Chapter 3: Development Flashcards
cohort sequential design
compare different age groups over time
environmental risks to fetus’ development
2 different alleles
dominant traits
unfolding of development sequentially
sensitive period
where can at least partially recover exposure if previously deprived
part of genome that is observable
uninvolved parent
emotionally detached, little time
permissive parent
warm, accepting, overindulgent
biologically-based tendency that is inborn and inherited, stable across time and situations
favour biology
traits determined by many gene pairs
wear and tear theory
more we use, the more quickly we wear out
object permanence
8 months, realization objects exist even when not present
authoritative parent
warm, sensitive, makes reasonable demands and gives autonomy
germinal stage
to 2 weeks, move to uterus, formation of placenta
start in same spot, we all finish in different places
birth to 2, relationship b/w action and consequence, sensation+action, object permanence
alter pre-existing schema
attachment theory
desire from evolutionary advantage and need to form close emotional bonds w/caregivers
start in different places, finish w/ same otucome
private speech
regulate behaviour and internal experience, internal monologue
Kohlberg theory of morality
pre-conventional: selfish, punishments and rewards
conventional: fixed rules/approval
post conventional: independent principled judgements
quantitive shifts
gradual accumulation of small changes
theory of mind
capacity to understand others are different
critical period
extremely sensitive to a particular environmental input
free radical theory
negatively charged oxygen pulls electrons and causes problems
cross-sectional design
compare groups of differently aged ppl
assumes change as result of age
no explanation of how or when
trait determined by single gene pair
zone of proximal development
gap b/w what kids can do themselves and w/ help of others
fetal stage
8+ weeks, major development
variation of genes
mental rule for separating, combining info in a logical manner
developmental psychology
study of changes of behaviour/mental processes over time and factors that affect it
programmed physical reactions
longitudinal design
follow one group over time
change as function of time
money and time
synaptic pruning
lose of neurons we do not use
heterozygous pair both expressed in phenotype
2-7, irreversibility (brother test), egocentrism (3 mountains test), conservation (tall vs short glass)
embryonic stage
2-8 weeks, major systems develop
2 same alleles
dominant or recessive traits
favour environment
single cell after fertilization
authoritarian parent
cold, rejecting, demanding, critical
formal operations
+12, ability to think abstractly w/o referents, reason in symbolic terms, make logical deductions/hypotheses
conduct disorder
group of behavioural/emotional problems associated w/ disregard for others
proximodistal growth
grow from central area of body to outer edges
cellular clock theory
telomeres on end of DNA grow shorter each cycle until they do not reproduce –> harder to repair ourselves
Gilligan theory of morality
men: justice fairness, women: caring/managing relationships
concrete operation
7-11, understand transitive inferences, manipulate data abstractly
structures of understanding the world that we continuously acquire and build
inclusion of new info into a pre-existing schema
process of creating the myelin sheath that surrounds the axons of nerves, begins in third trimester
46 chromosomes
qualitative shifts
developmental jumps that result in ppl being different than before