder groups, and maintaining interest and involvement across the initiative?
Define Stakeholder Collaboration (Plan Stakeholder Engagement)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes evaluating what needs to be communicated, appropriate delivery methods, appropriate audiences, and the timing and frequency of communication?
Stakeholder Communication Needs (Plan Stakeholder Engagement)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes stakeholder participation in the decision making process, and what happens when teams cannot reach consensus by identifying escalation paths and key stakeholders who hold final decision-making authority?
Decision Making (Plan Business Analysis Governance)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes determining a change requests process, cost, time, benefits, risks, and priority, and how change is prioritised, documented and communicated?
Change Control Process (Plan Business Analysis Governance)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes planning the prioritisation process; concidering its level of formality, rigour, participants, decision making process, and techniques and criteria utilised?
Plan Prioritisation Approach (Plan Business Analysis Governance)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes planning the appropriate approval process including the type of requirements or designs to be approved, the timing of approvals, the process to gain approvals, and who will approve requirements or designs?
Plan for Approvals (Plan Business Analysis Governance)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes organising and structuring information to ensure efficient access and use, and preventing conflicts or needless duplication?
Organisation of Business Analysis Information (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes presenting information with the appropriate level of detail and complexity based on stakeholder roles and needs, and the informations complexity and importance?
Level of Abstraction (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes planning the traceability approach based on domain complexity domain, requirement risks, standards and regulations, and costs and benefits involved?
Plan Traceability Approach (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes identifying how best to define, structure, store, and access requirements so they are usable and accessible for future business analysis efforts.
Plan for Requirements Reuse (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes considering who needs access to Business Analysis infromation and how often, what conditions must be present for access, and organisational standards and tool availability.
Storage and Access (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes the ongoing management of requirements throughout the change and providing information about requirements including reference, author, ownership, priority, risks, status and urgency?
Requirements Attributes (Plan Business Analysis Information Management)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes reporting on business analysis performance formally, informally or verbally, and designing and tailoring reports to individual needs of reviewers?
Performance Analysis (Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes leveraging existing or new quantitative and qualitative methods to determine when problems are occurring that may affect business analysis performance, or identify opportunities for improvement? Possible measures include: accuracy, completeness, knowledge, support, effectiveness, significance, strategic and timeliness.
Assessment Measures (Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes comparing business analysis processes, resources or deliverables against the set of defined measures?
Analyse Results (Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements)
Which Element from Business Analysis Planning & Monitoring describes engaging appropriate stakeholders to identify preventive, corrective or improvement actions to the business analysis approach, processes, and tools?
Recommend Actions for Improvement (Identify Business Analysis Performance Improvements)